As i got older, the lure of dating, teaching aerobics, school, marriage, babies...blah blah blah...i seldom read, much less finished any books.
Today i finished book 7. i sat back , teary eyed and relished that final moment that comes at the end of a well written story. savoring the moment when everything comes together. the treasure of understanding.
I love things neat & tidy. I love a happy ending. I love discovering why people do what they do and therefore understanding them better. I like my home that way, i like relationships that way, i like my sermons that way. all packaged up nice & pretty....with clarity and conceptualisation. while life rarely affords me that privilege, a good book usually does.
This isn't meant to be an endorsement of Harry Potter, well not necessarily anyway but rather an explanation of my devotion. I'm well aware of the controversy--the whole evil wizard issue. I'm fairly certain the books were even banned from the private christian school my girls formerly attended....so yes, there is a subdued rebel nature in me! But my eldest has always been a voracious reader and had whizzed through the books. A spiritual mentor of mine had read them to her boys--since i think she's nearly perfect i figured what was ok for her was surely ok for me. Judge me on that one...that's ok. My second daughter was not at all interested in reading. Her 4th grade ( now we're in public school thank you very much) had encouraged her to pick up the first book. There has been no turning back. She's read all of them, countless times, over & over again. She has since read many of Jane Austen's books ( so for those of you against HP, surely 'Pride and Predjudice' brings some redemption,right? )and hundreds more.
I decided a great way to connect with my teens would be that i i too needed the literary challenge of a 7 book series. They mocked me and called me 'not a true fan' because i would break between every one and read a half dozen or so other books, regain my strength and plow through another one. Surely crying at the end of the series constitutes real devotion, does it not?
How JK Rowling weaved the plethora of characters seamlessly through all 7 books is nothing short of spectacular.
Here's hoping to finding more treasures this summer....
each of us are that too aren't we?
I probably won't post quite as frequently. With everyone home I don't want to spend too much time seated in front of the computer, while hours at a time disappear.
Happy summer
Go find your treasures!!