Friday, October 01, 2010


first of all
from the bottom of my heart

to know that so many of you are lifting prayers up for my friends
is worth more than anything

i feel the need to sync my social network status
round up facebook status & tweets over the last few weeks
 here's to the randomness of life

isn't it?

 remember little bit asked if we'd get her a turtle?
no way jose
 was my basic answer
funny thing...just a few days later
low & behold
we found a turtle in our yard
so we photo opp'd with the little fella

see him down there?

we began to worry that perhaps mr turtle was stuck
for days we would only see him peeking from under our porch
being the animal softie i am
i did the respectable thing
called in big daddy to save the day
 "figure out a way to get the little guy out"

well anytime he'd show his face
& we'd get near him, he scurry back underneath

i laid awake at night worrying that mr turtle was
sure to die a certain untimely death
beneath my back porch

several days passed
i peeked under there constantly but couldn't find him

but this story
has a happy ending

 sunday afternoon we finally got some rain
& sure 'nuf
out crawled mr turtle
praise god
he spent about an hour hanging in a big puddle
& then crawled off into the sunset
so to speak

my running partner
aka brinkley
apparently sprained his ankle
$421 at the vet to prove it
( he may have twisted it during our run...i feel horrible...who knew)

pain meds & strict rest for two weeks
he stands at the window & cries when he sees me putting on my running shoes
i tried to photograph him yesterday after my run
i think he was kinda mad at me...
hence the i'm not looking at you pose

been sprucing up the home for fall
this was my september kitchen vignette
prior to its october make-over
shoot...forgot to upload that photo

traded out the thriving fern

for some pumpkins
which i must tell you
are in abundance this year

i usually road trip for all my funky ones
but walmart has totally stepped up to the plate this year

of course it always causes me a little stress
when people--aka check out lady at walmart-- picks up a pumpkin or gourd by their stem
oh for heavens sake lady
its all about the stem

 & speaking of walmart
i made it home with one of these
darby said so
goodbye microwave popcorn

yes my friends
walmart carries meyer's clean day products

out of order image of gorgeous
 gigantic cinderella pumpkin

my fashionable olive oil

the girls dressed up for decade day during homecoming week

can you say itchy wig?

& hello to sandy from Grease

thrill of thrills
i found a totally anthropologie worthy sweater
at tjmaxx

insert awkward self portrait

 bought two of course

my boots arrived from Ruche
i <3 Ruche

i feel the need to tell you
that despite how they look
those are NOT mom jeans
but sadly they look sorta momjeanish in the photo
they aren't
pinky swear

still having fun editing photos from savannah's homecoming

the end


  1. Gosh, girlie,
    YOU have been
    busy this week!
    Love the little
    velvet pumpkin
    in your table
    been wanting one
    of those : ) I
    bought squash from
    Walmart this week
    for dinner...who'd
    have thought??
    Have a great weekend!
    xx Suzanne

  2. i love your september vignette. so much i probably wouldn't have traded it out for october. oh well that's just me. those sweaters are great. might have to find me a tj maxx. have a great weekend. xo!

  3. I love me some pumpkins....but in white of course.
    and green.
    I love your jeans...just make sure you don't wear a jean jacket.
    p.s. grey ruffled number of mine is from T.j.

  4. Paige,

    Awe the turtle is too cute. I understand the "not wanting a turtle". We went through it at our house too. I finally caved and it has been no big deal at all. We have a very small turtle in a little fish bowl. Feed it once a day, clean the bowl every other week. It is super easy. Easier than a fish really. Cleaning the bowl doesn't even take five minutes. I just dump it out and add new. The key is not feeding it too often. Turtles will beg for food when they see someone looking in their bowl, but they don't really need to eat. Over feeding just makes you have to clean the bowl more often. Also, just have to make sure the kids wash their hands every time they touch it.

    I'll post a little picture on my blog.

    Still praying for you.....


    P.S We are heading out this morning to get some pumpkins ourselves....can't wait.

  5. Ok-ay, where to start with this post of gorgeous-ness!

    LOVE love love those cardigans, SO cute. And the boots! How fabulous do you look, amazing?!!!

    Don't ever invite me to your house as I would be sneaking your photo frames into the extra-large bag I would bring with me just for that purpose!!! LOL! Have never yet seen one at your home that I didn't love!! I do have a thing for frames :)

    Love the 70s outfits - I have to go to an Abba evening at school now thinking that maybe a wig is the way to go....hmmmmmm.....

    Savannah looks so beautiful as do all her friends - love the blue of her dress.

    And is Little Bit looking a little older or is it just me?! How did that happen?! ;)

    Love the cute turtle....and get well soon Brinkley :)

    And finally, LOVE those pumpkins, great selection!

    Happy Week-end honey xoxo

  6. Well haven't you been busy Paige! Love those sweaters, and your beautiful girls just can't take a bad picture...I just succumbed to adding a hamster to our house....not too bad, yet!
    Have a fabulous day, my dear!

  7. Great post girl. LOVE when you show snippets of your home and a picture of YOU is always a fun treat. You're looking good girl. Have you been running a little extra...seriously! Have a great weekend friend.

  8. Fantastic Post! Love it all as usual! I'm so happy you included a post of seeing that great smile!
    and WHERE OH WHERE did you get the velvet pumpkin...I saw a vingette pic of those from the Texas want one!
    and WalMart has all those great pumpkins?...K... I'm headed to Wally World (and TJ Maxx) right now...LOL
    Have a great weekend!
    and I always love seeing those beautiful girls!
    Tammy :-)

  9. well I meant to say " PIC of yourself..not POST"...
    I'm all excited about that sweater and those pumpkins....I'm a big Dork today!
    Tammy :-)

  10. I loooove your pumpkins! Up here in Iowa the pumpkin crop suffered badly from all the rain, I can't find ANY of the funky ones this year, even at the pumpkin patches, just some basic orange ones in different sizes!

  11. So much to love in this post!
    Real life, and wonderful randomness, a peek into your corner of the world.

    Glad you're smiling, you look faboo in your new duds. :-)


  12. Great sweaters from T.J. Maxx and I love your pumpkins. I wish our Walmart would step it up, we only have tiny ordinary ones :(

  13. LOVE all the pumpkins and your cute sweaters! Those do not look like Mom jeans to me!

  14. Love this update post of yours!! So cute! Happy to see that adorable little turtle. I have a dwarf froggie that I could box up for your little one! ;)

    Do you mind if I copy some (or all) of your fall decorations? You and your girls are so adorable!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  15. Your home is absolutely beautiful! I just started buying Meyers cleaning products BECAUSE I saw them at Walmart! Yeah for Wal-mart having everything I need! And as for that BEAUTIFUL sweater, the grey one, I'm swinging by TJ MAXX to see if they have any of those here in Austin! I must have that sweater, it's adorable! You look FABULOUS! Have a blessed day.

  16. Okay, hands down... Cutest. Post. Ever. :) Love how you write, Paige!

  17. LOVE your purchases....soooo cute!

  18. that turtle is sooo cool looking!! wow. I don't think i've ever seen one with so much orange.

    love the pumpkins and the tj maxx sweaters. :)

    very fun stuff!!

  19. love the tj maxx finds and the pumpkins too. glad mr turtle made it out! and yes, your dog does look mad at you!

  20. What a fun post...I love when you do "round up" of all sorts of fun tidbits! I'm lovin' your cinderella pumpkin! (My neighbor was telling me this morning that cinderellas are supposed to make the sweetest "from scratch" pumpkin pies...if you like to bake from scratch...not my forte) I also ADORE your sweater...thinking I should dash over to TJs tomorrow and see if they have any out here in the west.

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

  21. I've been reading your posts these past few days as i sat in the parking lot of the high school and wasn't able to comment on the sadness of the loss of life. I'm heart feels such sadness for all the families. SO very sorry.
    You are outstanding.... i love everything you've done in your home for October!!! love the pumpkins.... and the velvet one is darling!!! and don't get me started on your sweeters and boot's oh my goodness they are perfect!!!!
    your homecoming pictures make my teary eyed.... my daughter dressed up for spirit week {all the fun crazy outfits} but is too shy to go to the homecoming dance... i keep praying over her for her to find her place in HS when it comes to the social aspect... this is when i wish she had the older sister to help guide her and show her the ropes. I'm trying to do it but get the "oh mom".... makes me weepy.
    have a wonderful weekend,

  22. You are a doll.

    Love the clothes!
    And I still need to get pumpkins.

  23. hey paige! i have missed visiting you so very much! i love the picture of your sweet girl and the little turtle under the house! too cute! and i am lovin the sweaters you scored! i want one! ok, and i love all your funky pumpkins! i know! dont those girls know it "is" all about the stems! cringe! i have missed ya! xo

  24. love, love, love your new sweaters and purchases:) you look great...and your poor you the paw...he must miss your time together...beautiful shots of the girls and I'm so late on fall decorating...

  25. Love the sweaters, love the pumpkins and am totally with you on the stems! And is that a posh pumpkin I spy in your kitchen vignette? Just bought three little velvet yummies!



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