Wednesday, October 06, 2010

how 'bout them dawgs & more

yesterday dan & i spent the day with savannah
touring the UGA campus

couldn't have been a more perfect day

the two girls that gave us the tour
were surely two of the cutest girls on that campus

i wished SMK could have hung out at jittery joes
drinking cappucinos with those two
& really chatting about life at Georgia
housing, greek life, the rocking food plan
all of it

i teared up when cutiepatootie tour guide Laura
gave us the history of the arches

they made me fall in love with that awesome school
& fantastic college town
in fact
 i think i want to apply

or atleast move there
i'm. not. kidding.

& no
these pics were not taken while we were in Athens
but i figured since they are SMK
& they are some of my faves
that i could exploit them a tad & share them
once again

mmmkay.... probably committing a blog crime here

but after cleaning out little bit's closets & taking a mass amount of items to be donated
i plan on listing my two faves on ebay

but thought i'd bypass the middle man 
& see if any of ya'll are interested

so here's the scoop
both are in great like-new condition
i see no visible signs of wear, tears, etc

both were custom made
& sized approximately a size 7

the first one was purchased from
ohsosassy on etsy
& measures 28 1/2" in length
i will list this one for $15

the other was purchased from Jeanne's wonderful

i feel you have some flexibility with this little number
i probably had her size this for a 7
but could easily be a larger 6

CEK wore this as both a dress & with jeans
loved it
one of my all time total fave's

length is 27 1/2"
& i'd like to ask $25 for this one

i tried to give you a few close ups
& then a couple to see how the little apron in front lays...preciousness

if you're interested either leave me a comment or email me at
also, will ship priority mail $5

heading out
with Brinkley on his first run
status post sprained ankle
wish us luck

& ps
Athens was awesome
next up.......

war eagle


holy moly....

those puppies sold within 2 minutes of being listed
shoot...why didn't i do this before?
ok...i'm off for my run before i get emails with SEC angst in the subject line wink!


  1. I want the Bushel and a Peck one! My Paige will love it.

  2. Oh deadgummit! I just saw the note at the end. I didn't even bother to read to the end when I saw the dresses. I just saw that there were no comments and figured, "Perfect, it's mine". Oh well.

  3. I just have to say...that one is precious with jeans...she looks so comfy and happy. And she has style! ;)

  4. Oh it must be so fun touring colleges, very exciting :)

    Love Savannahs's shoes by the way, you have such stylish girls - those apples didn't fall from the tree did they ;)

    LOVE love love those dresses - my 9 yr old is still a girly girl and loves dresses but I do love those styles you get for age 4-6, adorable!

    Hope Brinkley does okay xx

  5. Great pictures as always and how fun looking at all the college campuses. Hopefully my babies will stop growing up so I don't have to worry about them leaving their mama, okay I'm done dreaming now ;)

  6. College visits with my sons always made me want to sign up too -- though they were aghast at even thinking of me when I was a college coed!! What fun!

    Your girls are so cute! Love those dresses -- wish I would have read this sooner as those might have fit my little girl. Have a great day. Hope your doggie does ok on the run!


  7. I wish I had been quicker! I love both the of the dresses and may daughter wears a 7. Please let me know if you post anything on Ebay.

    I also wish I had known you were coming to UGA. I work in Public Relations here and we are in the same division as the Visitor's Center. Eric, Natalie and their crew do a fantasic job over there. I am a UGA alum myself and fall here is beautiful. Too bad the dawgs aren't performing very well this year. I'll be working at the game on Saturday. Hope our luck changes!

    Please let me know if y'all come to campus again and I'll be happy to help you in any way that I can! GOOOO Dawgs!

  8. Just wishing I had a cutie little bit girlie to dress up myself .. or even a big bit girlie!! ;) Those are darling dresses!!
    Yay for UGA and Auburn too! Both beautiful campuses .. we have LOTS of friends at Auburn

  9. what an exciting time for you and your daughter. old colleges with character make me wish i was young again. i think that is how i would choose one now. by the beautiful old buildings and what the quad looked like.

  10. Isnt Jeanne (B&P) the bomb? I cant wait for her Winter line!! I think it comes out in 2 weeks...
    Can I tell you again how precious your girls are?! XOX

  11. Gorgeous Post AS always!! My baby girl is two sizes to big.. but your taste is A-mazing! Photos are rocking as are the words.... always ;)

    Oh And WAR EAGLE!!
    You will love the plains...
    just ask Miss Heather H. ;)


  12. I can't get over how beautiful your girls are...your pictures of them are stunning. Way to go on selling the items.

  13. Now that I live in a college town myself, I have to say, it's kinda awesome. Every time I drive by CSU I want to go back to school. lol How fun to be doing that with your girl!! :)

  14. i think it's time to get your own email addy.
    just sayin...
    and how come i have to sign in under google acct now?
    bring back name and web addy please!

  15. Hey There! Just thought I'd drop by and second what a wonderful campus and school UGA is. I graduated a year ago-majored in Fashion Merchandising and my hubby graduated from Vet school there in May. We love Athens so much that we kept our house there and are doing everything in our power to move back!!There are so many great churches and organizations there. Would be happy to offer any advice!! Have a blessed day!

  16. I love those boots Savannah has on!!!
    & love Miss Caroline's style... too bad my Joleigh Caroline is a bit older or I woulda tried to snap those up!
    Always a pleasure to pop in and see what yall are up to!!
    Seems like just yesterday I was touring colleges with my goes by so fast!!
    Happy Wednesday!!

  17. dang ... you know better than to list these to the general public!!! ;)

    war Eagle!!! she'll be a perfect alpha gam ... don't let any of your chi o friends tell you any different either :)



    Loved my time in Athens...
    met my man there....

    Tell her to get involved in a campus ministry ASAP. (we went to Wesley)

    I know it's a methodist campus ministry, but who's awesome. They have a FABULOUS freshman ministry called FRESHLEY.

    if I could fit into those cute clothes...i would have bought them. for real.

    do you think God will let me? :)

  19. Great pictures Paige. I love the one of the jeans with the dress. How exciting that your daughter is looking at colleges...sometimes I wish I could have a redo and go to college again. Best wishes :)

  20. Fun pics...ILOVE the picture of the blue dres...sooo beautiful...all the fun textures of the dress and the jewelry...sounds like you all had a blast on your visit...I pray the Lord will give you all wisdom and make his plan known for your wonderful daughter as she enters into this new season of life. Blessings friend :-)

  21. Good morning
    my multi-tasking
    bloggy friend!
    Love the pics and
    your salesmanship...
    Works for me : )!
    There might be
    an e-bay store in
    your future!
    xx Suzanne

  22. We're doing the same thing! My daughter toured Georgia Tech on Tuesday. Not sure when we will hit UGA - but her applications are in at both schools and Auburn. Sending Clemson, soon.

  23. Next time ask me first!!!! Those are sooo stinkin' cute...bummer:(

  24. I'm sure wishing that my little bit was a year younger than your little bit!

  25. Seriously your girls are just so darn pretty!!! LOVE the cowboy boots! Glad the blog sale went well :) Happy college hunting...

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  26. Oh how fun...I love the pics too

  27. Okay so I guess you've found a new way to sell stuff. Worked out pretty great huh? I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like when we start touring colleges. It almost makes me a little teary. sniff sniff.

  28. ugh I miss everything! ;) Super cute pics of your girlies. xo

  29. Okay Paige, I think it's just a case of "If Paige loves it, I have to have it" :) And that little cutie doesn't hurt looking so adorable in her clothes!

    So happy the tour went well, although how do you send her off to college? What a beautiful girl and I know from your posts, inside AND out. Sigh...okay, you do this first and then help me through it down the road.


  30. Your girls slay me - they are so absolutely gorgeous!
    We will be doing the college tour thing in a year and I can't believe it!!!!
    I hope your weekend was fabulous and that you have a wonderful week my friend,


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