Monday, August 30, 2010

peonies for sibi

one of the things i've been trying to accomplish
since sending the girlies back to school
is organizing the huge amount of photos i've taken recently

i'm a weirdo with organizational compulsions
(is that even a real diagnosis?)
whose day rolls somewhat smoothly
when everything is where it needs to be
needless to say
that goal is rarely achieved!

so here are some images taken
back in the spring
that i finally got around to

dan & i have been spending time
trying to pack up his parent's home
obviously a very tender experience
and dare i say

i discovered some of his mom's journals
written the last couple years of her life
while she battled cancer

each entry just a little bullet point of the day
always with a scripture
and always with joy

i could barely get through
the first one....
broke my heart
encouraged me at the same time

i can't wait to share some of those entries with you soon

speaking of the power of journaling
& passing on a legacy of simple thoughts
i am guest posting today at sibi's

please drop by & visit
if you have a moment


  1. oh, be reading mil's journals. such a gift she leaves! tender yet inspirational, i assume. i look forward to reading some of the entries you share.

    those pictures are stunning

  2. Your blog is beautiful! Do you mind re-bloggers and links back?? Please let me know! Beautiful!

  3. love this and your guest always...xo

  4. I love those flowers and you make them look at beautiful as ever. I can almost smell them.
    The need to constantly organize is a's called "No one else is going to do it" disorder aka "Moms Responsibility".
    On a little side not...I got up around 5:30 to start making school lunches this morning and realized we were out of everything and the bread was still in the freezer. I was furious. I asked my husband why school lunches were my responsibility EVERYDAY. No reply. Do you make your girls lunches and what do you make for them? I'm getting bored with their lunches and I don't even eat them. HELP!!!

  5. I can't imagine how heart wrenching that was to see those journals. I don't know if we could do that.

    Your pics are so beautiful they don't even look real. You are amazing!

  6. Oh my Paige, these photos are so yummy I could just eat them!!!!
    What a chore you have ahead of you with your in-laws home, we have done that, it is not easy. And very emotional I agree with you! What a gift the journals will be to you! Off to visit Sibi!

  7. Oh my -- your peonies are beautiful and so fun to see them now when mine have been long gone and no photos of them from me!

    What an incredible job you are doing and I'm sure her journal is inspiring and sweet and sad all at once.

    Hope you have a great week!

  8. Your blog is absolutely gorgeous. I was at the pool with Heather L. today and she was telling me about your blog and how beautiful it was so I immediately had to check it out when I got home. Wow. I can't wait to sit down to read it and gaze at all your beautiful pictures.

  9. Paige, such a beautiful post. I've been thinking of starting a gratitude journal, this has inspired me to do a prayer/gratitude journal. I can almost imagine my child reading it one day and knowing how much they were loved and prayed for before they were born. You always insire...

  10. Love your photo's of the peonies their beautiful...

  11. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and photos today at P and G! You are such an inspiration whether you are writing about a recipe, parenting or your relationship with the Lord. Thank you for all that you give and share with the blog world!!

    I am honored to call you friend.


  12. these photos take my breath away.

  13. good morning paige. i visited sibi's - what a wonderful way to start my morning. thank you very much. great photos my dear. good luck getting all of them organized, it can be a huge project. have a wonderful day!!

  14. some of the prettiest pictures of peonies i have ever seen! how wonderful that you have her journals. i'm off to see your guest post :)

  15. Reading many of your past posts. So so pretty-I think I just want to ask to take a vactation in your home and never leave....~

  16. Gorgeous images, you sure are good with that camera!!! And I cannot imagine reading those journals yet what a gift to find...keep those close to your heart...xo~

  17. Oh Paige, what a blessing and yet such a bittersweet find, too.

    You have a large task at hand, my prayers go with you as you sort through all the memories and possessions.

    Beautiful images today, too!

    Big hugs,

  18. love all of your photos paige! as always, i am hoping my blog will be a way to pass on my thoughts to my children!

  19. beautiful beautiful pictures...I bet those journal entries are just as beautiful too...

  20. How tough it
    must have been
    going through
    your in-laws
    I know you will
    make that journal
    sing : )
    Thinking of you.
    xx Suzanne

  21. paige,

    your peonies make me so happy. :)

  22. Your photos are sooo pretty! I especially love the first one.


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