Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i can do color. i promise!

the thing about a home built 20something years ago=
 its old enough to need much
as far as upkeep, maintenance, updating etc
but not yet old enough to be charming
& i love charming

i doubt this will be my forever home
so as i vacillate between the desire to fluff my nest
and be content
i try to make little updates here & there
where the budget will allow

when we do go to sell
i'm sure it will be a huge disappointment to our agent
that i have no major appliance upgrades
that i actually paint around heavy furniture
& not always behind it
& that right there...that i am the one that painted
not a professional
will be a deal breaker for some

a couple of ya'll asked about paint colors
i'm so flattered
but here's the naked truth
i purchase whatever creamy white i see and like
i'm reckless like that

the front two rooms in my home were done with
are you ready for another shocker
kilz brand paint from walmart
cashmere white satin
which despite the primer already included
needed 3 coats anyway

the back two rooms however are the same color
eggshell country white
walmart brand
wait a sec....elle home decor is calling in now

another answer for you
the chippy frames
for all you atlanta girls
their new urban loftlike shop is a must see
& prices are a little cheaper there than on line
i think..

these slipcovers were from anthro
years ago
major mark down & sadly...all gone

my kitchen used to be raspberry
 i'm talkin like whoa....raspberry
the girls LOVED it
i loved it
but the thing i really love about my now neutral kitchen
is the freedom
to bring in whatever color i want whenever i want
mix it up , frequently no less

i change out the table centerpiece all the time
its a snoozer
but you can't go wrong with a white ( nonscented of course) candle smack dab in the center

here's a glimpse of some centerpieces that have made their debut in the past few months

i love the silver glittery goodness that brightens my mood on a dreary winter day

as it got closer to spring i added a pop of yellow

this wobbly chippy candelabra thingy is the bomb
i totally dig these tall candles that i just so happen to have in several colors
the picture is decieving
it's tall
really tall

more yellowness from the spring

my all time most favorite centerpiece eva
is a big bowl of  vintage ornaments

red is probably the color i add the most
red is my favorite color
while white is my favorite state of mind!

another perk to my neutral kitchen
is i can play switcheroo
with colored plates
at any given time

i know i'm preaching to the choir
besides adding color with a funky tablecloth
(which i just realized i didn't share...stay tuned)
cutesy candles
or a bowl of glittery fun
probably the easiest cheapest way i add some color to our little world
is flowers
just whatever is on sale
at the grocery store works just fine

LOVE sunflowers
especially these
don't you always smile when you see sunflowers?
thought so

could enjoy these

glad we got that all squared away
i think a few of you were worried
that all white all the time
was continually going on over here

 i can do color

thank you for dropping back by


  1. Love the white AND your pops of color! Gorgeous!!

    One question -- where's the "stuff" like newspapers, magazines, homework stuff, etc? Do you have some great organization thing for all that?

    And I painted just like in my dining room last year -- didn't move my big honking piece of furniture and just painted around it. Shhh - no one knows! :)


  2. No worries here, lady. I adore the white...and you're right about the flowers...yum! I really love the forsythia branches in the one spring photo.

    My parents had a forsythia bush just outside their kitchen window for years (it was actually the neighbors' bush, and they have since taken it out...sigh.) And seeing it bloom was one of the first signs of spring according to my mom. So those bushes hold a special place in my childhood memories.

    'Kay enough of my ramblings. Have a great day!


  3. Okay, while you're divulging, where did you get that art that is hanging on the side of your lower cabinets? LOVE IT!

  4. I think you've created plenty of charm, Paige!! It's just beautiful! Now, teach me how to do it in a rental. lol

  5. I'm right there with you Paige. White goes with every color you want to pop in there. Your kitchen and dining room are so pretty...and clean!!!!! Are you trying to make me feel bad??? I'm supposed to be cleaning instead of reading blogs but...oh well. What's one more day;)

  6. I do love the freedom of whites, but like I said the other day...gotta have a snippet of red in there somewhere! Great minds...

  7. I love the white, what are you talking about. Like you gives you the freedom to bring in whatever color you want for the day.
    The white makes things peaceful.
    Hey PAige...have you seen "Eat Pray Love"? Please tell me you've seen it and plesae tell me you liked it. I went and saw it and loved it, but haven't heard anything good as far as responses. Am I missing something?

  8. Love it! Great centerpiece with candles on top of the silver serving tray. I like the idea of wrapping the candles with vintage papers :)

  9. I think your kitchen looks lovely, fantastic and restful!

  10. And you do it
    well, Paige!
    I love your
    table vignettes
    and something
    tells me you do
    Christmas in a
    way that is just
    as pretty! Noticed
    that we have the
    same kitchen hand
    soap. {It's all in
    the little details...!}
    xx Suzanne

  11. Girl you could decorate a paper bag and it would be stylish. I love all the different looks of your table through out the seasons. I think my favorite was the super tall candles with white and yellow. Really cute!!

  12. LOVE the shots of your house...and I just LOVE the way you talk when you's like we're talking face to face....

  13. You have such fabulous taste! I love your little pops of color here and there!

  14. I always love how you add pops of red. always loved your big bowl of ornaments (which I think you put out like in October) :) That's okay you can make fun of me for decorating for Halloween last year in August. I don't know why I did that??? Must have been part of the grieving process. :)

  15. Here is the thing....I LOVE Walmart paint!!! :) Honestly Behr vs. Walmart - the Walmart paint has lasted longer and goes on better! go figure!! :)'s cheaper!!!

    Love your look!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous.

    I'm totally with you on the neutral everything. I'm far too fickle to commit to a certain color. So I go with all neutrals and can swith out the accessories as often as I decide.

    And I do it often!

  17. Beautiful pictures. I haven't been to your house in some time, but it looks lovely. I remeber all the color you used to have when you were doing the "Mary" theme. I loved your house even then, it made me feel happy to visit. Anyone would be lucky to buy your pretty home.

  18. Thank you for inviting me in... oh i just find your home so soothing, peaceful, a place to run to! Love your pops of color against the gorgeous backdrop!!!

  19. you have a beautiful home, my sweet friend.

  20. Gorgeous photos and I love those turquoise plates!


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