Thursday, August 05, 2010

my senior

there must be a mistake

my calender tells me that monday morning you head out as a 17 year old high school senior
but my heart tells me that you're my 6 year old little girl who lost all four top front teeth at the same time
& is ready for gymnastics class

i want to make sure you know how much you are loved
& how much you were wanted

i remember clearly the day mimi & i were shopping
for an outfit for 'savannah'
the sales clerk asked me if i had a daughter named savannah
i told her, not yet
but i will one day

now 17 years later
i'm as proud of you
as i was that early sunday morning, valentines day 1993
when the doctor handed me what was certainly
the most beautiful creation i had ever seen

you have been a delight to raise
while i'm more than certain i have failed you many times
i hope more than those memories
you will be secure in knowing how much i cherish you
how proud i am to be your mom
how proud daddy gregg was to be your daddy
& now how proud daddy is to call you his

i am so thankful that you asked Jesus into your heart as a little girl
i pray you remember that only He
not a friend
nor a bff
not a guy
& certainly not your parents
not a job
not all the success in the world
can ever fill the hole that only He was made to fill

if you can nail down that principle early
everything else will fall perfectly into place

pray daily
know you are loved
know He loves you even more
laugh much
forgive often
cry when you are tender
but live with hope
encourage others
remember your sisters look up to you
& always will
dream big
but enjoy the simple
count your blessings
& love well

i am & forever will be

with all that this heart can hold

now go rock that senior year baby girl!!

the majority of these image were taken by my precious friend ashley
girl, i owe you a million
your talent blows me away
 you exceeded my dreams for this shoot
you captured her

i love you friend
& ps...these are straight out of the camera


  1. WOW! She is gorgeous! And what sweet words spoken from a mommy's heart! Hope she has a great senior year!

  2. Aww the Senior Year...goes so quickly...she is a beautiful young lady!...and so blessed to have been raised with your guidance as to what really matters & is important!

  3. Oh Paige!! These photos of Savannah are FABULOUS!! She is SO gorgeous, stylish, elegant and fun!!
    Love all her outfits .. the boots are too cute and the photo with the 'po-po' car - ha!


  4. She's gorgeous. The photos are amazing...hope you and she have a wonderful "senior" year.

  5. What a BEAUTIFUL young lady she has turned out to be. And I'm sure she is just as beautiful on the inside where it really counts!!! Enjoy every moment of her senior year, it passes soooooooo quickly! You have raised her to spread her wings and fly and that time will be here before you can imagine!!! I'm excited to hear what God is doing in her life in the near future and in years to come. Love the Knudsens,

  6. Oh, I am Anonymous........Guess I didn't figure out how to Post, DUH!

  7. Awesome in every way Paige. She looks like a delight in every way. Your pride is so touching...and the pictures REALLY ROCK.


  8. beautiful girl and beautiful words written by a sweet mama.

  9. Your daughter is beautiful. I know that you are proud. What a wonderful post.

  10. heartwarming to read ~ I wish my girls would let me take their photos ~ I tried with my one daughter when she came over and she was playing with the dogs ~ her words were "mom don't take my pic" ~ I guess I should have started earlier with them and carried on through the years..Now that they're 24,23 yrs and my son is 18 it's hard to get them to agree to photos never mind get them all together. So I'm a little jeolous that you're kids are so agreeable..Beautiful shots of Savannah ~ beautiful girl. I like the one with her on the train track.

  11. Amazing that she is starting her senior year- I haven't seen Savannah since she was probably around three but it looks like you have raised her to be as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside which doesn't suprise me at all. The pictures are gorgeous- absolutely love the one on the railroad tracks and in the blue dress!!

  12. Ok so now I am crying yet again! I just did a similar post on my blog. Why, oh why must they grow up??? Your beautiful girl is stunning and will have a wonderful senior year, I am just sure of it.
    Ummm, the pics...WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. those pictures are just so stunning. that top one~ OH MY! what a beauty. And it sounds like she's quite the beauty in her heart as well. Love these words from a mama to her baby girl! who I know she will always be to you!

  14. I second what Kim just said, she's so beautiful and the "outside" is only the wrapping. The present that is inside is a treasure. I pray that Savannah has the best year and that you enjoy those special moments her senior year holds together.

    you are the best :)

  15. ok, that made me cry, such sweet words spoken to your precious daughter! Thanks for putting what most of us probably feel into words! Beautiful pics! Enjoy senior year Savannah! Rock it!

  16. That's a beautiful post. Your daughter is a beautiful girl...don't they just grow up too fast?! :(

  17. What lovely sweet words. She is beautiful - and probably even more so on the inside, because you are her mummy and have taught her well.

  18. This brings back memories of my Meghan's senior's a very special time! Your post is so beautiful, and what a gorgeous young lady! Hope you have a balst this year too Mom!
    Here's to a great weekend!
    Tammy :-)

  19. She is so beautiful and what a fun time to be a Senior! Love the one with the police car.

  20. She is just a doll Paige. I would be a blubbering idiot if that was my kid. You are gonna have to do a lot of hand holding with me come that day!

  21. What a beautiful, sweet post. Your baby girl is so lucky to have you as her mom. It is so evident how loved she is!

    Have a great senior year Savannah!!

  22. Your words to your sweet baby girl warm my heart! You sound like an amazing mother and I'm sure your girls feel the same way! She is absolutely stunning and I love her pictures :)

  23. Such a beautiful expression of love from mama to babe. Your daughter is amazingly beautiful and so are you! As always, your words touch my heart....

  24. The whole post was precious: your words and your beautiful daughter. But my very favorite part, was when you told her to dream big but remember the simple things. OH how so many people forget to teach that! And so often it is those simple things that are best! You too, Momma, enjoy this special year! Lori L

  25. Your daughter is's hoping her senior year is the best!

  26. Bless her heart --what a sweet senior girl and sweet Mama to write that post! Gorgeous photos of your beautiful girl! Have a great weekend!


  27. What sweet words...words to be cherished by your sweet girl. It's so true about having Christ in her heart and then everything else will fall into place. You are a blessing to each other.

  28. Good Morning Paige ~

    You absolutely made my heart sing with this post. Delightfully delightful!

    You are marinating your girls in love that they will carry on and share with the world forever.

    Good Job Mom!

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  29. What a lovely young lady she has become. Hard to believe how fast time has flown by and now she's a senior. I wish her every blessing.

  30. Wow. Ashley did an awesome job. Great locations. Gorgeous young lady. Perfect shoot. You all should be proud.

    Enjoy your senior year Savannah!

  31. SOOC!! love them.
    I was gonna say...who needs professional shots with you behind the lens till i read the last sentence.
    see....i do read every word.
    I loved this post...but i don't think you have ever written one that i chucked out the window.
    love you.

  32. beautiful beautiful!
    here's to the sweetest senior year.

  33. What a super sweet post for your senior! You must be one proud mama!

    I love, love, love these pictures! What a fabulous place for senior pictures!

    Have a great weekend!

  34. Paige, your sweet
    Savannah must surely
    know she is cherished
    beyond belief....Love
    both pics and words,
    dear friend!
    xx Suzanne

  35. Such lovely photos. What a wonderful family you have - beautiful as always!!!

  36. sweet post & beautiful pics! Hope you and your family are doing alright. Been thinking about you guys. xo

  37. Okay, as usual, I'm in tears over your heart-felt post to your daughter. They started right abt here: "you have been a delight to raise
    while i'm more than certain i have failed you many times
    i hope more than those memories
    you will be secure in knowing how much i cherish you
    how proud i am to be your mom" and pretty much kept going.

    These pictures are awesome! The blue chair shots are absolutely stunning. Of course, how could they not: Savannah is beautiful!

  38. She is darling!
    And this post is something she will surely treasure all the days of her life. :-)

  39. the pictures are amazing. the blue dress is my fav. although i love them all :O) wonderful post paige. very sweet. very from the heart.

  40. Oh Paige, what a tender, beautiful post to your daughter!! OH my goodness her pictures are fabulous... what a treasure to have captured this time in her life!
    wishing her the best year!!!

  41. Gorgeous words for a gorgeous girl! She sounds like an amazing young lady! I am sure she will have a great year, oh to go back!!! Enjoy your sweet girl while you have her!

  42. This post ROCKS. You are an awesome mom and it shows how much you love your daughter. Love it.

  43. Oh my goodness...I cannot see the computer beyond my pools of tears. Paige that is just the most tender post to Savannah. I know she will cherish your words well. Love how you are their Mamma and love them with your whole heart!

  44. Beautiful!! I just went through these emotions about 2 months ago when my girl graduated.

  45. tearing up . . . as usual. I have to stop reading these AFTER I already have on my face for the day :)

  46. I love your tender words. Your girls are beautiful and you can see their sweet heart shine from the outside too!

    Enjoy this precious year.

  47. I'm a puddle of tears over here and don't even know you (in real life anyway). How very sweet your words are to your daughter.

    The year will fly by, but God will fix some memories that will last a lifetime. Just try to be in the moment as much as you can be.

  48. Gorgeous!!!!! This is a precious post. I was where you are now at this time last year and I think the past year has gone so much faster than I could have ever imagined. Breathe in every moment...because she will be ready to fly well before you are.

    We took our daughter to college 2 weeks ago...the day came too soon.


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