3rd john 4 says i have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in the truth.
the other day dan & savannah were talking about her future, college choices, etc. savannah told him that she was excited about her future, all the challenges ahead of her next year as a highschool senior and then as a college freshman.
but she then went on to say something that spoke volumes to me.
she said probably the hardest thing to do when she graduates, would be leaving our church.
our church has a simple yet profound goal of reaching the next generation.
actively whole heartedly going after & connecting with our kids and leading them into a powerful relationship with the lord that is alive & real
the youth group at Grace is enormous
on wednesday nights alone about 800 middle schoolers come together for small group , worship & teaching.
& that doesn't even count the highschoolers & adults that help out!
its the most amazing night of my week. my girls love it. savannah & i work with a group of 6th grade girls. it has been a priceless opportunity for me to watch as she leads & teaches theses younger girls. i wouldn't trade anything for those 2 hours each week.
we are also incredibly fortunate
a couple of years ago some of my alltime most fave worship leaders moved to atlanta. one from nashville (
christy nockels ), one from england (
matt redman) and one from texas (
chris tomlin) to join forces with louie giglio to
plant a church. a church whose heart beats to reach the city of atlanta in a powerful way. ( sermons can be watched
these guys have humbly come together
& blown the doors open on worship
louie is so gifted in passionately teaching about the love of God
Passion city church meets on sunday nights
so after sunday mornings at "our church" we head out to spend sunday nights with them.
is all i can say
the first sunday night we went
caroline took notes the entire sermon...darn it if that wasn't the most precious thing
that sweet child
sitting with her little leather bible & pencil
writing as fast as she could
just soaking it all up
during worship she stood up
lifted her little face
and raised her hands to worhip her lord
she was only 7
this past week they released their latest cd
i am probably only one song shy of blowing my speakers
i have never heard a more powerful group of songs
if i had a whole bunch of money i would give each one of you this cd
but i don't
so i'll do the next best thing
strongly encourage you to listen
i think
this link will still allow you to do just that
song #5---leaves me with tears every time

surely caroline & i are chris tomlin's biggest fans
if you're not famliar with chris....you might just love him too
he's won GMA male vocalist a few times
knocked down a couple artist of the year awards
a couple grammy nods
& is the most sung christian artist in america

if you are hurting or feeling fragile today
vulnerable or broken
feeling your praises are truly in sacrifice
i would love to encourage you
i would love to share this powerful song
pause my playlist
sit back
& listen
let these words touch your heart today
& above all
know that you are loved
by Him