We are switching gears....Savannah's cheer season has ended & we're full swing with Madison's Nutcracker production. I can't wait to see her perform this year. She will be a soilder captian & in the waltz of the flowers~~gorgeous costumes! I'll share those pics soon!
Savannah's competition squad did awesome!! They worked their tails off & won most all of their events. Crazy pressure on those days!
Football games were obviously much less intense & I loved watching them just enjoy theirselves. Too cute!

Well , as much as I'd love to share one of the , hmmm-shall we call it "family issues" that seems to roll around each holiday ( don't worry mom--not you!) and give you all quite a laugh ( insert my rolling eyes & hear my grumble now)....I will choose the higher road & share some images that make me laugh!
I haved saved everyone of these that my girls have made.....love 'em!!
Emi's pilgrim costume & feast from kindergarten
Cracks me up---surely you can sing along "five fat turkeys are we, we slept all night in the tree, when the cook came around we couldn't be found, that's why we're here you see"
My favorite little indian princess!!
One of the main character traits I encourage my girls to have is an attitude of gratitude. I want them to learn to choose to be thankful & focus on those things. Obviously there are times in our lives when things don't seem fair or that our prayers weren't answered the way we had hoped and in those times we struggle with our emotions....wonder if God is there....or feel alone.
But most of our days we are blessed to live days filled with blessed normalcy.
I want to have a spirit that praises God for the little things. I want my girls to realize that He could have allowed the leaves to just go from green to brown and then fall off the trees. But instead, he gave us the pleasure of watching nature & see His glory through the gorgeous reds, oranges & yellows in the leaves. He could have made night simply turn to into day by a heavenly flipped switch. But instead, he gave us the treasured sunrise & gorgeous sunsets. The heavens declare His glory.
My prayer is for this Thanksgiving week which turns quickly into the hustle & bustle of Christmas, that my home will be a place of warmth & love and our hearts be greatful to the Lord for who He is!
I love this song....turn it up!! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!