Wednesday, July 28, 2010

'round here today....

things are moving sorta slow 'round here
it feels like we're trying to come up for air
but know we have to go back under the water for a while

i'll be honest,
it's very hard to see my 6foot4 tender yet strong husband 
with a broken heart

although we are grieving
we realize
we have much to be thankful for in the timeline surrounding the death of dan's daddy
each family member was able to say goodbye
he was not in pain & he went peacefully
he was a good man who loved Jesus
so we have no doubt of where he is

now its just the hard part
of learning to live everyday while missing a wonderful man

i think for Dan having lost both parents
the finality is just hard to wrap his mind
 & his heart

so we will just stand beside him as time begins to heal his heart

thank you
thank each of you
whether you sent a comment, or a text
a phone call
a tweet or a note
a pound cake or lasagna
a plant or a plate of cookies
thank you if you stood out in the 100 degrees for his service
took time out of your busy day
thank you for loving me
& thus loving my family

words can  not express how thankful i am for each of you

one of my favorite bloggers, melanie, has a two beautiful etsy shoppes

one is filled with her original paintings
she just recently listed several inspired by the ocean & the lakes near her home
one in particular took my breath away
i think someone grabbed it while i was pondering...
but they are all gorgeous & speak to my heart

i told her i could just get lost in her paintings

she & i had spent some time on the phone the day before
& i felt even more connected to her art after
hearing her sweet voice

she has shared so much of her own personal loss
through her blog
some days she writes about hydrangeas
some days about her gorgeous home
but other days she just shares her tender thoughts
i love that
not that she has had loss, but that she doesn't deny it exists
i told her she surely has ministered to countless women
& now her art touches my soul as well

this past weekend i opened up her link over & over just to look at these beautiful pieces
dan's daddy was in the coast guard & he loved to sail
i realized one of the paintings just completely reminded me of him
his love of sailing
his love of the water
& his crystal blue eyes
i ran upstairs & told dan i was so excited
i had purchased a painting that would surely be a beautiful reminder
to me of just a few of things we loved about our pop pop
i can hardly wait to see it
( i borrowed this image from melanie's site )

her other shop is lettered threads

 she creates beautiful hand painted pillows
& other canvas art
i love every piece
below is one of the two pillows i recently purchased

here are some more glimpses of life around here today....

home grown tomatoes from a wonderful neighbor

my new board purchased at Rosemary Beach
love these words

some of my favorite clock faces from my sweet friend kasey
& some from faded prairie

a card from Jeanne's shop

& fresh flowers
what a luxury to have fresh flowers
every day

that's all
just some random thoughts & some random
images from today

& once again
i thank you again my friends
thank you


  1. Beautiful words and pictures. I like Melanie's art.
    I like your word board. I am trying to find one.
    Hope you find peace within your sorrow.

  2. love, thoughts, and prayers sent your way to you and your family sweet one...
    everything was beautiful that you shared and can't wait to check some new things out

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and prayers from Nebraska. The art will be the perfect way to remember Pop Pop.

  4. Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.

  5. It is obvious from what you tell us about your husband that he had a wonderful role model. Not only was he a role model for your husband, but it sets the bar high for your daughters when they go to pick out a husband. They will know how special it is to have such gentle men in their lives. Prayers and peace. Lori L

  6. Losing a parent at any age is hard, but I think it's harder when you are older. I lost both of mine, one more recently than the other, but that's a story for another time.
    Time seems to stand still, you lose all sense of reality and what's happening around you, you are grieving and you can't believe the rest of the world moves on while you are in such sadness. That is how it seemed to me, but one of the greatest things that a loved one that passed several years ago used to say to me was, "Susan, this too shall pass." I could not fathom, at the time, that I was ever going to feel happy or that life would go on, but it does. I still miss my grammy terribly and I sometimes forget she's not here in person with me, but she is always here in spirit and her legacy lives strong.
    Your father may not be here in person, but his legacy will live strong for you and for his grandchildren.
    God bless your family.

  7. hoping to hug your neck and savannah's too....tuesday! :) give dan one of those from the birmingham crew...

  8. i know i should be trying to make you feel better, but reading your words makes me feel better. you have a beautiful way with words. thank you for always writing from your heart. it is a special place. hugs to you and your family. i am still thinking about you all.

    beautiful images. your home is so inviting.

  9. So sorry for your loss, Pop Pop sounded like an amazing man. Melanie's paintings are gorgeous and everytime I look at them I can't make up my mind on which one I want.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss! Will say a prayer for you and your family and your heavy hearts! Beautiful photos!! Thanks for sharing them! Seeing pretty pictures like that always makes my day!

  11. Dear Paige...My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending my love your way!!

  12. Sorry you're going through this rough time. Loss is never easy!

    Thanks for posting such Lovely pictures...

  13. Hi Paige - I am so sorry - as you say he has to heal his so sad. I really struggle with this concept - loss - like that poem says...your loved one is not gone, they are just in the next room...I try to understand that and a lot of the time I just can't. But I hope for your husband, thinking of his Dad in the next room helps just a little. Lou x

  14. that painting is amazing...and knowing that it will bring back some pretty amazing memories when it's hanging in your home.
    love you.

  15. It does seem
    strange that
    tomatoes ripen,
    flowers bloom,
    people laugh
    while we are on
    a different plain,
    grieving or healing,
    doesn't it? But
    that is the beauty
    of life. It goes
    on, despite us.
    Big hugs as
    you navigate these
    days, Paige.
    xx Suzanne

  16. Such a vibrant post, even in sadness. I think that even in grief there is beauty and purpose, and you've expressed that beautifully. That painting is wonderful - thanks for finding that shop!
    Also, I lovelovelove your music playlist over there on the right. Seriously love several of those songs.
    Praying that you have a day full of encouragements and Truth.

  17. What a beautiful post! That painting is absolutely gorgeous and will be uch a wonderful reminder of Pop Pop. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


  18. Oh sweetie my prayers are with you. When Honey lost his dad it was such a hard time. When he cried out it sounded primal animal like. I can't imagine pain like that. Even though we know they are waiting for us in a MUCH better place it doesn't help with missing them soooo much. So I get it and will be lifting you all up.

    Beautiful painting. That Melanie is so talented! Oh and that black and white plaque you have... I have one too. It says:

    "God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way." Perfect:)

  19. Just all beautiful in thoughts and heart.

    Praying over Dan's your gentle husband and for each of your hearts really as you grieve the loss of a really great man.

    Praying sunshine over your day.

    love you friend,

  20. Hi Paige. I just found your blog through Melanie's blog- she was the first follower on my blog- I just love her artwork too!
    I just read through your last few posts- you really do have a beautiful gift of expression through words and pictures...I was deeply touched by the post about Pop Pop-and so sorry for your family's loss.
    I will add you to my blog roll and look forward to seeing more from you!
    I live in North Carolina...another southern girl!
    visit me over @
    Have a Blessed Day!
    Tammy :-)

  21. I can only imagine what heavy hearts live in your home right now. It is such a difficult time, losing someone we love. Unfortunately, the only thing that alleviates any of it is time, something that no one can give us, no matter how much they love us.
    I am thinking of you, and wishing for you grace and peace today and always.
    Much love,

  22. Thanks for sharing your heart and what you're going through right now. I and many others, I'm sure, will be lifting you up in prayer. I'm thankful you have people around you to love on you and bless you with their presence in the heat, meals & prayers. What a sweet community you have.

  23. So much beauty! That sailboat pic was my favorite, too. Still praying for you guys as you work through the sadness and grief. You are loved.

  24. my heart goes out to Dan. I can't even begin to imagine... That sailing picture will be a treasure and will also be so lovely in your home! And I just adore that new sign you bought and where you hung it! Just awesome!

  25. hello sweetie,
    a beautiful and tender post.
    hugs to you all.


  26. I'm so sorry for the loss, it so difficult! I'll be thinking of your family during this time, time does heal :)

    Thanks for your visit and your sweet words, I'm really enjoying your blog and all your pictures are really fabulous!
    Take care

  27. Sweet Paige,

    My heart breaks and goes out to your precious family. Not a day goes by that I do not miss my dad... but knowing that Love exists, that HE exists and that our memories exist, makes it a bit easier to breathe in and out.
    I wish I could just wrap my arms around you and hug you from here.

    I am humbled and honored to know that my little painting brings you sweet peace for your Pop Pop. I pray that your hearts continue to heal a bit more with each day.

    Blessings and Love to you, my friend.

  28. I just read about your husband's father. I am so sorry. We lost Kelly's dad two years ago and I know how deep this pain is. I love that you bought a painting that will remind you of sweet memories.

  29. I am so sorry about Pop Pop. He sounds like he was a wonderful man. May the Lord comfort you all during this time of loss.

  30. Good Morning Paige,

    so sorry for you family's loss. beautiful pictures and thoughts....i have that same quote on a frame that hangs in my girls' bathroom..i love it...and so speaks to what i want for them...

  31. Paige...what beautiful glimpses into your home! It's so fresh and comfortable looking!!! thanks for your sweet comment you left today (you darling dear!) AND!! thanks for that last post, because I purchased that sailing print!!!! It was the closest thing to the sailing vessel we used growing up - I can't wait to get it home (thanks to you!)

    Anne Marie

  32. My heart truly does go out to you and your family in your loss. You father-in-law looked to be an amazing man.

    Dear sweet Melanie's art speaks to me, too. So, so much. And I also hesitated and waited too long to buy the painting of hers which spoke to my heart, too.

    I'm hoping you find much peace and comfort in the days ahead, dear lady!


  33. thinking of your family, month marks 4 years since my dad passed and i know the heartache that this loss brings...sending you wishes for the easement in this heart is with you.


  34. Thinking of you again this morning. Praying that He is holding you all close. I know that you are a tremendous comfort to your sweet Dan. You all are mirror reflections to one another of the love of the Father.

    How beautiful is that to see each morning!

    Miss you and sending you lots of love and comfort and rose petals......

    Love your beautiful post.


  35. Paige....I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Pop Pop! Never easy no matter the age!

    I was wondering if you could share with me what store you purchased the "Remember When" plaque in....I love those words of inspiration!

    cdandersen at


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