Wednesday, September 07, 2011

my own version of the good girl & a giveaway

let me start out with two disclaimers.
#1. these images have nothing to do with today's post.
#2. i've sat here for an hour trying to figure out a cute way to start unpacking my thoughts
& how to share them with you
about my personal good girl.
i didn't come up with anything funny so i'll just let it roll from here.
one of my favorite lines is the following:
"you are not responsible to have it all together.
you are free to respond to the One who holds all things in His hands".
while i know that in my mind
there have been many times in my life where knowing it in my heart
& then living it out
where almost impossible for me.
when gregg was sick
& definitely after he passed away
i needed to keep it all together.
all of it.
what started out as a defense mechanism
ended up as an unrealistic goal for me to keep.

i knew everyone was watching how i was handing one of their own worst nightmares.
being a christian i felt the extra pressure to make sure
that my behavior , by no means, scared anyone away from the Lord.
i wanted to be ok.
that even when sad awful things happened to those who believed in Jesus,
it would still be ok.

apparently ok to me was the following~
my good girl.
let me introduce her to you & i hope we'll still be friends.
(i physically just felt my shoulders slump in shame as i begin)

my good girl is a fun vibrant balance of a christian.
she loves jesus
she sure is happy all the time.
yet also is real.
as long as real ends up coming back to happy.
she has a dynamic personal walk with the Lord
she does not violate the 10 commandments
she loves others. effortlessly.
& she looks good while keeping all those plates spinning
preferably in the current fashions.

yuck. right?

well, when i became a widow
i needed things to continue to be ok.
i needed to be ok.
i needed others to believe i was ok.
because the Lord truly was carrying me in His almighty right hand.
i felt Him like never before.
but i would not let anyone see my sadness.
my vulnerability.
my need.
& my fear. 
no way jose.

i didn't want to be sad. broken. needy.
good girls aren't needy. they're needed.

when anyone asked how i was doing
i usually figured they really didn't want to know.
or have the time to listen.
i knew they wanted me to be ok.
so , that's what they got.
"oh i'm fine. really. perfectly fine"

then when i'd hear the "i don't know how you do it"
while that frustrated me, as if i had a choice not to do it,
it validated that i, me, paige, was strong.
that i wasn't needy.
mission accomplished.

my "i'm fine. i got it." attitude was a lonely place.
all by myself. doing fine.
it gave the illusion that i didn't need anyone
& surely didn't need God.
He was giving me strength to mommy 3 babies
& keep my mind intact all along.

i totally high fived emily when i read the following~
"i have spent most of my life avoiding weak. 
i don't want to look weak, act weak, or even give the hint that i am capable of weakness.
but if you are feeling weak?  Well, now.
That's a different thing all together. I can tell you how weakness is the door
to strength and how Jesus calls us to a life of weakness so that he can be strong.
and i believe it. 
for you."

Christ chose the foolish things of the world to shame the strong. 1 cor. 1.27
sounds a little off to me, but what do i know?
what i thought i knew
is wrong.
His grace is what's enough for me.
His grace is what i needed to help me when i had three in carseats
by myself
His grace is all i need when i sat alone and nursed my newborn
by myself
His grace was all i needed 
to let go
to let the sadness & the weight of the reality of death
wash over me.
i was afraid it would drown me.
He promised me in isaiah 43.2
when you go through deep waters,
      I will be with you.
   When you go through rivers of difficulty,
      you will not drown.
   When you walk through the fire of oppression,
      you will not be burned up;
      the flames will not consume you.
allowing myself to be weak
allowing myself to be seen
allowing myself the freedom to not have it all together
allows His strength & His grace to carry me.
which is how He planned it & wished it to be

we all have our personal good girl image in our mind.
the character traits that add up to be her.
in grace for the good girl, emily so tenderly and sweetly
will walk you through how to lay down that mask.
that mask that you hide behind
& take His hand
lean into His strength.
your good girl will still be there,
she just won't rule your thought life anymore.
i promise you'll feel better.
showing your beautiful, real face
not that old mask.

if you made it through this epic post,
i'd love to high five you
and then
give you an opportunity for me to send you a copy of this fantastic book.just leave me a comment
& i'll pick a random winner later this week.


Lindsey said...

my copy of "grace for the good girl" should arrive in my mailbox today and after reading the version of your "good girl," I can hardly wait to get my hands on it...and my heart deep in it!

Casey said...

Beautiful post :) It's so true isn't it? We tell everyone else that it's okay to cry and do everything in our power to help, yet feel weak and unworthy of accepting the same. Thank you for the giveaway :)

Jenn A said...

The things you've shared are so freeing!! Speaking as the wife of a pastor, I think that not only do we struggle with our own "good girl" expectations, but we also have to deal with what other people expect of us! Perhaps as I mature I'll care less about what others think of me and more of what the Lord thinks. I'd love to win the book!!

Gina said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing your testimony. :)

Susan R said...

He never said it would be easy, but He said you'd make it through the storm. I heard those words in one of my now favorite songs and I have to remind myslef of it so often when I feel like my lot in life is just too much. Don't you sometimes feel like God purposely places difficult times in our lives to see if we will turn to Him first for support? I wish I would just remember when I think this world/life is too much for me that I always have Him to turn to for help and answers. I think He is waiting to see how we will handle things and what we will make of it.
You are an amazing woman Paige and one of the most gifted mother's I know. One can't help but see how God's hands have shaped you into who He wants you to be. Well done...well done.
By the way, I must have missed the boat on having a sense of style and decorating abilities because you have some awesome skill with making everything look so beautiful.

just ask beth said...

looks to me that the pictures ARE indeed made Lemonade out of those Lemons!! I cannot wait to read this is just what I need and crave right now!

Suzanne said... is never a case of "making it through your posts"! You're always a blessing, through your words and beautiful photos. I am so excited to read this book. Thanks so much for sharing!

Cassandra Louise said...

This book sounds inspiring! The cover itself would have me grab it off the shelf:)

Lorie said...

I look forward to reading this book- I am presently doing the bible study A Confident Heart by Renee Swope. That's another problem good girls have is doubting ourselves.;o)
Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your book reviews and would love to read this book! Thanks for the inspiration! Mandy Bowman

Brenda said...

Beautiful post. Thanks for giving us a chance to win what sounds like an incredible book!

Cabogirl said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts...and your beautful pics....would love to read this book!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I always love seeing your photos! They are one of the first things that drew me to your blog!
I am very anxious to read this book, sounds like something I really need right now!

Jennifer said...

In our own individual way we all have this brave face we put on a women, as mothers, as wives, as daughters and as sisters. I'm surrounded by some fantastic women right now that I can't wait to read this book with. As a working mother of two teenage step children, a 2 year old daughter, a wife of a man that spreads the gospel, and a woman that feels guilt for failing on so many levels I can not wait to read this book! I can't wait to share it as I just know it's going to touch so many. It's time for my only concern to be what the Lord thinks of me and my duties and not everyone else. Thanks for introducing this great book and giveaway. I think I may just have to pass along this book as a giveaway on my blog next.

Shera said...

I've heard all the buzz on this book and honestly until reading your review, I wasn't convinced I needed it. I think especially as a mom {with 4 kids like me!} we are always supposed to look like we have it all together...even if it is killing us. I've been so convicted recently about being real and putting the emphasis on my real relationship with Jesus instead of faking having it all together. If I don't win, I'm definitely picking up a copy ASAP! Thanks for the review, Paige!

Micah Jamie said...

This post made me adore you even more. You & your flower print & yellow teacup w/bluebirds...perfection:).

kasey said...

what a beautiful post Paige.....
and looking at the anthro tea cups made me wish for mine.
Love you to pieces...
even broken pieces.

on the verge of not drinking coffee or wine anymore said...

p.s. you don't need to throw my name in the pot for the book....
{i have a book of mormon already coming my way thanks to you...}

Teresa Sheeley said...

Beautiful, open post, and actually your photos do go with it. My daughter twitted this saying yesterday:

when life gives you lemons, God gives you the recipe for the best lemonade ever.

I downloaded the book on my Kindle yesterday after you talked about - wow, so wonderful written. love it!

Teresa Sheeley said...

(sp) Tweeted, not twitted. lol. oops.

cincynana said...

Love your honest testimony... I would love to read this book, I know I was very guilt of being a "good girl" after finding myself divorced with 2 small kids and years later whe I remarried a spirit filled widower and blended two more kids (imagine 4 teenagers!) I have always found it difficult to ask for help...

Rachel said...

This has nothing to do with anything, but that little yellow teacup with the birds---a treasure! Someday I'd like to get my hands on "Grace for the Good-girl"'s a journey.

schwadette said...

your post really touched my heart... i have a friend who lost her husband suddenly in july... and i've often thought how amazingly strong she is. BUT... maybe i need to REALLY ask how she's doing... beyond the "all is well... God is good" stuff. so... THANK YOU!!

Teresa said...

I love your blog and especially this post! Thanks for sharing your heart and your amazing photos.

amymck said...

Wow, Paige.......your post today is "right on the money"....and exactly what I needed to read. Since losing Emily I have put on the body armour and the "I'm doing fine...." I've even made it my mission, my crusade, to minister to parents who have recently found themselves dealing with the loss of their precious child since I've been through it and have conquered and have overcome the sadness, shock, and isolation. Because in that role, I am "needed" not "needy".

It is only in the night, when my husband is soundly sleeping and my son is tucked snuggly in his bed where I feel I can "be". I feel His grace pouring out and while I know He's never ever left me for a minute and it is because of His abundant grace that I am functioning today......I hate that I feel the need to hide it among the ones who love and care for me the most. It's a journey, it's still "fresh" and new and I still have so far to go. Thank you for your honesty and for giving me the comfort in knowing it's perfectly ok to be weak and needy..... <3

Lori Lucas said...

Oh, I know a 'strong' girl like that too. The book sounds very intriguing. Lori L

Andrea said...

Thank you so much for your insight, and your willingness to be used by God in such awesome ways.

Anonymous said...

I think I could probably use a book like this. NOT that I think I even have MUCH of a "good girl" to be honest (think I am more of a bad girl when it comes to christianity) but I definitely have fake or "good girl" traits. An image I like to present and is important to me. It is somewhat important in my job also, image, and it can be hard to keep up, especially as I get older.

Anonymous said...

what a great post! sounds like such an inspirational book... great pics as well!

kdowning said...

excellent post by an excellent woman! sounds like a great book we could all ready :-) enjoy your blog so much and the encouragement I get from it. what is the lemonade looking stuff in the pictures??

Anonymous said...

last anonymous post was from meghan @

Kelli said...

This is SO good Paige! All of my 40 some years of life, I have lived this way. I knew it, felt it, but didn't know how to pinpoint it or make sense of it---but this is it!! Wonder if it's too late to change??

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing, Paige. You are truly an inspiration and I enjoy everything that flows from your heart into this blog!

Jboo said...

What a lovely post. Book sounds amazing! Take care sweetie!


Sibi said...

You need to be a professional book reviewer/writer! Emily must be so BLESSED to have you write such beautiful words about her, her work and pieces of your own story too. I heart that Emily!!!!

I can see how you two would be such good friends!!

I'm afraid that I need "Grace for the Bad Girl" and will have to wait for that release. Having a child out of wedlock at 18, being raised in a horrible broken home, making more bad decisions than five people put together doesn't quite qualify me to read this!!! :)

Love you and miss you!!!


Alecia said...

Gorgeous pictures and what a SWEET post. Thanks for your willingness to be so open. We all have that inner "good girl". I can honestly say she was frustrating to deal with in the past but God is faithful to walk me through all the tough stuff and bring healing to my heart. This book is on my list of "must buy" for me & one for my cousin. We'll see if I need to purchase one copy or two after your sweet giveaway!

Pam McDonald said...

Paige! Awesome post! FINALLY people are beginning to realize how destructive the "GOOD GIRL" expectation really is--both to good girls and to those that know them. Life is hard and messy and, many times it doesn't make sense. Why are we compelled to act otherwise? I am so glad that I serve a Loving Heavenly Father who never laid those expectations on me. Why do we do it to ourselves then? Sound like a great book!

Kat said...

You are truly amazing Paige and I feel honored to call you, friend! I would love to win a copy of this book. I really could use it.

Gail said...

I often wonder....Why do each of us walk a different path? Why is my "heaven" someone else's "hell" Why am I rooted and othes love to fly like a leaf? Why do I cry when I view a animal of any kind looking sad or even so sweet--- I could take it home? Others hate them? Why do I have this deep desire to protect all the birds, on the lake, across the street? Others feel I am nuts doing so! Why do I suffer seeing the little fawns in my yard. Knowing man can't wait to kill them? Why, why, why?????? Because we live in a world where the battle is only in the mind...Not flesh...but...the mind!I have come to believe....We each walk a different path so we can help others along the way. Feel what they are feeling..somehow connect....Letting go The Good Girl is doing so...we grow closer to our God...FREE...Free to be who he intended us to be all along.. Before we were even formed in our mother's womb...To let go and trust him with our ever thought. Showing him our bad girl side...and knowing that it is HE, and HE alone who still loves us.... By HIS Blood I am free! Thank you, Sweet, sweet, Jesus!!!

Deanna said...

Been there done that......thanks for being real.

MBCW said...

Beautiful. Just what I needed to read today, and the book sounds wonderful!

Amy R. said...

Thanks for your honest words. I so can relate to this "good girl". I would love to read this book!

Kim said...

Thank you for your honesty. I'm so sorry for all you have been through. As women, it is so easy to get caught up in putting the perfect persona out there. We judge ourselves, we judge others, and really none of us can really ever measure up - we are flawed and broken and always will be. I believe with all my heart that no one REALLY likes the one who seemingly has it all going on, the super mom, the fashionista, etc. She is intimidating and often unapproachable, not to mention counterfeit! Your honesty is refreshing - thank you!!!

Danie said...

This passage was so needed today. Thanks for being so inspiring and making the weight lift.

Kelli said...

High five right back at you. I need this book and I have a friend who needs this book. What transparent real and I'm sure hard to write. Oh how so many of us try and keep it together, to put on the face. But that is not the face that gives Him Glory. I can't wait to read this.

KTG said...

such pretty white flowers! I would love a copy of this book.I read the first chapter online

Patty Marker said...

I didn't know my "good girl" had a name but you described her to a T. That has always been me, my claim to fame so to this day. I will be heading to my bookstore to buy this book very soon. Thanks for always sharing from your heart. Patty

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Thanks Paige . . I so needed to hear this today, my job is about to fold and I'm a recent widow and wondering what the heck I'm going to do now, but I'll wait on God, I'll wait for his blessing to come forward. Bless you, Sandy:O)

Gale said...

Oh, do I ever NEED this book!! I have several issues right now that I am "putting on big girl panties" to face each day with a big ole' smile PLASTERED across my face!! Talk about a hypocrite, I am the poster child!! your blog!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Anonymous said...

A must read!

Mary said...

Oh my goodness! you and I are so alike. I try to cover myself when I am struggling. A christian leader shouldn't struggle with things right? A strong christian always has everything together, at least in the movies :) Thank you so much for being real here and also for giving me a place to be real. You are an inspiration to me. I want to be a mom just like you when I am older!

Shelly Powers said...

Sounds like a great read! And as always thanks for sharing your heart!

The Garcias said...

I hope to be able to read that book soon, I think it would be a great one for a book club! Thanks for sharing your heart, and your photos are lovely!

3 Peanuts said...

I am thinking I need this book. This post really spoke to me Paige. Thank you for sharing your heart.


CCB said...

God always provides... and you never know where or how... just that he does. Thanks for the reminder :)
I would love to read the book... and coming from you would make it even more special...

Maggie said...

Simplify perfection!!

Deborah said...

Thanks for the opportunity. Your post was so beautiful. I too am a "good girl". I don't remember a time when I didn't feel that way. This book is definitely on my list.

Even though the pictures don't match the post, they're still lovely.

michelle said...

your blog always leads me to good things.....thank you for sharing this book....if it weren't for you i never would have known about it....can't wait to buy it for myself and give it as a gift my best friends that i know will treasure it as well :-)

Kimberly said...

I've avoided appearing weak all my life ... your post was beautiful (you're a brave gal) ... I'm almost afraid to read it ... afraid it will hurt :/

Unknown said...

I always appreciate your honest, heartfelt posts. This book was not on my radar before reading your post but it is now!

PS - I love the yellow teacup in the pictures. LOVELY!

Diane said...

I really don't know where to start with your post today Paige. As I read this I felt like it was me writing it. My oldest son was killed in February, and as a single mom of two boys I thought my world had ended. But, I was hiding behind a mask for all of my family and friends saying I am ok, I am strong, I will get through this, etc. When people said to me I don't know how you are doing this, I would smile and say "I am ok". I can't wait to read this book, I think it will help me in so many ways, just reading your post today helped me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful post today.

Jessica said...

wow. this post is just a wow post. no words.

Janice Smith said...

LOVE this post... and your pictures! :) God bless you and yours!

Stephanie said...

I was tired & almost skipped through this post without really reading it, but I'm so glad I did because it is so timely. My husband is on a 7 month deployment. While we've done it a few times before, the loneliness & sense of loss that is associated with it never ceases to surprise me. This book sounds like a perfect read for remembering that I'm not alone. Thanks for the lovely post!

Dawn said...

I KNOW I need this I need to read this book right now at this time in my life :)

Adrienne said...

This one is going on my list... thanks for sharing. Those are very pretty and summery pictures!

Between You and Me said...

Hey friend,
loved getting to know your good girl...yours and mine would be bff.

I am SO beyond grateful that most of that good girl that lives in me has been crucified...what a painful journey that has been...but so worth it.

Sounds like it has been a painful but worth it journey for you, too.

I don't want a copy of the book...I have one and I have one to give away...just wanted to leave you a comment. :)

Pam said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing with us. I don't think I have ever thought about my FINE's are because I don't want to appear that I don't have it all together.
Hope I win, even if I don't I want to get this book!

My Vintage Studio said...

I read your blog often but do not leave comments. Your provides so much love for family and friends. Your photography is wonderful!

But this post really said a lot to me. I would love to win your give away in hopes that it may provide me some guidance in my life. I have a chronic illness which most people don't see or understand. I lost my only child in a car accident. As you can imagine, I have a lot of anger about life's hand. Not the kind of anger anyone would see or hear..."I am always OK".

Again I would love to win your book.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Amy said...

Thank you for sharing a painful time of your life with others. I know that isn't easy. I am always touched when the pain we experience in our own lives can be used to help someone else and encourage them on their own difficult road.

I think you may have just described me to a "T". My son passed away a short few years ago and just when I think I may be ok again, the grief swallows me up whole again and again. On the outside one may think and assume that all is well and everything is together, but on the inside I am crumbled to the core. The real truth is that I need to learn to be okay with the new me and also need to be ok with the place where my Lord is using me to work His greater good for His glory.

I really think this book needs to be the next book that I read.

awal.ny said...

I have been trying to get back to reading and I think this would be a wonderful book to start with. I have to say that I do understand what you mean about putting on the I'm fine face. When I was going through my many ear surgeries, it always seemed like no one wanted to hear if I was in pain or anything was bothering me, so I learned to put on my happy face and hope that I could fool even myself. Thank you for talking about such a hard time in your life.

patricia e said...

loving how this book sounds ~ would love to win a copy ~ perfect timing

Michele said...

well written. Loved your honesty and openeness about your grief.

christina said...

yes i made it through this lovely post. ; ) how could i not. there was so much of what reminded me of myself.
i just love that tj lemonade. and that cup and saucer... where did you find it?
i SO want to read this book.

Team Houston said...

I so need to read this book. Thanks for sharing

Simply Jen said...

Beautifully written. Beautifully said. I need to get this book! We ALL do!
Jen xo

Carol S. said...

Such a great post. Now shouldn't you have shown us some pictures of your closet floors or the laundry room to go along with this, lol! I love your honesty and all your sides. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do and we can read along. Looking forward to checking out Emily's book.

Home: Inside and Out said...

As always, excellent post. I can't believe how many stories/comments I've read lately regarding this book-specifically how many women are struggling with this good girl thing just as I do. Thanks for sharing your "good girl". We have a lot in common. I look forward to reading the book!

Daily Tales of Sugar and Spice said...

whoah paige. awesome. i can't imagine what that took for you to share but i'm stronger for it. thank you.

Miss Gracie's House said...

so much to think about...thank you for giving from your heart...

aka-mama said...

Sounds like a book I need right now in my life!

Jane said...

oh wow your thoughts are so true and so challenging. I would like to read this book, but admittedly I am a little terrified too. I guess that tells me that I need to read it, maybe God is already working on my heart.. (maybe! - am I kidding myself, of course he is, continually!)

Danni@closeyoureyesmakeawishandblow said...

I sit here with tears streaming down my face. You have touched me in a way with this post more than you'll ever be aware.
Thank you for sharing
Danni xx

Niki said...

Life is vast and having the Lord as your personal savior makes it that much more interesting! I am glad you decided to share your shell with us this week. I found your blog via the Lettered Cottage. Your photos first had me browsing but then those familiar flags made me stop for just a second (He who is...without him). I thought about moving on but remembered that many of us share without trying to scare into our faith. You are one who shares with your art of making things beautiful for others. Your love of your family is the icing on the cake:) I'll stay awhile...keep posting! I hear ya! Niki

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. I would love to read this book.

Lou said...

Hi there Paige - what an honest post. I think we all strive to that 'good girl' and it's exhausting! I admire your whole mental attitude and what you have found in support from God. I am not that religious and sometimes I have a hard time relating; but the way you write about your faith has been like a revelation to me. It has dispelled a lot of the stereotypes I wrongly had in my mind about how faith fits in people's lives. I am so grateful to have found your blog for that reason. And of course for all the other loveliness your write about. We are getting a puppy this weekend and do you know what? I found myself worrying about how it would affect the house and our lives and whether I would adjust and then I remembered that you have that amazing doggie and I thought 'well if Paige can do it, then it will be all be cool'. Lou x

sisandboo said...

Great Post! Go dawgs!

christan perona said...

Loved your "epic post" and would love to win the book! :)

kdfash said...

I have been struggling with this very thing for all my life, I suppose, and most especially over the last 10 years when circumstances beyond my control changed my life completely.

Your post, linked to me through InTheHeartOfMyHome, put words to my feelings on a deep level, words that I could not put together for being too close to the forest....

Thank you so much for sharing this intimate part of your journey. I've never read your blog before this morning, but I am so grateful I did today.

I'm looking very forward to reading more in your book.
You and your family will be in my prayers.

deb said...

How do you always manage to capture exactly what is in my heart and what I am going through in my head. Thanks you for your beautiful words and being gracious to share them with the world.

Anonymous said...

I love when a tragedy can still be used to point to God's glory and wonder. You have used your tragedy and turned it into a beautiful testimony. Thank you for being real and sharing. Barbara in AR

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Beautiful post. One of my favorite scriptures is "His strength is made perfect in weakness."

Nicole Stallworth said...

i hadn't heard of this book. It scares me a little. Maybe because I need it? Thanks for writing this; it's making me think...

andrea said...

Beautiful post, beautiful quotes & beautiful are an inspiration! Thank you, Andrea

Michelle said...

Loved your post as always. The book sounds amazing!

Jodi said...

I really would love to read this book!

Beautiful pictures too Paige; so pretty. I LOVE that wire basket!!! :)


Talia said...

What a beautiful post! You generously shared your vulnerability and so many parts of your story mirror mine! I, too, buried the father of my children. Although divorced, the pain and fear were very real.

I would be delighted to win this generous give-a-way and truly appreciate the opportunity.

Thank you!

ko said...

Not even sure where to start. This post brought me to tears. Having almost lost my husband a year ago, I cannot even begin to imagine what you must have gone through. I still feel like my world has forever been changed by our close call. I have never met you but felt chills as I read this post and felt so proud of a woman who I only know through a fabulous blog. May you continue to share your truths with those who follow your blog, so we may learn and be touched by your amazing journey. Thanks for this post. You rock!

Kelly H said...

thanks for sharing your thoughts - your are truly a blessing every time i read!! sounds like an awesome book!

Jillian said...

Beautiful pictures, they make me feel calm. The "spinning plates" quote had me. I feel like I have 10 spinning at one time and one false move and they all come crashing down. There are so many days that I have to tell myself to unlock my tense jaw and relax my rigid shoulders.

Bravehearted Beauty {formerly LLH Designs} said...

From one recovering good girl to another, I hear ya! I think I'm going to give this post of yours a second read. And I can't wait to read Emily's book. Maybe I'll win! I love the freedom to let Jesus be the good in me. He is all we need!

Love you, sweet friend!

SunshineGirl said...

wow~this reminded me that he can only shine through our weakness~and thats when he wants us. Thank you for the reminder.

The Sisson's Jubilee said...

I love your blog!!! and i'm pretty sure that i would benefit from reading this book. sounds challenging and wonderful all at the same time :)

Privet and Holly said...

Emily is one
wise, young
soul. And you
are one beloved
one. Looking so
forward to sinking
my teeth into
this one!
xx Suzanne

Genevieve said...

"Grace for the Good Girl" -that's for me!

B. said...

I almost bought this book from Amazon today

brockey said...

I want the book and Amazon is a great place.

beautiful ! said...

high five! thanks

Aileen said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Even though I have not experienced such a loss, I still needed to hear what you had to share. He is so good and His Grace is wonderful!

Ruth said...

Thank you for being so vulnerable. I was touched by your words and instantly could relate to attempting to keep all the balls in the air at all times while maintaining the "good girl" image. Passed your blog on to my bible study girls. I don't know if there is a mom out there that hasn't felt this way. Can't wait to read the book!

Beth said...

Dag that lemon drink looks good. Anyway, never even thought about this whole topic-but I think it's what's wrong with me. Need that book for me and the "good girl" I'm raising.

Pastor Charlie Grimes said...

Triple love your post about this book. I am the epitome of this girl!

AC said...

I want this book so badly! I've failed my state's bar exam twice, waiting on results from the third try, and the only one out of me and my husband who is working full time. I will be fired if I don't pass the exam this time. I'm terrified. I DON'T actually have it all together. And I think this book is what I need to remind me its ok. Thank you for sharing your heart.

Anonymous said...

my heart ached as I read your post...for you and me : ) You hit the nail on the head, would love to read more.

JustJaneGrace said...

Thank you for your post. I am slowly moving back into a healing a place. I have just lost a dear friend and spent the last two months walking her and her 4 sons through the process of leaving us to go to into God's arms where her husband has been waiting for her. I have never prayed so much for strength, courage, patience and continued faith. The two weeks before she died were unbelievably intense and spiritual, and her sons asked my husband (a youth minister) to help them as we walked together. Being strong for them when I wanted to let go was so difficult and now the unwinding and letting down is here and I feel so empty. Thank you for sharing your walk - it came at just the right time for me.