Monday, October 04, 2010

a perfectly simple & sweet crisp autumn morning

 we are having some glorious weather here in Georgia
  we're opening  windows
freshening up the blankets
baking yummy things like chocolate chip pumpkin bread
and apple crisp

lady antebellum playing on pandora
fresh sunflowers
a breeze blowing through the open windows
& a heavenly aroma in the kitchen

perfectly simple & sweet
my favorite kind of day

 the chalkboard reads~
the woods are full of fairies
the sea is full of fish
the trees are full of golden leaves
let's make an autumn wish

i also put out some of my paintings
i took painting lessons for several years
& am hoping to make the time to start back up

many of the paintings i did were jennifer lanne
i love her simple subjects
combined with breathtaking use of color
since i'm not gonna sell them
i hoped she didn't mind that i was inspired by her work
& wanted to "practice"

she's going to be here in october for the country living fair
oh my word
i am so stalking her

i placed them in the little hallway between our kitchen
& what i affectionately refer to as our skinny door
( the little opening beside the garage)
a little pop of color in our neutral home

also wanted to share one of the pieces we brought home
while packing up dan's parents home
which by the way
it sold
what a miracle

i purchased a little cushion & covered it with some painters tarp
i used no-sew fusable webbing
be impressed

my little snazzy slipcover will probably fall apart by thursday
at which point i'll run it up to my alterations bestie
but for now
i'm LOVING it!

i always wanted a chaise for our back porch

so on our perfectly glorious october weekend
i sat on a chaise formerly owned by my inlaws
i thanked the lord for them & for their lives
for the fact that their home sold so quickly
for the blessing of a home full of 5 of my favorite people ever
for a perfectly simple & sweet crisp autumn morning

simple things
but things i pray i will never take for granted


  1. You had me at fresh blankets, apple crisp and sunflowers...those are some of my favorite things!!! I love your paintings, that's great that you got them out. Yeah for closing on the house!

  2. what a treat this morning....thanks for sharing! miss you xo

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE your pumpkin painting!!!!! Girl, you should be selling those!!!
    You also have the same sugar and flour jars that I do~ Great minds think alike... :)
    So happy for you with that gorgeous weather. We have the odd afternoon and I am so appreciative of it when we get it!
    Have a marvelous week,

  4. Paige,

    Glad to see Fall weather has reached you! Here in Minnesota the leaves are really at "peak" and it is beautiful - bring on the endless raking! Love your apple peeler, maybe need to get one - it seems to always take so long doing it by hand.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. my butt would be parked in that chaise all day long eating apply crisp and reading a book. everything looks picture perfect paige. glad you are getting a little fall weather. we were downright cold this weekend. not quite ready for that yet. have a great day!!

  6. Okay..a couple of comments. What in the world is that vice looking thing and did it cut the apples...if that is true, I need one of those desperately. No, I really need one.
    Secondly, that painting of the pumpkin, I need one of those too. I LOVE IT!
    Miss C looks adorable, I can picture her standing on her tip toes while eating those apples too.
    Today is a good day. Everyone woke up in a relatively good mood, considering it was a Monday, and left the house with a smile. I'll take it!

  7. Wow, I had to look twice to see that your pumpkin painting isn't a Jennifer Lanne! I have three little paintings by Jennifer of my own. A pumpkin is definitely on my wish list. Love yours. You should sell them on Etsy!

  8. Popped in on ya early this morning and had to savor it as always then come back by and say Good Morning!
    Your paintings are amazing..give us some more shots of them..they are just so perfect for the Season!!
    I hope you are able to get back to painting 'cause it looks like you have some natural talent!
    Love the photo os sweet Miss Caroline making the sweet crisp....was she snacking on apple or butter???
    The chair....swoon..and your cushion looks oh so chic!
    May you have a Blessed Week!!

  9. I love EVERYTHING about this post! And your paintings are so absolutely darling, I'm drooling! I've been wanting to break out my paints a lot here, recently, but because of our up in the air house situation, I just haven't. It's like I'm living with life on hold. Not such a great way to live, by the way. It's draining.

    Also, that apple peeler looked amazing. I love the photo! Your blog was like a breath of fresh air today.


  10. I love apple's one of my all-time favorite desserts. And pumpkin bars. So many reasons to love fall. :)

    Those paintings are just adorable!! I DO hope you find time to do more!!

  11. Sweeet!!! So happy to hear what a glorious morning/day you had! From apple crisp to that adorable lounger and your paintings -- gorgeous!!


  12. hi Paige! that crisp fall decorating and apple yumminess looks perfect right now!!!
    i really REALLY like your pumpkin should totally sell those..........

    i too am going to miss you at my sale...i so wish you could be here :)

  13. A lovely restful post as always. I like just easing through your images - gently and with time on my hands. Good to hear you are well. Lou x

  14. Paige- The weather IS wonderful! Pretty sure North Carolina is getting the same temps and sweet breezes as Georgia! You know by now I am a huge fan of your blog...this post delivered a BIG SMILE again!
    I was listening to Lady Antebellum when I was reading it ;-)...and
    I too have those same jars on my kitchen counter...
    BTW...I really like the shade on your lamp - did you make it?
    Loved the saying on your chalkboard so much I put it on mine just now...
    Caroline is so precious- I miss baking with my daughter ( now 27 ) but I look forward to making cookies with my Grand-daughter ( 2 ) very soon!
    You have a real gift for painting...
    I can see my easel from my desk..full of blank canvases...and paints...
    I want to get back to painting myself...hopefully soon.
    Congratulations on selling the house!!
    Love the chaise and great job on the cushion...Beautiful! made my day again...
    Oh...almost forget...I'm planning on coming to Atlanta for the Country Living Fair...maybe we can meet and share a cup of joe!!
    Take Care!
    Tammy :-)

  15. Gorgeous photos and gorgeouser state of mind!

    I just made some Apple Strudel muffins, but that wouldn't stop me from scarfing a heaping bowl-full of your apple crisp...

  16. Now this is just lovely Paige and very impressed by your chaise cover. And well I love your words and everything else on this post...and now hungry for a warm apple crisp...yummm.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Is that dishwashing soap in your soap dispenser on your sink? If so, what brand is it? I love the color! Usually dish soap is too dark/bright blue. Thanks!

  19. I always love, love your photos and posts...such great weather it has been...and that chase I love too...actually everything...
    and I was just going to say...why don't you sell your paintings??? You should!!!

  20. Your paintings are beautiful. I love Jennifer Lanne too. I found her from a magazine article and love her style of painting. Best wishes :)

  21. i love the paintings hanging up, the one of the pumpkin looks amazing! i know you are so happy about closing on the house, that is great news!

  22. Love baking with apples and the way it makes the house smell, perfect smell for fall. Love your new chaise, the painters cloth should hold up well I pretty much did the same thing and it is still intact even after being rained on!

  23. your paintings are wonderful! and, ohhhhhh that apple crisp looks yummy!

  24. I love your lounge chair! Your Post made me so happy. it was so fallish and is getting me in the mood!

  25. Love it all. Autumn is my FAVORITE season and we don't really have it here:(

  26. PS. love your paintings...especially the pumpkin.

  27. Another PS...I have the same sugar and flour jars too AND that coffee maker!!

  28. I love Jennifer Lanne, too! I wanted to purchased some of her work but then got sidetracked. Saw her several years ago in...Country Living was it???

    Smelling the apple crisp from here. Mmmmm!


  29. i have GOT to get an apple peeler/corer/slicer thingy!

    your photos are beautiful!

  30. i love the chippy frames they are perfect! as always your pictures are so lovely!! your home looks so warm and welcoming i would love to lounge on those chairs! have a beautiful day! susan

  31. p.s. your paintings are lovely!!

  32. I love stopping by your blog! My eyes just get such a warm and joyful pick me up. Your home is beautiful and I LOVE your paintings that you've created. I am going to have to look up the artist that inspired you.

    So glad I stopped over. Now I want to go make some apple crisp!

    Lee Ann

  33. this is so beautiful! the photos are filled with life.
    happy autumn my friend.

  34. Love you, thanks for the encouragement xxx

  35. Paige , simply lovely ! Makes me want to head up to higher ground when you describe it like that ! Susanne

  36. oh my goodness.
    love the paintings..
    love the sunflowers...
    love the outside did a fantastic job covering your lounge chair outside!

    paige...I LOVED this post.

    I want one of those pumpkins.
    the end.
    and I want some apple crisp.
    and I want my house to sell in GA..
    congrats to you that your in-laws house sold!!!!

  37. Looks absolutely yummy!
    And how cute is your girl holding that bowl out? So proud of herself. :-)

    Congrats on closing on the house, that's a HUGE relief.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  38. Congrats on
    the house ~
    what a weight
    lifted : )
    We have that
    apple peeling-
    thingy and
    I'm going to
    dig it out,
    TODAY! Thanks
    for the perfect
    xx Suzanne

  39. It has been gorgeous here in NE too...lots of baking was done this weekend. Love how your chair cushion turned out.

  40. Oops...I forgot to mention that your paintings are the pop of color they add to your home.

  41. love the chaise, I hope you got to enjoy it after a series of stressful, sad days. Your home looks so calm...that's why I come here. The calm ambience you create here makes me want to replicate that in my own home.


  42. great post.... there is something so wonderful about chilly mornings, warm food, and family at home that makes FALL so much fun,

  43. looks very fall and very cozy. You bought that awesome pie plate! I almost did.

  44. Great post!! Love the photos...the sunflowers....oh, and I get to see Lady A later this month, SO excited! I am going to make pumpkin choc chip muffins Friday night.
    Say, I love those white chippy frames of yours....where did you find them????


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