Friday, September 17, 2010

fall etsy faves

while its still hitting 90+ degrees here in the south
our morning temps are teasing us that fall is indeed just around the corner

this morning i have the windows open & a little crisp breeze is blowing 
 i've had fun perusing etsy
finding some fall-like treasures

this little lion hat is so stinking cute
almost makes me wish i had a little one to wear this on halloween!
can you stand it!!!

gigantic cinderella pumpkins
oh how i can't wait to bring a few of you home

love the colors in this image
& her funky fun skirt and tights too

felted acorns....sweetness

my current jewelry crush = leather cuffs
love these handstamped with scripture
very cool

everything in her shop looks fabulous
my personal faves are these

all my girlies are currently smitten with headbands
silk rosettes = perfection

her shop is filled with items that all sound heavenly
lovely images too

in all honesty
i would love every piece in this charming shop
(located in vermont, which i'm certain looks like heaven right now!)
persimmon earrings....charming indeed

super cute melamine plates

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
would love for this to be the view from my front door!

 i hope your weekend is beautiful
& filled with all the wonders
of autumn
even if only in the early morning hours


  1. paige, thank you so much for the mention :) i am in really great company here! i love all your picks and that lion hat is way too cute, makes you want to have a little person around! have a beautiful weekend! hugs, susan

  2. That little lion head dress is adorable! I wish we had fall here in AZ... we miss out on that season.. its hot then winter!

  3. Love that last photo...pure heaven! I can't wait for fall. The mornings here in Charlotte are teasing too! I was at the beach the last few days and it was pure bliss!
    Tammy :-)

  4. what a fun post - It is in the 90's here too but I need to think Fall soon!

  5. Great items, I am going to go check out those shops and probably end up buying more things I don't really need ;)
    I hope the temps go down soon for you guys, our mornings and evenings are feeling like Autumn as well it's just the in-between that is way too hot.

  6. Thanks for sharing -- so many cool items!

    Have a great weekend!


  7. Oh my goodness what happened to your music player? I always loved your selections! I hope it isn't gone forever and maybe just my computer malfunctioning?

  8. I love fall! That last picture is heavenly... I have a bunch of fall faves on my blog too :) Cant get enough Etsy!! Have a wonderful weekend :D

  9. Thanks for sharing these finds... I'm a huge Etsy fan, but had never seen these adorable shops before!

  10. Oh my...I just love everything you picked out. That little lion hat is sooo adorable :)

  11. I wish Fall would hurry up and get here, along with some much needed rain. We're still in the 90s.
    Our leaves don't seem to be changing yet either.

  12. Ah! Those cute little acorns! Have to gather me some of those! Happy Friday!!! xo...Linsey

  13. OK, you so inspired me. I took a minute to look at t a few of the etsy shops (love etsy) and did you see the felt nest with three acorn eggs??? So sweet. And then in the bracelet shop, love the one that says, "Trust your story."

    xo (again!)...Linsey

  14. Fall!!! I love fall. Here in Charleston all of the seasons are unique but I love them all!!!

    -Have a great weekend-

  15. Love!!! Thanks for the info...I'll have to check out this lovely Etsy shop! :-)

    Happy Fall!

  16. The lion hat is absolutely adorable, and the view down that driveway is stunning!! Gets me excited for fall...

  17. Hi Paige - Etsy is just a treasure trove isn't it? I ordered some lace necklaces from Whiteowl - can not wait for them to come but postage takes longer across the Atlantic! I could get lost just browsing... Lou x

  18. love all of your finds on etsy:) that lion is soooo cute!

  19. Hi Darlin'- Love them all. The leaves here in VT are just starting to change, however, the temps have definitely changed... in the 40's at night. I'll take some pics of the leaves to show you when we meet up in a month!! :) So excited.

  20. i love the crisp air that fall brings! Those top 2 pics are to die for!

  21. Bergamot and grapefruit is a really good scent too. I get candles like that.

  22. last festival year i purchased earrings and a necklace that look just like those felted acorns. i checked not the same lady but aren't they just beautiful?!

  23. Love that last photo...makes me really miss living in New England. There is just NOTHING like a New England autumn.

    Feels like it's been forever since I visited's been tough finding enough time to blog it's been fun catching up on your blog! Beautiful always!


  24. I knew that was Susans headband. Gorgeous. Thanks for giving me more ways to spend my money. Wait, I don't have any left. This weekend has drained me. Xo!

  25. oh, some awesome stuff there, paige! I can't wait to check it all out! :)

  26. those cuffs are going on my wish list now! how cool are they??

    and that lion head...I might just have to torture my youngest 2 yr. old son this fall with that - lol

    anne marie

  27. Paige, you
    would have LOVED
    the events I went
    to this weekend,
    where there were
    a bunch of Etsy
    many FAB bloggers!
    I went to one with
    Becky {Farmgirl Paints}
    and YOUR name came the very
    best way, of course : ).
    You have really found
    some lovelies, here,
    and the last picture
    is just heavenly....I
    can almost hear the
    crunch of leaves beneath
    my boots!!
    xx Suzanne

  28. Oh those acorns...they are calling out to me! Love your Fall picks!


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