There is a wonderful little farm house about a mile from our home. I think its lovely. White house with a little white picket fence, a red barn , and a small garden area. It sits right across the street from our cute little brick library & park. There is construction all around. Homes going up that start in the 500's. But as I drive by, for a moment, I feel like I live in a serene little country town vs. one of the largest counties in the southeast. 
One of my best girlfriends let me borrow this precious has little bloomers but i just needed one more photo shot with the well worn red cowgirl boots. Two weeks ago they fit. Last night Caroline looked like Cinderella's step sister trying to get them on. She was so determined....that plus I told her I take her for cotton candy ice cream if she could squeeze into them. If she ends up with blisters- what will the neighbors say when she tells them-"mommy reaaaaaaally needed me to get them on for a photo shoot"? It was hysterical.

I love this peaceful little unstaged moment.

Laughing at daddy!

I love having my girls home during the summer, I really do. But with four busy kids-we still have ballet, cheerleading, art, violin, & swimteam going on--I have yet to have a slow quiet day. I long for a daily quiet time. Time to reflect, journal, read scripture. I am quite convinced that if I had my little water front beach cottage I would have these moments---sitting out & watching the sunrise ( ha- as I'm not a morning girl) , maybe gathering sand dollars before the girls awake. sigh

Yesterday I visited one of my girlfriends at her office. Just as I had pictured in my mind. Quiet, serene, jazz music playing, small atmosphere lighting vs heavy overhead, green tea by her computer....such a warm & inspiring space. Perfect for her.
Got back in the car with my four chatty girls & the radio station constantly changing. went to chickfila to listen to a noisy family with children that burped out loud-gasp. on to American Eagle where , i must be getting old, they played the music way too loud.
Where is that quiet peaceful place i ask?