i wanted a casey golden retriever
a gorgeous breed of dog
winners of top shows
used in commercials
gorgeous dogs
thousands of dollars
as it is often in life
reality & the desire to not over spend--snore--set in
& we decided to ditch the thousand dollar dog plan
since i was in no big hurry
i'd just wait for a casey dog to be adopted
not for a thousand
but a mere $200
our adoption agent
(yes, you heard me right)
was well versed in the dog i wanted
a full blood golden
female--soon to be named Lucy
gorgeous & looks like a casey breed
she knew exactly what i wanted
she called & told me there was a golden available
that i had to see
the perfect dog
full blood golden
gorgeous & but didn't look like a casey breed
she encouraged me to just see the dog
that he was very handsome
but not to go into the visit thinking 'casey breed'
don't compare she told me
i patronized her & figured what the heck
lets go see him
his foster home was just across from trader joe's
& we needed a few things anyway
i tell ya
we walked in
met that gorgeous doggy
& declared "SOLD" in less than 60 seconds
& he is the perfect dog
even though he wasn't a casey golden retriever
part of his story is
there comes a time in every woman's life when she declares
"no more"
"i just can't take it "
"not another day"
or the glorious words
"for such a time as this"
i had made my personal declaration
about our sofas quite some time ago
& i had my eye on the prize
glorious gorgeous perfection
all in white slipcovers
from potterybarn
to the tune of several thousand smackers might i add-sigh
i knew exactly what i wanted
my life would be perfection
i would want for no more
i would never be grumpy
i would rise early in the morning & sing
sing as i made hot breakfast for my children
i would plop down into my down filled bits of heaven
feeling as if i'd been hugged by a soft overweight granny-like figure
( not that we have one of those in our family, mom)
& sigh
i would have arrived
one leaves for college in about a year
one will be driving in 3 months
4 colleges
4 weddings
not today
but soon
sooner than this 'i can't live by a budget' woman
my potterybarnwhiteslipcovereddreamsofheaven
were put on hold
then my bestieblogfriend throws around the word ektorp
sounds like cp-30 or r2d2
certainly not cottagey heavenly blissdom
so IKEA we went
who knew?
who knew they would indeed have whiteslipcovereddreamsofheaven
cuz if you knew
why didn't you tell me?
my campaign for pottery barn would have been much shorter lived
as the golden retriever agent simply stated
i too told dantheman
just come for a look
don't think "potterybarnfatwomanhuggingyoubliss"
but you must respect the price
we took the surburban
the truck
just in case , you know?
i am proud to announce
that we
not just i
but we
are the proud owners
white slipcovered sofa, chairs, & an ottoman
they are not like plopping down onto a heavenly cloud
but they are gorgeous
& all of it cost less than one...did you hear me?....one potterybarn sofa!
& i am simply thrilled
& yes
i've woke early each morning
& a song has been in my heart
i have yet to make the hot breakfast
but i did make little bit some hot chocolate
which she is drinking while sitting on the floor
the whiteslipcovered peices of heaven
and all is right with my little world

before i press the publish button~please let me say that i hope you know i am writing in jest,
i love a white slipcovered piece of furniture as much as next ocd beach cottage dreaming woman
but i am well aware
& would never take for granted
that white slipcovered bliss is not eternal
& no it really doesn't bring joy
it brings happiness-alot might i add
i know there are all types out there
some who could pony up thousands & thousans for a room re-do on anygiven day
but there are more
much more
who not only don't have new furniture
they don't have a home
& i don't take for granted
not a single day
that which i have been blessed
there is always some one out there who has more
but my desire is not to focus my thoughts on that person
but the one who has less
much less
& not only be thankful for what i have
but find a way to minister to & help those less fortunate
i just wanted to make that clear