I love this last picture of Emi--she usually doesn't prefer me to take many pictures of her. I love it that i captured her anyway with her sweet little smile & hair all fallin' down....precious girl of mine!
For several years the girls attended a private christian school. We have also been attending an absolutely fabulous church with an amazing childrens up through high school ministry. Bible based grace filled teaching at its best. During the christian school days, I knew my girls were memorizing scriptures weekly , often times large passages at a time. Unfortunately , since moving to a public school I have failed to continue encouraging them to memorize bible verses. I would love for them to have God's word hidden in their hearts.
When Caroline was about 3 or 4 years old I began quoting scriptures to her before bedtime. We started with the Lord's Prayer. She would repeat the lines after me...she called these "copy prayers". As I would say Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done......she would repeat each line but instead of 'thy' she would say 'my'. so funny. so it would go.......hallowed by my name, my kingdom come, my will be done....cracked me up. & how poignant as we often do believe its our will & our kingdom--could easily be called the all -about -me -prayer instead!
The other night she said mommy can we do our copy prayer. She obviously now, as an almost 7 year old says "thy" correctly. But that little copy prayer was a reminder to me that while I may have failed or dropped the ball here & there, His mercies are indeed new every morning. and yes tomorrow is a great day to start over.....
ps- these are oldie pictures from almost 5 years ago but went well with my thoughts today.
Stories of Hope-Paige from gfc.tv Videos on Vimeo.