Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thankful Thursday--Wednesday!!

I want to thank each one of you for all the warm, heartfelt comments & personal emails. You just don't know how much I treasure each one.
We took the girls to Gregg's graveside Sunday. This whole concept has (understandably) been very confusing for Caroline. I think she is still trying to understand where she fits in among the story & timeline. She was very upset that he died before she was born. So, last night I pulled out all her Madame Alexander little huggems dolls & using/taking away dolls/adding new ones I tried to clear it up for her. I explained how it was just me & her older sissies for a few years, then Daddy ( her biological daddy ) came along & then she was born a couple of years later. Of course, she then asked me "where do babies come from".....oh my.... We are so thankful for this wonderful dog. We adopted Brinkley ( if you didn't see that post ) through a golden retriever rescue a few months ago & he has proven to be the perfect shocker there if you know goldens. He is a velcro doggy who follows me everywhere. He is an old soul and very laid back---whew! He never barks and has had no accidents. He is obedient & has his manners. What a love!!

Our community has its tour of homes Sunday so I'm itching to start decorating. Yesterday the garbage men took away all my pumpkins & gourds , so bring it on! I don't know if its just me this year but I am completely unimpressed with any of the mass marketed Christmas decor. My taste has changed or I feel like I've seen it all before---well that plus the fact that I have simplified my decorating. I try to put out just what I love , not every little bit piece .
Last year I kept my colors creamy whites, silver & muted gold. I used white poinsettias & loved the simple white Christmas look. This year I'd love to add in some brown & tiffany blue....we'll see. Found this little cutie at the candle light shopping Saturday night at our local antique shop.
The monogram reads MHC....threw one of my daughters off---why on earth I'd purchase something with the "wrong monogram". So Madison & I tried to make it work---M for Madison, C for about Merry Happy Christmas....she felt better after that!
Cancelled one of the two scrap kits that was coming monthly & feel some scrapping relief! Such pressure to keep up with all this craftiness & do the laundry!
Anyway, here are some of my layouts from Jenni Bowlins October kit.

This little embellishment topped a little treasure from Melissa. Even though this is the simplest of my layouts, it was my fave.

This one didn't turn out at all as I had envisioned....oh well.
Have a great day!!
& hugs to each of you!


3 Peanuts said...

Oh Paige...I love the last one! I think I especially love the black and white skirt Caroline has on. I also love the stocking. I do not have one for Miss Kate. The rest of ours match. I am not sure what to do.

I look forward to seeing your holiday decorating.

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to your holdiay decorating too! Such a sweet doggie and lovely girls.


Carol Dunton said...

Paige, thank you for checking in on me... your kindness means much to me... and I thank you for your thoughtfulness. I truly appreciate how you share your experience with dealing with the loss of your first husband...and how you opening help your sweet
Caroline understand her place in it all. These feelings, emotions and experiences are tough, personal and sometimes, fragile. Thank you for being brave..for sharing with us. It helps us all!

I agree with the disenchantment with 'Madison Avenue'..!! I am keeping it simple, but pure from my heart... it's all I have to give. Let the merriment begin!


Anonymous said...

I love the white stocking. It's beautiful. White seems like a nice spiritual color for Christmas.

I love the last picture the best. I love the black and white and Caroline looking at the pumpkin.


Unknown said...

Paige love your style of decorating! I have pinched some of your ideas for my own house! Love your posts and your layouts.

Heather said...

Your scrapbooking is impressive. Great work! I look forward to seeing your holiday decorations.

Kellie said...

Beautiful pages! I love your style!

bethy said...

beautiful puppy :) love love love the stocking and i just got that green vest for my little girl!

Sandra Evertson said...

A Lovely post and Beautiful children and sweet pup!
Sandra Evertson

Jake and Taryn said...

You dog is beautiful!! So is your family! This is my first time visiting your blog and you have such a beautiful family! All of your girls are just gorgeous! I will continue to check in on you guys! :) Come Check out our blog too! said...

Will be giving this painting away in a drawing on Dec .10th darlings along with 7 prints,that will be 8 drawings,1 orginal and 7 prints,so come leave y'alls blog for the drawing,it had some papers from magazine and vintage mica. said...

Sweetheart,I just read a brave heart,after losing my beloved mother to murder,a life long time of fighting illness and 37 procedures I know and understand,God is so good and gives us many blessings.My prayers are always with y'all and yes we will see our love ones again,In faith and love may God bless y'all and giving loving grace to the family.The Lord is always our Shepard.xxoo and warm thoughts your way.

Tina Leavy said...

lovely blog. will visit again. by the way..I'm a short drive to Seaside. We love visiting there too. Rosemary Beach and Seaside are great for photos!