Monday, September 13, 2010

guest posting today at pretties & posies

several weeks ago
melanie asked if i would write a guest post for her

funny thing , i had already written one 
& had it sitting in my drafts just waiting for me to publish
& it just so happened to be about her

i'm completely smitten with that melanie girl!
her tender spirit
 her big love for her baby girls

how she shares the trials she has endured
&  the unimaginable heartache experienced from the babies she has buried

she shares all this & more

she's able to mix real life
real broken moments
real hopes for her future & dreams for her family
she share from her soul
& she always touches mine

she mixes the tender
right along with glimpses into her
gorgeous gorgeous home
( my love for it is sinful)

if you haven't met melanie
you're in for a real treat

curl up in your favorite chair
& spend some time getting to know her

i'm sure she will touch your heart as she's touched mine

melanie, thank you again. i'm honored to call YOU my friend


{ps~ i'm still trying to organize photos taken
over the summer

here's a few i thought
would be perfect for today}


  1. love this sweet way that you honored Melanie.

    She is all that you said and more....
    a real and dear and true person.

    love those last shots of the flowers....

    I have that lamp from's filled with pine cones right now in honor of FALL!!!

  2. I love her too. She's just a kindred spirit. Now off to read you my dear. Happy week to ya!

  3. Beautiful pics and post Paige! Pink roses are my fav!
    Tammy :-)

  4. Love Melanie's blog and your post was so beautiful!

  5. these are so yum. oh my. i love pink so much . . . . sweet post too :)

  6. I love the guest post you made. WHat a sweet was to honor her as a person.

  7. those photos look like they could go right into melanie's home. It's so special the friendships that can be created through blogging.

  8. I LOVE your photos...they are so pretty!

  9. You are such a gift to everyone. Your words of are so sweet.. will always lift anyones heart. I'm off to read your post and visit Melanie... i also LOVE her. Your photos are gorgeous... wish i could swoop your flowers for my nightstand,

  10. Paige, you've
    captured Melanie's
    sweet spirit. I'm
    flying over to see
    your post, right now : )!
    Gorgeous pictures,
    xx Suzanne

  11. You and Melanie are two of my favorite gals, so it was a pleasure to read your beautiful guest post. :-)

  12. love the light airy feel of the flowers... headed over to visit your guest post.

  13. your photos are stunning! i love the one with the texture so gorgeous! i have to stop and read your post! susan

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