I have so much to learn regarding my beloved little canon.....& would love to one day take a class so i can throw a term such as aperture around in my everyday talk. I think capturing the little moments in life and documenting them on film has become my most favorite hobby. I can spend hours a day editing photos, printing photos, just perusing them, recalling the events surrounding them, framing them, and even painting them.
I want to remember life's fleeting moments . I want to chronicle our days. I want to have a tangible record of how much I love my girls and how flippin crazy i am over my hubby. I want them to feel beautiful.....that whether they are dressed in a beaded formal gown for a pageant or pony tails and ripped jeans just walking on the beach....that I treasure each moment I have with them. When Caroline is running the fields flying a kite and giggling, when Savannah is cheering in front of hundreds of football fanatics, when Madison's blue eyes dance in the sunlight, when Emi builds a sandcastle.....I love each of those little moments and each of those girls so much. I think they feel a sense of pride when they see me pull out the camera and know that whatever they're doing , i think its wonderful enough to capture.
I think photography , as many important aspects of our lives, takes time and a commitment. It requires making an effort to sometimes stand back and enjoy whats going on around us while attempting to freeze us in that particular moment. It doesn't mean everyone needs to look just right or that the photo has to be taken with a $2,000 camera or fancy lens, but just a heart that's set on taking it all in, absorbing right where we are.
