Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pop Pop

this weekend our precious Pop Pop went to be with Jesus
oh how we love that sweet man
& how blessed we are to have had him in our lives

he was loyal to his bride of 52 years
who he loved deeply & selflessly

he taught his three children to be kind to everyone

he had a twinkle in his crystal blue eyes
& the lines of his face showed a perpetual smile

he proudly fought for his country in World War II
& probably never said an unkind word to anyone

he could do just about anything
& always had a joke to tell

he truly loved the Lord
& loved others well

it was no suprise
to hear how smitten the ICU staff
was with Pop Pop
the last few days of his life
everyone loved him

my sweet tender hearted husband, who has the same spirit as his daddy
told me this morning he was thinking about his daddy
& how certainly he was  reunited with grammy in Heaven
how in Heaven since there is no concept of time
it's probably as if they've been together all along

Pop Pop had told us yesterday
he was ready
ready to meet his Maker
& ready to be with his sweet bride

we sure do love you Pop Pop


  1. my thoughts and prayers are with your family~

  2. Paige,
    I am praying for your family. LOVE the pictures. Praying for you all!

  3. What a sweet tribute.
    What a handsome man.
    What a beautiful family.
    Love to you all.

  4. May you know the perfect peace of the Father as you grieve the loss of a wonderful grandfather. And may the time pass quickly until you see him again.


  5. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.

    It is amazing how photos can so perfectly capture a moment in time & render it eternal. What a sweet and touching post.

  6. what a wonderful family you have been blessed with

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  8. We love you and we are praying from a far for you as you remember his life and how he ran the race so well. Your family has touched Art and I deeply and we will always remember how dear they were to us personally! The pictures tell stories of his love for his bride and son! You all are so special! Praying... Art and Denise

  9. Paige, my love to you, Dan and the girls.

    What a beautiful tribute to his life -- and when the nursing staff falls in love with you, you know you're special. That's for sure. :)

    Hugs to you ALL...


  10. oh Paige, this post brought me to tears. it is always sad to lose someone so incredibly kind and loving. how wonderful that the love of his wife was waiting for him though~

    (is it awful to mention that he was terribly handsome?) :)

    thinking of you sweet friend,

  11. Sweet words my friend...dan is so incredibly blessed to be married to you...I love that you don't miss the blessings that God has planned for your family through you xoxoxo

  12. this brought tears to my eyes...what a sweet post.

  13. What a wonderful tribute - and how blessed you are to have had him in your lives. sending hugs.

  14. paige...i'm so, so sorry for your loss. you can look into his eyes and see his sweet spirit and love for the Lord.

    praying for you and your family as you walk this journey.

  15. Paige, what a beautiful tribute. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. xo

  16. Your family is in our prayers,

  17. Paige, praying for you, Dan & the girls. Can you just imagine that reuinion with Grammy!?! :) Thank you for sharing stories of Pop Pop, he was a wonderful man.

  18. Tears and I don't know you. I do know how it is to loose a parent. My husband and I lost our fathers three months apart. May God Bless you and your family. Your words were beautiful.

  19. Dear Paige & Family,
    So very sorry for your loss. What a blessing it must have been to love and have been loved by such a man. May those precious memories be a source of comfort for you all.
    Extending heartfelt thoughts and prayers,

  20. He is surely Home.
    Your sweet Caroline looks so much like her Pop Pop...those eyes...
    Blessings for your Family.

  21. Oh Sweet Paige...I'm so sorry...prayers for you and your family and what a wonderful tribute you did do...he sounds so wonderful and what a blessing he was to your family
    and love the pictures you shared of him...they are wonderful!

  22. Oh my darlin, my thoughts and love are with you all...Sending the biggest hug from Aus...Love c xx

  23. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man!
    My prayers are with you and your family!

  24. Paige,
    So sad to lose a parent. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time. Seems serene though to know he is reunited with his wife now in a special place.

  25. your hearts must surely be sad and missing him... but oh, to imagine the heavenly reunion! saying a prayer that peace will surround your hearts & mind, and that Jesus continue to hold you in love.

  26. What amazing pictures to have to remember him by! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  27. Oh my goodness, Paige. I'm so sorry to hear this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Big Hugs

  28. Oh Paige~

    My prayers and love are being sent across the miles.

    Please give Dan an enormous hug from me... and be sure he gives you one back from me too.:)

    Wishing you tremendous peace and strength in th edays ahead.

    Love you, my friend!

  29. My dad's soul departed on June 6th.'s not been quite two months for me and most of my waking thoughts are of him and wondering what Heaven is like for him. He was Pop Pop w/ the arrival of his first (of eight) grandchild. I've been reading your life since I 'discovered' you through Artful Blogs! I am married to a handsome man who is my best friend, we have two daughters (both married w/ two children each of their own) - I am a Christian and I enjoy my creative gifts through quilting. I figure we have some serious similarities, ha! Please know how much I feel the emotions you are having at this time. Through the sadness and lonliness there is PEACE as well and knowing that they are in God's arms is the greatest comfort of all. Sarah

  30. What tender, heartfelt words. May the hope of spending eternity with him lift your heart heavenward.


  31. This post brought me to tears. Your family is so blessed to have such an amazing herritage. I will be praying for you and your beautiful family.

    Renee Ford

  32. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
    may you be comforted in His loving arms.

  33. your family is in my thoughts & prayers, lovely tribute!

  34. What a loving tribute! Please know you are in both thoughts and prayers during this sad time.

  35. Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. Sending you a big hug and lots of prayers. What a precious tribute.

  36. Sounds like a wonderful man (and very handsome!). And it sounds like is sweetness has been passed on.

  37. What a sweet post to Pop Pop. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


  38. What a sweet testimony...I'm sorry that your Pop Pop is no longer here on this earth but thankful for the hope you have in being with him again in Heaven! Praise the Lamb for the sacrifice He made so that we can have HOPE! :-)
    Thanks for sharing your life with others so openly.
    1 Thes. 2:8- You are a sweet example of this verse.

  39. What a blessing to have had this precious man in your lives. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure there was a beautiful reunion in Heaven when he saw his bride. Sending my comforting thoughts and prayers to your family. Love ya!

  40. I'm sorry, what a great life. Our hope and joy is that we will meet them again. On my blog today I posted about my momma, who died 14 years ago today. Hugs to you.

  41. When you text me yesterday morning about Herb my heart stung. Stung in a I have always heard so many amazing things about this man and his forever blue eyes and heart and humor that you always talked of being just Herb. It made me realize that one of the good men had left this earth. Ugh! To meet him in person I remember thinking he is small at this point in frame, but a big, gentle amazing strong man inside with a really big heart for his bride, Lil. I love you all. Know my heart is with Dan and each of you too as you walk through this loss of Pop Pop.

  42. We are soo sorry to hear about your loss. My family will be praying for you and your family in this great time of need. Always remember the wonderful and good times and that he was truely loved and loved truely....
    Blessings to you and yours
    Curtis & Sherrie

  43. has anyone ever said how much your Pop-Pop looks like George Clooney in that first picture...

    praying for y'all as you grieve the loss of such a sweet and handsome man....

  44. I'm so sorry to hear you lost him Paige - to this world that is - and what an incredible man he was from your sweet testimony! sounds like he passed so peacefully....I do hope so....

    Anne Marie

  45. What a beautiful celebrate an amazing man it sounds.
    I love your blog...the pictures, your words and
    I have never posted a comment before, but this post brought tears to my eyes and I felt my heart nudging me to comment.
    Thanks for sharing, praying for you and the sweet ones in your family.
    We are always left with a little hole after losing someone so great.

  46. i send love and prayers to your family at this time.

  47. AWW my face & heart are sad for you but happy for him all at the same time!

    Love & prayers to you & your family Paige!

  48. What a sweet post Paige. I am praying for you and your family. I know that he is in the best place right now smiling down on all of you. Hugs to you.

  49. What an absolutely beautiful tribute. Sounds like an incredible man who left a pretty stellar legacy. I'm thinking about you and your family.

  50. I'm so sorry Paige! I love those black and white photos of him... he must have been very special.

    Hang in there. I'm praying for you guys.

  51. Oh Paige, I'm so sorry to hear this. Lots of love and hugs to you and your family. I'll be praying for you guys. I know there are no words, but I'm glad you know you'll be seeing him again one day. Sweet pictures. He sounds like a great man. xo

  52. Already crying
    and praying,
    today, dear Paige
    and it's just
    5:45AM....You and
    all of your sweet
    family, including
    Pop Pop, will be
    in my heart and
    prayers, today.
    Many blessings,
    xx Suzanne
    PS: What a man.

  53. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Pop Pop. My thoughts and prayers are with you all...



  54. My condolences to you and your family. While sad, it seem that you all know he is in a good place and are at peace with it.

  55. We grieve with you. We lost our Papa 2 years ago. Not a day goes by that we don't think about him!

  56. He is in heaven with lots of wonderful loved ones. A big hug to you and my sincerest condolences. Thank you for sharing sweet pictures and words about a special man in your life. Blessings to your family.

  57. Paige,
    I am so sorry. He sounds like a wonderful man. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  58. oh Paige, I am so sorry for your loss, but the end of your post made me smile. I suppose there will be a time when we are all ready to go and be with our loved ones....big hugs to you and your family, he sounds like a wonderful man...xoxo

  59. Hugs and Kisses!
    What a wonderful man Pop Pop must have been.
    I'm sure the angels rejoiced when he came home.

  60. I just love the story of their love and I know that you all loved him so. i know he will be dearly missed but it is just so wonderful to picture him reuniting with his bride!

  61. praying for you paige and your family!


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