about me
but i want to share one of the things that will make this summer
at our home
more enjoyable
these babies!

we've been a family of 6
sharing ONE desktop
now, i'm not complaining
i am very grateful for our ONE desktop
but seriously girls
one place to check emails
one place for four facebook updates
one place for working on projects & writing papers

one in pink & one in red
have made for bliss at the knudsen home
since these bad boys have arrived
i have yet to hear
"i call computer!!!!"
as we pull into the driveway
they are worth their weight in gold
i tell ya!

the last month for me has been a total
information overload
let me roll it out for you
i upgraded my antique flip phone
to my uber cool touchscreen rogue
which i now tweet from
(not that i have a twitter worthy life, but it is fun)
with a keypad for rapid texting
my girls didn't think i'd convert easily
they have no faith
figured out the new laptop
downloaded ( which just about caused me to loose my salvation)
& figured out
how to use florabella actions
and textures
upgraded from photoshop elements 4 to pse 8
so that i could run said actions & textures
attended a photography workshop
& made the big move....
flipped the switch on my canon from auto
drumroll please
to manual
why did no one tell me?
or did you?
what a world of difference that makes
learned ( sorry...learning)
how to shoot in aperture priority
play with white balance
figure out the best iso
& shutter speed
slapped on my new 50mm f/1.4 lens
& i swear i heard the angels sing
& my life was forever changed
much easier to play & learn on
still life