Tuesday, June 08, 2010

so sad........

i don't have an eloquent post today
no deep thoughts
no words of encouragement
no funny stories
just my thoughts first thing this morning it looks like we may need to cancel our july 4th trip to seaside

i wish i had a crystal ball
i wish i knew what to do

please don't send me hate mail
(not that anyone ever has...)
but i am well aware of the bigger picture here
men lost their lives in the explosion
the impact on the ocean life & coastal wildlife is devastating
major economic loss for those whose income depends on tourism
overwhelming sadness....

the Lord gave me a heart for nursing
a heart made to take care of children, very sick children
but this heart can not take sad animal stories

i really can't
i can't look at the news
i can't see the images of the oil soaked pelicans

i would love to go to paris one day
i would love to travel to boston, seattle and new england
but truth be told
there's a little spot on the gulf coast
that i'm completely smitten with

the white sand & the crystal clear water
is my heaven on earth
if i never went any of those places
i'd be perfectly content with my yearly trips to the gulf shore

my first visit to Seaside was with Dan
on our honeymoon

we came back a couple months later with the girls
& have come back every year since

we love it here
we have our favorite restaurants
favorite shops
favorite beach things

i've been to plenty of beaches
but none as breathtaking as the beaches along the gulf

i'm not trying to be a big baby
or a self absorbed narcissist
but honestly pulling up these images
leaves me here with tears in my eyes
will the beach look like this again?

i know we can take our deposit & call it a loss
pack up & head elsewhere
i know that

but today i'm just feeling sad

& heartbroken
about the whole situation....


  1. I don't think you're being selfish at all...after all is said and done, this is the point. The devastation is so huge and reaches so far and touches the lives of so many people.

    It's a place you (& a lot of others) love and cherish and look forward to visiting. Your visits fuel that local economy, too, so this is just another way that it will be devastated.

    It is just so so tragic and sad...

  2. Be totally selfish...and say it's NOT FAIR!!!
    It's horrible...just horrible about the whole situation down south and to think so much more could have been done and it wasn't just burns me up.
    on a side note...you could always go to the other side of florida..like west palm beach....and then i could meet up with you guys.
    just a thought....

  3. paige, my heart is broken too! I love love love love the gulf coast, we are going this weekend and I hope to give some sort of report on the oil status. makes my heart so sad to see the animals covered in oil. i'm sad you're canceling your vacation. i hope you all can find somewhere equally as fabulous to go!! xoxo D

  4. You have every reason to feel sad, especially when a place that has been devasted holds so many dear memories for you and your family.

    Hopefully you can find somewhere new to go where you can create wonderful new memories.

  5. i feel for ya honey. how sad for everyone involved. it's not a good thing. i have never been there but it looks so beautiful. i always thought you lived by the beach when i first started visiting you. good luck figuring out what your going to do. i head to ft. myers beach on the 8th of july. (further down the gulf coast)

  6. It is hard for so many reasons. This is your special play....it is so understandable.

  7. I am sad for you. It is just heart-breaking. The whole thing just makes me sick...I think you should be undefeated by it all and follow Kaseys advice and hit the other side of the ocean! ;o)


  8. Oh sweetie no hate mail here. It breaks my heart too. I understand your sadness. When you find that special spot there really is no replacing it.

    I can't stand to watch anything about the oil spill either. It really makes me sick to my stomach.

    So I'll be sending a little prayer your way that God will show you another spot...some place new that you can make fresh memories in. You never know, it just may be a good thing:)

  9. So heartbreaking to be sure! What a tragedy.


  10. I completely understand and no, you are not selfish at all. You are just sad... sad for the whole situation and the future and sad for yourself. It is only human. My whole family was supposed to be in Dauphin Island, AL this week. We cancelled a few weeks ago. I'm heartbroken.

  11. I feel the exact same way. We live in Louisiana, so it's right in front of me everyday AND we also go to Destin and Seaside every year and we won't be going this year. We are so heartbroken....it is our favorite place to go, the beaches are like no other. I just can't stand it! We are trying to plan something else to do, but it just won't be the same.

  12. now I'm sad too. :) You know how I look forward to those posts. I used to feel that way about Hawaii. i know exactly what you're talking about! I need to find a new place! (wink) If you come to Seattle it will make me feel better. smile ;)

  13. Seaside is one of our favorite places on earth too. We went to Watersound Beach, just a few miles from Seaside on our honeymoon and fell in love with the enitre are. We were planning a trip back this summer before the adoption and are just as sad.

    I had the Today Show on one morning last week while I was getting ready for school and they were talking about the animals. I started bawling. I went to school with red eyes. I understand.

    This whole thing is just hearbreaking on so many levels.

  14. No apologies needed. Traditions are a wonderful thing.

  15. No hate hear, just full agreement that it is so sad and sickening what has happened. The images I have seen just break my heart. Be sad, because it truly is a sad thing we have over there!

  16. NO!!!!!!! Say it isn't so. I'm in love with that place and I have never been there. Do you remember me asking you about it and where it was? I was totally going to go there one day.
    I swear in the back of my mind I was thinking the same darn thing you were, "Uh oh! What's that oil spill going to do to Sea Side?" Dagnabbit! So many things run through my head when something like this happens. The massive list of tragedies are endless, but add to that list the family traditions that are lost now. It's soooo disappointing.
    You could always come to Colorado as a last resort........see how I snuck that in there.

  17. My thoughts were right where you are now just a few weeks ago. We went to Destin and at the time it looked like the oil was going to hit while we were there. We weren't able to get our $ back so we went. We also LOVE that area and would hate to see it ruined because it is our vacation spot...it is our escape. I pray that you find a back up plan and that your spirits are lifted.

  18. paige, seaside is one of the most endearing spots on earth... you're not being selfish. let's just continue to pray hard. i, too, do not tune into the news or read up on the torture the animals are going through--- it is too heartbreaking.

  19. it is all so sad... and drifting too close to our southern gulf shoreline. disappointment always hits me hard, so i can understand your sadness about your trip. what lovely memories you were looking forward to recreating!

  20. We were headed to Ft. Myers Beach this summer, but will now settle for something different. Still, FMB was not our very special place...so I totally understand your disappointment! The whole situation is just awful. On the flip-side, maybe here's to exploring new territory! ;)

  21. Oh sweetie, I feel terrible. When a place holds a special sopt in your heart it's never selfish to feel bad about not being able to go. His plan will guide you and I have every faith in Him that those Seaside beaches will look crystal clear again.
    Much Love

  22. I have reservations to be in Seaside over the 4th too and also don't know what to do. Our stay was supposed to be an unbelievable 10 days...July 2-12. We drive there from Oklahoma and always take the 'long' way so we can go down through all the gulf coast towns. It is beyond beautiful and so relaxing even driving that far. We don't know whether to go or not. I watch the news every day and just feel the gloom and doom coming from the TV set. I can't stand to think of all those families that rely on tourists....for years maybe. I can't stand to watch the birds and turtles and hear the noise they make. I know where you are coming from. I'd love to be able to say "I'd love to meet you in person in Seaside in four weeks!" I'm just worried what will happen in the next four weeks. I guess all we can agree to do right now is lift the entire region up in our prayers. Lori L

  23. I think it's ok to feel sad when something you love and have come to count on yearly is no longer the same. Looks like you have made many precious memories there. I hope you will get to go back soon.

  24. I am from Florida and so this really hits home for me!!
    I wish I still lived there so I could help with the clean up or do something...I would love to find/figure out a way to help the people who will lose so much with the loss of tourism..maybe you and your Family could still go and just use the pool..eat at the restaurants..shop..maybe even volunteer if possible. If everyone stays away the areas may never recoup.

  25. No need to feel bad about the possibility of losing a place so dear to your heart. Living in Florida, I completely understand. Tar balls are even washing up here on our beaches, few and scattered, but here. And it just breaks my heart when I see the footage of the animals affected by all this. And when I think of all the people affected by this, its just so awful. My heart goes out to you. Maybe you could spend a few days somewhere else and a few days helping with the clean up in Seaside?

  26. Beautiful photos Paige.....I totally understand you feeling so sad....


  27. I completely understand what you are saying...and you are not selfish...I haven't been able to watch much either on the news and for me...I would be okay too if I could just go to the beach forever {especially since you have a special spot that means so much}...as much as I would like to travel...that would be it for me...it's my favorite place to go in the entire world...
    it's okay to be upset about it:)

  28. Hi Paige - me again ;-)

    I read this and felt so sad too - it was the first thing I thought of when they reported that oil was washing up in Pensacola. I travelled to Florida so many times when I was little - I have such a soft spot for the place and similarly had favourite haunts. It's just criminal that there is this damage now, nothing we can do it seems. I would be beside myself if I had to change my holiday plans now too...as so much hinges on them; that is our precious family time. Anyway - I just wanted to say - I so understand, for what it's worth! Lou x

  29. we are comtemplating that same sad truth- our annual 4th of july trip to the coast as well- but we may stick it out, just go on and enjoy the family time, the event of NO COMPUTERS to work from & a LOTS of poolside chats! maybe you can try a new fun tradition this year- maybe a weekend place at the lake with a boatride to see the fireworks . . .

  30. i know! i have wondered about the impact this will have on many people traveling this summer. it is awful!

  31. Oh Paige....I am feeling sad with you!!
    You photos are beautiful and YES that beach is PERFECT!!

    Sending a hug.


  32. Hey Paige,
    I so agree. The lives lost are first and foremost the real tragedy. But the helpless wildlife and devastated lives are so heartbreaking too.

    We live on the gulf coast, down near Naples. So far, only the random tar ball...but still scary and very sad. We were going to Destin last weekend and canceled so I would probably cancel if I were you.

    Such a beautiful area and your post was sad yet so well done. I'm planning a beach post too soon...hope I capture the situation half as well.

  33. You're not being selfish! It's a special place to you and your family that will probably never be the same. It's okay to be sad about that. I'm sad that my kids haven't gotten to see that part of the country and the everglades. It's a sad situation for everyone and the animals. :(

  34. i'm sorry. for everyone. it's okay to be human 'cause that's what we are.

    hugs :)

  35. Heartbreaking in every way!
    God wants this for you I think.
    So selfish, no as he desires that
    peace for you that you find there every year.
    So I am gonna start praying for
    your decision and well that
    He can make good out of this.
    He can make this the most special
    vacation yet. Now it is called
    an adventure. I say this as I look at
    my life today and girly you know where that is.
    Smiles and xo to you.

  36. its so sad, i hate watching the news and i get so upset with what happend ....I have always wanted to go there.. you do what your heart feels....and you can never go wrong with that..and how can you not feel sad..seeing the wildlife brings me to tears.....

  37. I hope your lil boo (caroline) is doing well at camp. She is so adorable:) ANd I hope you Mama are doing well at home:)

    I don't blame you one bit for feeling this way...we too fell in LOVE with Seaside! We are not going this summer because the boys sleep-away camps and our Disney trip this fall and Will's Spring trip to Paris with school are eating up our vacation funds...so I have been sad too. I get it... a family beach vacation somewhere you love is a family tradition and another place just won't feel the same.

    Having said that though...we usually go to HH and last year tried Seaside. The first day or two the boys were a little sour and compared it to HH but we ended up having a great time.


  38. You know how I feel about Seaside and this just breaks my heart. I cannot even watch the news reports on it. We made some wonderful memories on those beaches just 2 months ago, I am just sick. It is just so sad.

  39. You're such a sweet person of sentiment and tradition, I can see why you're so sad! Sending you big hugs!

  40. What a sweet tradition you began as a new family. It's completely understandable that you would be sad.

    Wishes for a brighter tomorrow and finding a new hidden treasure to filled with sand and memories.


  41. We are in the same boat. My parents have a condo in Orange Beach. We were going down the first week in August as we always do, but I know the oil hit there on Saturday. We are looking for another place to visit. We feel awful, as we were hit by Ivan, and now this, but with 10 kids and 8 adults, we do want to go somewhere where we can enjoy the water, and the beautiful sand.

    We are also agonizing over our decision. No place has the beautiful beaches like they do!

  42. Okay, I just read your post to my mom. Do you actually go to Seaside Beach and Racquet Club? That is where my parents are.

  43. Okay, I just read your post to my mom. Do you actually go to Seaside Beach and Racquet Club? That is where my parents are.

  44. It sounds like it's just really hitting you, the magnitude of what is going on there. The gulf is just as important to you as it is to those who live there year round. It's part of your life and your family's and it's okay to be sad. It's not selfish at all, it's the sad reality of a horrible accident (and I do think it was an accident but I am not trying to make a political commentary.) Maybe this is an opportunity to find a new place for your family to make memories. Although your photos make Seaside look like heaven on earth. :)

    I agree about the animals - I didn't get really mad about this until I saw those poor pelicans - I thought 'that's it, this needs to be fixed NOW.'

    It's just so sad.

  45. I can totally understand your disappointment. It's so sad. Hang in there!

  46. Paige
    We're a North Captiva family! After going there several years for vacation my husband and I want very much to retire there. I cringe to think of it after all of this...

  47. my DS is in Destin right now. He was on the beach yesterday and told me he saw no oil. I don't know how long it will stay that way but for now it's ok.

  48. Oh sweet Paige. You have every right to feel sad today. You are not being selfish at all. It is a SAD time, the whole situation is devastating on many levels. Your not being able to go on your holiday is one of those levels honey. I hope that you find somewhere new and exciting to go and that your precious Gulf beaches will look as beautiful as they do in your photos very, very soon. I think we all (wherever we are in this huge world) wish we could do something to help. Hugs to you Paige ~ Tina xx

  49. PAIGE: I hear you, loud and clear.
    Since 9-11 I was pretty addicted to the news....just kept it on in the background...needed to know that all was safe, okay, etc. but since this oil spill I have totally disconnected. Like you, these oil spill images just pierce my heart. We are all mourning, but you, especially since it affects your pretty little corner of the gulf you always visit. Let's pray that all will be well and that next year there won't be a doubt: YOU'll BE THERE. Love and thoughts ~ Suzanne

  50. I'm so sad about the whole situation as well.... my children are huge sea animal lovers and can't see the news... they worry so much about all the devesation. Praying for everyone,

  51. it is sad.
    all i can do is shake my head and sigh.

  52. I have just found your lovely blog and wonder why I have not seen it before. Great post. The spill is going to affect so many of our favourite coastal areas. I love a post that evokes emotion such as this.

  53. it really is so sad. I avoid the news at all costs, but caught some of the images when my husband was watching. I hate seeing it. It's just devastating. :( I am sorry about your trip. I can't imagine having that special spot of relaxation taken away. :(

  54. Paige I just can't believe it! I'm so sad too! We are supposed to go with our bday club at the end of September and I just don't know....will it be worse or better then?

    You have 52 comments! This is definitely close to everyone's hearts! YOU are not selfish!

  55. i have seen many posts like this lately... I wish I could go and volunteer... to help the animals... I can't watch it on the news... it breaks my heart! tragic. horrible. sad. awful. =(

    I love those kind of places... special places where you hold many memories! It looks like a beautiful place to hold those memories!

  56. I feel the same way about Destin and Seaside. I understand your feelings about it being your heaven on earth. I don't want to go any whaere else either.

  57. i am the same! i do not watch the news! i click off the page when a picture comes up about "that" situation! i have to or i will just be sick (literally) over it! please cheer up sweet friend! xoxo

  58. i understand you paige...we have our spot too and it doesn't just hold all of the favorites and beach things...it's got all those great memories and feelings that you can have only when you are there...hoping your summer is lovely.

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. I live in Florida 20 minutes from the gulf and a lighthouse , born and raised in this beautiful place and I am heartbroken as well . I am so angry at the pace that things are happening to help. You are not a selfish person , you as well as all of us, are sad.

  61. It is such a tragedy. And you know, it's as much an emotional tragedy as anything else. So I feel for you...and I COMPLETELY understand the sadness you feel. If a place holds such sweet memories, seeing it destroyed is heartbreaking. Let's all hope that it can eventually heal.

  62. clearwater is where i love....

    and it's heartbreaking - I have been visiting there since I was 2

  63. I would be devastated if something took away my seaside. We have a special place at the Oregon Coast that I very much feel the same about as you. This oil spill is causing way too many disturbances in life, it's a shame.

  64. this post was so sweet and heartfelt and all things good. It isn't fair. any of it.

    Your pictures are so beyond perfect....your girls are beautiful. just beautiful.

    did you cancel the trip or are you going anyway?

  65. Such a bummer...my best friend & her family go to Seaside every year...they LOVE it! Hope you get to go back soon...the whole oil spill thing has just broken my heart as well...lives lost, I can't look at the soaked pelicans & turtles either, Millions of gallons of oil...just wasted...family vacations ruined, it's all really sad. Sorry you don't get to go this year...I trust the Lord will restore beautiful little Seaside so you can enjoy it again.


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