Monday, May 10, 2010

a perfect day

the first born calls me mom
the next one calls me mommy
& the little two call me mama

yesterday those four cuties & my sweet man made me feel very loved
handmade glittered cards
facebook messages ( yes, you know you have arrived when your teenager writes on your wall)
& a new lens ( decided on a 50mm f/1.4) is on its way!!!!

dantheman planted a new tree & several perenials for me
including blueberries....crossing my fingers they make it!
caroline knew i wanted to plant lettuce but since the nursery was sold out

she opted for seeds instead
then she started talking to me about a harvest....harvest? oh dear....pressure for sure
she had asked dan to take her so she could pick out pretties for my garden ( & i do use that term loosely). she wanted to pay with her own money. sweet child

the weather was perfect
so we opted to picnic in the back yard for lunch
yes i realize 1:00 is not the prime time for photos
so these are all overexposed
who cares
i wasn't going for portraits
just wanted to document our special day
so here's a few glimpses of our afternoon

& yes, i even had my eyes open during the prayer
gotta capture that moment right?

they all love the lord
& they all cheer
other than that
all three of my teenage daughters are
COMPLETELY different
mothering these girls is a constant reminder that i need grace
trying to be consistant
yet respond to , react to, discipline, encourage, love on each one individually
is quite the challenge
what drives one out of her mind
makes the other feel loved
whats no biggie to one
would be a near death event for another

i'm long past the pack the diaper bag & fill the sippie cups days
we're full speed ahead with SAT's, tampons, drivers licenses, & designer jeans
we share jewelry, purses, shoes & clothes
talk about colleges, boys, & body piercings
sorry ladies! but your day is coming
i saw you roll your eyes!
i miss having little ones who still "need" me
but i wouldn't trade this stage for anything
my little 9 year old keeps things fresh for me
& keeps my love tank pretty full
heaven help me when she asks for a tattoo!

also want to wish my mom~ 'mimi'~ a happy mothers day
we all love you !!
thank you for giving me a legacy of a godly mom who loves the lord
i remember coming down stairs each morning to seeing you reading your bible & praying~~
every day!
i'm trying to do the same for my girls, mom
thank you
& i love you


Anonymous said...

I am touched! Your words are powerful and your girls should be so proud! They are lucky to have you as their mom. I am lucky to have you as my friend! I learn every time I read! Much love to you my friend!! Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!

Lauren said...

Such a sweet story and pictures! I got a new lens for Mother's Day too ~ from my husband and 9-month-old....and my husband planted me some flowers too! I am glad that you had such a lovely day.

Farmgirl Paints said...

You can just feel the love in your home. I always smile when I read your posts Paige. So glad you were blessed on your special day:)

Amber said...

You make me long for a girl! Don't get me wrong, I love my sweet little man, but there is just something special about mothers and daughters. I wouldn't trade my own mother for all the tea in China!!!

Your girls are just beautiful, just like their mom/mama/mommy!!

I'm glad you had an awesome day! BTW, you will LOVE your new lens. That happens to be my fav and stays on my camera 99.9% of the time!! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Kate said...


Rock on Mom of all Moms...and yes I rolled my fear...but I KNOW my day is coming...and I only hope I meet it head on in the grace you so exemplify!!


kasey said...

suhweet photos paige.
now...i can't wait to see what you do with that new lens of yours.
I can't wait to show you tomorrow what i got for mothers day.
It's pretty cool...but not as cool as your new lens.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

You are always such a breath of fresh air..... It looks like your Mother's Day was perfect in every way!!

You are one blessed momma:)

BTW, you are going to love that new lens......that is my lens of choice at the moment....>ENJOY!!!



Jboo said...

Sweet post -- what an incredible day! Your girls and Hub are so lucky -- somehow, I think they know that! :) Have a great week!


Unknown said...

What a great post! Love your honesty, beauty and the bond you have as a family.

Blessings to you - Michelle

Rebecca said...

i love the kind of mom that you inspired by you every time that i stop day looks nothing short of wonderful...strawberries in the sun...little envious over here

xo rebecca

Martha said...

oh goodness Paige...your beautiful family captured once always have such great photos and loving your touching words each time!!! Happy Mother's Day to you and not only are you blessed but so is your family with you!

Suz said...

What a sweet Mother's Day! I love picnics. I grew up having picnics on Mother's Day at Stone Mtn. Park (many moons ago). I love how you captured your family holding hands during the blessing. So sweet.

Blessed Names said...

i love that you prime is on the way...happy mother's day my friend....your girls will have a hard act to follow with you as their mother...
i am so glad your day was special...xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your family pictures and wonderful Mother Day moments. For those of us who are mothers, these are truly the best times of our lives!

Jen Kershner said...

It sounds like you were properly celebrated by your gorgeous family Paige! I'm so glad your day was everything you wanted.

I'm lounging in bed this morning with Millie curled up beside me while You've Got Mail plays on my tv so that picture of Brinkley made my heart sing. I love me a puppy snout!

Tina said...

Wow Paige, it does indeed look and sound like you had the perfect Mothers Day:) Your girls are all so sweet and gorgeous, your doggy is a cutie too:) I am so happy that you had such a wonderful day, you are one Mama who inspires me to be the best one I can be, so thank you:) Hope you have a fabulous week ~ Tina xx

melissa said...

A perfect day, indeed! Such a beautiful post of your beautiful family!! Sooooo lovely!
Congrats on your new lens!


melissa said...

Oh, and I have to echo Amber ... talk about longing for a girl!! Ha ... love my guys, but still, oh to have a sweet daughter!!!

Alecia said...

So great grandmother raised me and I woke up every morning to see her reading her Bible and praying as's quite impactful isn't it! I love that your daughters are so different...makes mothering challenging, but exciting...can't wait to do it one day. :-)

traci said...

beautiful, beautiful post. thanks paige. i always feel so wonderful after stopping by and seeing you. you will love your new lens!!!!! i am so excited for you. and mid day isn't prime for portraits the pros say, but nothing beats the look of sunshine of the skin!!! so shoot whenever you want. you are the artist!!

Jennifer said...

your pictures are beautiful! what sweet memories to have of your day.

that is what its all about:embracing where you are a each stage and finding joy in it. I am trying to do that as my baby is getting older. Loving the new things he is doing like sitting up and playing loudly!

Your a beautiful mommy, momma, mom!

Love your glittered card and plants. Can't wait to see your blueberry muffins!

LuLu said...

Oh how I'm going to need you when high school starts in the fall for my oldest!!!! Your girls are so lucky to have YOU!!!! I will be turning to you for advice and support :) I was laughing when you wrote they are all different.... mine are too!

Clare said...

wow, i feel so engrossed in this stage right now. it can be sooo tough when you are waking up in the middle of the night and running on empty. i know these days will soon be gone, probably faster than i can even imagine. happy mother's days!!

christina said...

so glad your mother's day was filled with love. i thought i was the only one, going through the piercing stage. lol
hugs to you all~

Jo said...

Such sweetness!

Your photos are lovely as are your beautiful family.

What a wonderful way to celebrate being a Mother.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is gorgeous!!! I just love it. Yes, I'm one of those creepy blog 'stalkers' that always peeks but never leaves a comment. I'm beginning to feel a little like a peeping Tom, so I thought I'd better start participating. Your photgraphs are great and all of your posts are straight from the heart. I too am in the Atlanta area. I have started a little blog myself, though it is NOTHING compared to your great site. Did you take a photography course?

Esme said...

You have such a lovely family. Glad that you had a nice Mother's Day.

SEO Los Angeles said...

What a wonderful family you have.
Those photos are adorable.
Happy mother's day to you!

Courtney Walsh said...

I love these photos Paige. Love that you spent your Mother's Day out on the lawn picnicking. :) Blissful!!

I'm glad it was a happy one!!

Anonymous said...

oh paige! i love your family! they sound so sweet! you are doing such a wonderful job being their mom, mommy, and mama! my sweet girl picked out some pretties in pots for me too! i hope you have a great night! xoxo

Tiffany said...

What FABULOUS photos and some great insight. Come visit us at The Power of Moms. A place where mothers can connect. Have a great day!

Faded Plains said...

What a beautiful afternoon spent with your family.

Between You and Me said...

if I attempted to try what your daughter in that last picture is doing...I would surely die.

These were great pics and wonderful words....

Jenn said...

Paige ~ your words are so beautifully written! ;) Your daughters are lucky to have you as their mom, mama and mommy! Your girls loving the Lord comes from their beautiful mommy loving Him out loud in her own life! I am always blessed when I visit your blog! blessed! ;)

Beth said...

You have a wonderful family and I always enjoy visiting your blog! Great pictures and stories.


Sharla said...

Looks like you had a wonderful mom's day. I love the pics with your dog in them - goldens are BEAUTIFUL creatures :)

rebecca said...

oh what a beautifully perfect mom's day you seem to have had. you deserve it :)

Jennifer said...

wow, Paige , coming here and peeking in on your family is the greatest joy of my day...The Lord has blessed you with such a generous heart. Thanks for sharing it with all of us...xoxoxo

sandithomas said...

I so enjoy reading your blog... love your words about the mom of teen girls... I soooo identify & relate. Scrolling through your blog is like reading a great book... and, it reminds me of days gone by - sweet memories. Your photography is amazing, your love for your husband & children is so refreshing & a great encouragement to us all. Love ya!