once upon a time, i thought owls were ugly.
we would visit gregg's mom's home,
she had owl pictures, owl paintings, and ceramic owls.
usually all in brown.
back then, i did not have the appreciation i do today for the color brown.
& i surely didn't like brown owls.
then harry potter came along
& that adorable white owl of his changed everything.
i present hedwig.
then i saw legend of the guardians on a snow day with caroline.
& darn if they weren't entirely too cute
my sweet home alabama bestie found this little sweetie perched on her front porch
cruising around online i stumbled upon this stylish owl themed baby shower.
i had no idea owls could be both lovely & stylish.
where have i been?
& an owl themed first birthday
again, even the little brown owl is precious.
& of course
anthropologie knew all along
~ owls are all the rage
the winking wisecracker jar. how cute is he? i think he needs to perch on my kitchen counter.
some more owl images via anthro
how 'bout this snazzy little umbrella stand
even mini boden jumped on the hip owl scene
& oh my word. check this out.
little miss addison must love eating her pb&j on this

& our favorite stationary contact on etsy
melissa has several cute little owl options...here's one we love

then of course blabla kids makes such sweet things
such as this.
have you ever?
spectacular images...
makes me wish i had treasured those little brown owls
at grandma miller's home after all