Friday, August 27, 2010


oh how i wish i my love for capturing
the everyday moments of our lives
had been a priority from the start

while i have always loved photographing my girls
like extreme photo taker mom
my desire to tweek things
to capture more randomness
didn't blossom until this year

no one 'round here even rolls their eyes anymore
if they see me laying on the floor taking "what on earth are you doing" photos

i highly encourage you
especially those of you with little bitty ones
capture their toes
take a picture of what their room looks like
who cares if your 5 year old is picking their nose
if they always pick their nose
capture it
if your teenager is a book worm
what are they reading?
capture it
does your hubby slave in the yard?
capture it
did you do a bang up job on dinner?
capture a picture of what you created
capture a glimpse of everyone at the table
while they're not looking of course

for those of you whose kiddos are
totally not digging you & your journalistic phototaking skills
the more you do it
the more they'll get used to it
i bet they'll get on board with you

& maybe
your five year old
quit picking his nose


anyway...a glimpse of what i've tried to capture lately

thanks for all your white home photo love
hope you have a great weekeknd



  1. Gorgeous, all of them! I am not sure my 17 year old son would ever get on board... my daughter, however, is more than happy to strike a pose or two, or three!

    p.s. J Crew giveaway if it interests you! xo

  2. So true! I have been THE WORST about not taking pictures all these years and I know I'm going to regret it (already do).

    Your family is lovely!!


  3. YES....
    I soooo wish
    I'd started
    snapping this
    way, years ago.
    Your advice is
    spot on and
    heartfelt ~
    Happy weekend,
    xx Suzanne

  4. wonderful photos! and very good advice~

    happy weekending paige~

  5. paige! this is such a great post. that picture at the just awesome. i truly love that. my daughter is an absolute bookworm, as well.

  6. I've really started to try to capture more of those 'little' moments too. Reading your blog and seeing your lovely snapshots has been one of my inspirations! So thank you for sharing so much of your passion here.

    Have a blessed weekend,


  7. These photos brought smiles to my heart!
    How lovely to have verses written on a wrapper like that? so precious!


  8. Very nice Paige. Love the photo of you and Dan, you both look like you were meant to be together.
    Now about Miss C and Puppy. How dang darling is that. What is your puppy's name? He/She looks like a great big ol' lovey dog. Golden's usually are.

  9. Paige I just love you. This made me think a little. I'm going to try do just that. Capture the every day better. Thank you for the inspiration. Have a beautiful weekend sweetie.

  10. Paige...such beautiful pictures!
    I love taking photos too, especially of my sweet Hannah!
    I need a better camera...
    what camera do you use?
    I love the pics of thepuppy...
    makes me miss
    my old friend...
    she's been gone 8 years now...
    have a beautiful weekend :-)
    Tammy :-)

  11. Love this post!! Inspiring me to get the camera out! Love your photos and your captures! Have a great weekend!


  12. Oh I love all of these special moments you have captured Paige! I have also really listened to your advice and even though I am a terrible family will have to get used to me being snap happy from now on. Thankyou for the push to make the extra effort to capture sweet moments like yours:) Happy weekend ~ Tina xx

  13. i love this!!! i try to take pictures of the little moments, and things that make me laugh, but i need to do it more!! you are the most adorable mom of four girls. i love you and the hubs all dressed up!!

  14. Oh I feel the same way! I wish someone had shown me sooner to celebrate and capture the everyday. But it's never too late, right? Your photos are beautiful...and very much worth capturing. : )

  15. oh my goodness. that first shot is just priceless. the everyday moments are by far the best. i love that table in the kitchen with the cookbooks and wire basket and picture board - adorable!!!

  16. oh I love these! Your dog is so gorgeous and that first photo is a wonderful capture. I take too many photos - however
    i needed the inspiration to take more "everyday" photos! Thanks :)

  17. Your photos are a big reason I am so attracted to your blog! They are all great! I love the one of you and your hubs...and I love your shoes!!

  18. i love these.
    the first is my fav.
    and the last is darling. where was she off to?
    i am a snapper, big time. i take here there and everywhere. just remember, as important it is to take em' its just as important to print and save them.
    lesson learned here!!!

  19. Just found my camera!! I wish I took more pictures.. everyday ones.. I am on it.. thanks P!!

  20. I just discovered your blog in the past couple of weeks and I've been getting caught up and you've quickly become my favorite! What beautiful girls you have! What a beautiful family! You've already inspired me to smile more, change up the centerpiece on the dining room table and take more photos of...whatever! Looking forward to seeing you take summer into fall!

  21. Great pictures and so true, I love taking pictures and I am used to getting looks from my husband or even my 3 year old telling me "no more pictures mommy" I think they will appreciate it later :)

  22. I could not agree more. I think sometimes as mothers we are in 'survival' mode and forget about the little moments of our lives. Also, sometimes we forget to turn the camera around and take pics of ourselves. We capture everyone but us!! Glad you gave out that great advice! Lori L

  23. Good Morning Paige ~

    Most excellent post!

    And so also allows others to appreciate all of the "details" that us women notice and savor. It is totally generous to capture those details and share with others in the future.


    Smiles ~ Ramona

  24. Isnt that what life is really all about? Capturing those special moments....

    I absolutely adore the first pic with the doggy - and also him waiting for your girls to come sweet!

  25. I definitely think that capturing all of those moments is so important and so special! Love your photo board!

  26. So true about capturing everyday special things. I love esp. the first and the last picture. That dog is so funny. Your cheerleaders are so pretty. The last picture is just so different and cute. Glad there is a sweet picture of the two of you.

  27. Paige...thank you for this...thank you so much...I need to do more of the everyday moments as I don' are exactly right and what a beautiful post you have
    xo to you beautiful look gorgeous in your photo hot mama! Hope that made you smile

  28. You're right...I get so caught up in the moment that I don't take the time to appreciate and capture the moment. This also reminds me that we need to finish Charlotte's Web. Love your pictures and your blog.

  29. Absolute loveliness!
    I am so thankful that I discovered photography this past year, nothing like making up for lost time. So many new memories happening every minute of every day. :-)


  30. GORGEOUS RANDOMNESS..... I love it:)

    You are so gifted Paige..... you have the ability to make anything look beautiful or like a piece of art, and then..... your words! You always know exactly what to say to captivate and inspire us. You are truly a one of a kind my friend.

    enjoy your Sunday~



  31. Paige. If you have a Tuesday Morning store nearby, you should check out the pillows they have in this past week. Remind me exactly of you.

    Great photo comments....I need to get clicking myself.

  32. Beautiful! The love that is captured in your pictures is amazing.

  33. I love to capture all the little things too (even if I don;t do it nearly as well as you do, my friend). And like you...I missed a lot of the boys little years (pre-blogs). LOVE Charlotte's web. I just gave it to a little girl who is 9 in fact!

  34. OH I KNOWWWW! I wish I'd had digital when we had little toes!!!
    Your photos are just wonderful. Wonderful.


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