i love it when ya'll post random things about yourselves.
i love to learn all sorts of fun things that you might not share otherwise....
however truth be told,
i think i tell ya'll far more than you wish to know about me already.
but a few of you sweeties sent over some blog awards &
for that, i thank you very much.
so i will begin the uncomfortable exercise of listing 10 randoms.
& please forgive me ahead of time for not passing this on....i'm a little late on the start here
#1.The county in which i live was declared a national disaster by FEMA last week due to the flooding we had following a severe thunderstorm & record rainfall. it breaks my heart to see homes destroyed that won't be covered by insurance.
#2. I'm a painters worst nightmare. There are actual spaces in my home where moving the furniture was far too labor intensive, so i just painted around said furniture.
should be big fun when we decide to sell our home.
#3. I start playing Christmas music well before Thanksgiving.
#4. I have a tattoo & it has a great story.
#5. My most precious patient ( as an oncology nurse) was a little girl named Grace who spoke of seeing angels before she passed away. a few weeks later i gave birth to my second daughter & named her Madison Grace, in her honor.
oh , & truly believe she saw those angels.
her tender heart has forever changed how i view the spiritual world
#6. Purple Rain, the Prince movie. you probably are too young.
it pains me to tell you
but in the 80's i saw it atleast a dozen times
3 of which were in a 24 hour period
on 3 different dates
with 3 different guys
who says i can't manage my time well?
#7. My oldest 3 daughters have all been diagnosed with the swine flu this month.
#8. I'm terrible about shaving my legs
& no i don't mean that the actual technique
it means i don't shave them as frequently as i should
i'm certain you're glad i've shared that with you
#9. My husband Dan & I have been in two weddings together.
i was the bride in both
#10. i love loud music, especially classic rock from the 70's.
which would explain why the rear speakers in all my vehicles
are always shot
and finally
I am humbled on a daily basis
by this scripture
1 john 3.1
oh how great is the love the father has lavished upon us,
that we should be called sons & daughters of God.
& just so that we're all on the same page
apparantly a few of you are sadly out of the foot pop loop
so please pause the playlist & enjoy
as Mia finally kisses the boy who finally causes her foot pop