Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a great read, an excellent cd & glam photo shoot

totally jazzed about 3 things today

#1.  the new sara bareilles cd , kaleidoscope heart , is fantastic!

i love that sara bareilles
her music makes me feel all happy & sunshiney on the inside

#2. after quite the dry literary spell
i finally came across a great book
i'll give it 4 1/2 stars

the kitchen house is a heart wrenching story
historical fiction of plantation life set in the late 1700's
for me, the strongest theme in this poignant story
is the love the women have for their babies
whether conceived out of wedlock, rape, incest
or with their soul mate
they love with passion, intensity and fierce loyalty

there were several instances where i felt i wouldn't be able to finish
a definite heart breaker
but an excellent read

#3. this weekend i wrapped up a glam themed
photo shoot session i've worked on with each of the girls

i had a vision in mind for each of them
& am happy with the results

the florabella collection released the LUXE actions
earlier this summer
i knew immediately i wanted to shoot the girls in vibrant colors
to really have fun with this set

a few of my fave's from emi's shoot~

the obligatory "are we done're driving me nuts mom" shot

my sweet emily austin
thank you for spending an hour flat ironing your naturally curly hair
on a humid day
wearing painful stillettos
& walking around the carnival
while all the carnival folks wondered what the heck we were up to
YOU are a  trooper

i know these last few weeks at school have been rough for you
i hope you have tucked deep into your heart
how proud i am of YOU

& emi
this last picture of you..


  1. gorgeous shots!
    love that you snuck into a carnival...
    you should have asked for a free ride;-0

  2. Paige, Your daughters are so beautiful, just like their momma!

    Love the record of your thought for gets tough doesn't it? My Emma started middle school and it hasn't been super smooth...I ache for her. Wish they could just stay little, seems it was simpler then.

    Have a lovely day!

  3. WoW I love the way you capture your daughters with your camera...This photo session is outstanding.. the color so vibrant!! Oh my goodness I love Sara Bareilles too.... it's been in my car for a week now... what i listen too driving my children to school. It's fabulous!!!!

  4. What fun shots!!! So vibrant, love it!!!
    She is beautiful, and a trooper for sure!
    Thanks for all of your support lately, you are such a sweetie pie!
    I will have to get that cd, I love her too!

  5. Your an amazing photographer and your daughter is stunning. Personally, I love the full length photo on the train tracks. I <3 train tracks. Be blessed today!

  6. oh man. these are gorgeous of Em. That last shot - she takes my breath away too! (and purple is my most favorite color)

    I think you just convinced me to go with PSE8 - cause I already have the Luxe actions for PSE (won them!). and I love what you've done with them here - if they work for you maybe they can work for me :)

    ps I am going to listen to that CD - I need some new tunes!

  7. Paige..try Someone Knows my Name by Lawrence Hill. It chronicles the life of a woman as she is abducted in Africa in the 1700's and transported to America to become a slave. I'm halfway through and it is sooo good.

  8. Oh, sorry...the pictures are the blog...Paige from Cleveland(another Paige...don't want people to think you are commenting on your own blog!!)

  9. oh my... she looks SO beautiful! Thanks for the book rec! I've been wondering what to read next... yeah!

  10. Those are just beautiful pictures and your daughters are just gorgeous!!! She was a trooper. That book sounds really good and like it would be a bit of a teary jerker. Thanks for the recommendation.

  11. Ohhh...sooo fun! Emily is precious and absolutely GORGEOUS! What a trooper :-) Great the florabella collection...might have to purchase.

  12. too pretty for words...

    great shots, mom!

  13. Awesome photos, Paige! I absolutely love the close-up of her hands, showing off her jewels. Wish I had been that gorgeous when I was her age :)
    Oh, I think this is my first comment on your blog, too. I love your blog - always feel a little happier and encouraged when I read your posts.

  14. Just beautiful!
    I had to chuckle at the carnies wondering just what the heck y'all were doing!

    She looks so beautiful, and those luxe actions are so lush. I've been debating over where to get them or not, I have all the rest.

    I love Sara Bareilles, too!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  15. What a fun photo shoot. Love the colors.

  16. She is gorgeous!!! What a fun shoot

  17. You are so much fun! Seriously those were good. Now I need to check into some new cd's and books. It's that cozy in and enjoy:)

  18. what a great idea. the shots are beautiful paige. and so is emily. wow!!!! i will have to check out that book. i love a good read. even if it is heartbreaking.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Where can I get those beautiful eyes and hair. Oh, they are beautiful!!!

  21. i can't wait to try that book out...i have read "duds" for the past month! yuck!!

    those pictures are so creative and fun Paige...and that last pretty!

  22. Beautiful! What a beautiful girl and beautiful photos too!


  23. I LOVE your blog. I read it ALL the time! Love you...your tips, your pictures, your house, your beautiful girls, family...everything. BUT, is there any way that when I go to your blog that I could get it to NOT have the music automatically play? Every time I have to scroll down and find the player thing and put it on pause. It's just too much for my computer to have that turn on. Plus it alerts everyone in my home to ask me what I am doing (when they hear the music start up), etc.
    Just asking. I know it is your thing to have it there so I am just wondering if there is a setting on my end to turn it off. Thanks so much and no worries if not. I will still read your blog!

  24. my first time to your blog, such poignant writing and beautiful are gifted...thanks for your efforts, for making me think.... and smile;)

  25. What great photos Paige. Your daughter looks beautiful :)

  26. you have raised especially lovely girls....

  27. how pretty are those shots of your girl! soo sweet, she is just beautiful! I am going to have to check out the new cd as well, I love her!! happy day sweet Paige! xo

  28. beautiful, beautiful photos!!!! Oh my goodness how wonderful those are! How just plain fun and what a trooper while at a carnival she was!

    Hoping her days at school get better for her!

  29. what a trooper. she is beautiful. and yes, that last shot, priceless.
    off to check out that cd :O)

  30. what a trooper. she is beautiful. and yes, that last shot, priceless.
    off to check out that cd :O)

  31. wonderful!!! i love the ones on the train tracks... she just pops out at you in those pics. very pretty!


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