Friday, September 10, 2010

critters & creatures

caroline's most recent declaration
"mama, i think i'd love to have a turtle.
and guess what
theres a sale at petsmart
so we could like do the whole thing
for somewhere around 15 dollars"

while impressed with her higher level thinking
problem solving skills and all
i  gave her the ol'
uh uh
no way
not a chance
 dream on
get real
i love you sweet child, but nope

mom of the year
left to be clenched by another

 let me tell ya
this mama does not do critters
you name it

i do large, preferably very large
well behaved dogs
great danes -harlequin great danes. love those.
labs. black. yellow. matters not. have had both
golden retrievers. resounding yes.

i am not the bring home the gerbil for the weekend mom

for crying out loud
we barely survived the whole circle of life situation
with our goldfish that apparently i took way too good a care of
cuz it lived for like 5 years
no lie

no critters no small furry rat-like things no amphibians

one very large
super cool
who i
& by i , i mean me, moi, mom
feeds, brushes and runs
end of story baby girl

i did however purchase this print from The Wheatfield
cutest shop on etsy
surely she'll appreciate the compromise

ps....super cute top is from blessed be the name childrens clothing.  talk about cute?
oh yeah, tell ashley i sent ya.  she probably has a turtle in her home.  she has a boy. she understands the need for critters. she's a better mom than i.  cooler.  younger.  period.  & runs a rockin business

have a super weekend



  1. Two beautiful
    I'm with you
    on the pets ~
    much prefer the
    canine variety,
    although we've
    done the fish
    thing....and I
    even agreed to
    a black beetle
    from a science
    project at school
    that lived 9 months!!!
    Normal life expectancy:
    six weeks!! I guess
    it liked life at
    our house : )
    Stick to your guns,
    xx Suzanne

  2. I am so with you on this one!! A dog yes, a critter, NO WAY!

    Caroline looks absolutley gorgeous.....she is looking more grown up with each day that passes. I am sure she will love the print pet cute!

    Heading over to check out Ashley's site!!

    Happy Weeeknd~



    PS. Your goldfish really lived 5 years? WOW, you are good! Ours usually don't make it past the 5 day mark

  3. Awww...look at that sweet look in your dogs eyes for Caroline. I just love dogs, you can tell how much he loves her.

    And I am with ya...a dog...maybe a where I draw the line! ;o)


  4. So cute! Unfortunately, the Hubs has fallen victim to the "sale at the pet store" story and we have a dwarf froggie that I thought would croak quickly STILL living and grossing me out!

    Love your photos of your Little Bit and that cute doggy!! That top is so cute -- heading to that store asap!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Those pictures are beautiful! I agree with the pets! I can't do little, rat like or reptile - no way.

    We have a 12 year old black lab and she is perfect!

    I love that leather bracelet with the peace sign on it - where is that from???

  6. I'm smiling big at this post!
    My daughter, while on vacation in North Myrtle Beach SC, 10 years ago, asked for two baby know the little ones they sell at the WINGS store? Those little turtles...are STILL with us ...but now they are BIG turtles and live in our friends LARGE pond!!
    I'm like you Mama...I prefer the big ol' fluffy dogs!! and I do have a cat like I love dearly!!
    The pics are precious...and I love her little bracelets! She's so cool!
    Have a great one!
    Tammy :-)

  7. Yep love that print! I wouldn't get a smelly icky turtle either...eeewwwwww.

  8. Well, the photos are gorgeous lol! We don't have any critters either - and no dog at the moment boohoo (how does anyone live without a dog??)

    My son would like a rat but - uh NO!! I'm with ya girl!

  9. Oh!
    How CUTE is she!
    Paige...I am tellin' ya!
    You birthed some BEAUTIFUL girls!
    Now about that turtle!
    We ALWAYS had a turtle growing up!
    And I just adore that print you got of the turtle!
    Love this HAPPPPPEE post!
    And don't think I didn't SPOT that SEASIDE collar on your fur~baby!
    Can you believe I had one of my SEASIDE tee~shirts on last Saturday...I walked into a little cafe...and the girl serving coffee at the cafe used to live in Panama City!
    We chatted and chatted about SEASIDE!
    Loved it!
    So I will scoot for now!
    Happy Weekend!

  10. oh no, paige. i have two boys and will never have critters in my house! guaranteed! lol

    cute pics and adorable print!! so fun! :)

  11. Precious pictures :) Love your blog-I'm a GA girl, too! Have a blessed weekend! xoxo

  12. Paige! I rarely comment (shame on me!) but always read your sweetest posts. I love your relationship with your family - and how practically wise you are as a Mom. I have so much to learn - and a loooong way to go (babe is only 2nd grade) - but I love knowing that with your gaggle of girls that you've no doubt seen it ALL - and I have such comfort knowing that I can reread some of your posts or perhaps even shoot off an email to you when I encounter that first "what the....?" moment!

    All that to say - I LOVE GOLDEN RETRIEVERS, TOO! ;)


  13. I am not a critter person either! :) Someday maybe a lab...someday far off. Have a fun weekend. Super cute pics of your girly. xo

  14. At least you allow pets in your house!! We have no pets! I have an only child 9 year old girl! We are adopting but no pets are in our near future! Well only if they PROMISE to take care of it! Yeah right! I went through it growing up... we all pulled it on our parents! haha. P.S. I love that top too. My 9 year old will be checking that our tonight :)


  15. oh goodness, it must be in the air, as my pool man asked me the other day if i wanted a turtle, huh, what? our neighbor has some big ones and they were having babies, and he wanted one, uh no, cause I am the one who walks the dog everyday and makes sure he is let in and has food and a place to kick it, do I need to take care of turtle too? ha!! funny....she is just darling!

  16. you sure we aren't sisters? lol

    oh these photos are beautiful.

  17. I have a 9-year old boy who would love to have some critters, but I'm not going for it. A dog and cat is enough for me.

    Your daughter looks very cute :)

  18. I also love big, well-behaved dogs! Hilariously, I too had a goldfish live for over five years, no joke. My parents took care of him for me after I moved south and he unfortunately passed while my sister was "taking care" of him...

    Caroline is such a beautiful child. You can tell that happiness just radiates from her. So sweet.

  19. Hi Paige...first off, a turtle is totally doable...but they last like forever...and second - your daughter's haircut is so darn cute...and she's always cute looking! those outfits you find for her are so "her"!

    have a great always give me a smile :)

    Anne Marie

  20. Love these photos Paige:) I also love the fact that your sweet Caroline has so much spunk, that even though I would be sure she knows how you feel about 'critters', she still asked it:) Hope you and yours have a wonderful week sweet Paige. Hugs ~ Tina x

  21. for the record...we will have zero animals..& i am not cooler because i am currently and will be forever in the DOGHOUSE for not even having a poor least they can boast about having a sane mom...THAT would go by the wayside if i had to clean up after one more individual animal or human!! you tons and love sweet little one!! hi to everybody in your family- looks like i'm coming to shack up with you in october!! miss you friend!!! xoxoxo

  22. I love your turtle print! My oldest is really into dolphins! Maybe one day I will find a cute print like that for her. She would LOVE it! No reptiles, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc. here either! EWE!!! BUT I do love my 5lb yorkie very much (he's on my lap) even if he's not a big dog! :)

  23. yeah, i don't do critters either. big dogs and an occasional cat. oh yeah, we did have a rabbit for a couple years, but those are all furry and cute.

  24. My girls have been angling for a hamster for years. Not happening. I did let Maddie bring the class hamster home 3 years ago. It just confirmed that I never want one.

    Millie says to tell Brinkley hello.

  25. LOVe that turtle print...especially the truth of the words. Thanks for sharing! xo...Linsey

  26. i love the pictures with the dog...we have a well loved chocolate lab that i have banished to our finished basement in this house. i just couldn't bear to watch her scratch up our new hard wood floors. i don't know if we will be having anymore pets after this one...i am totally consumed with two children!

  27. Thinkin' that after reading this post you wouldn't have done what I did most of the latter part of summer and that was babysit my "grandrat" Rosie...You know, big dumbo ears like from Ratouille! Yep she's a rat...ugly tail and all...but keeps my baby happy...he really likes her! The things we do for these kids we love so much...go figure...he he!


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