Sunday, June 06, 2010

she's a camper

put little bit on the bus yesterday
for her first trip away to summer camp
with our church
a dozen of the cutest 8 & 9 year old little girls as her cabin mates
100 or so other kiddos
& a few nurses

she's totally excited

i on the otherhand....not so much

these images pretty much sum up her emotions

while this image
sums up mine..


  1. you're up early.
    She is going to have a grand time.
    I wish our church offered a camping expedition;-0

  2. how sweet! have a super week! susan

  3. Wow!!!! that girl can jump!!! Cheerleading roots run deep, no doubt!:-))))

    Letting go is the most difficult thing a mommy can do. Maybe that's why we do it a little at a time. Can you imagine if it happened all at once? I would be a basket case!!!
    She is having the time of her life, for sure. Just think of all of the hugs, smiles and stories you will be blessed with when she comes home.

    Hang in there, Paige!!!:-)))

    Hugs to you!!

  4. Oh I loved summer church camp as a little girl! She will make some sweet friends. It'll all be ok momma!

  5. So hard to let the littlest one go, but I'm betting she has a wonderful time and comes home ready to talk your ears off about it! Think about how great it is going to be when she gets back! Hang in there!


  6. Oh, she is so sweet and is sure to have the best time!!! Hang in there and know she is surrounded by His love, what could be better than that.

  7. Oh no! You poor thing! I bet she does just fine. I bet you can't wait to hear all about it!

    I am nervous now! Carson is going to a half week overnight summer camp in August. I hope I can handle it!

  8. Oh this made my heart ache...I so understand! My daughter went for just two days and I was beside myself. I am sure she will have a ball. Louise x

  9. She is going to have a fabulous time ~ just think about how much fun it's going to be spending time together hearing about her adventures at camp.

    Treat yourself to something special to take your mind off missing her :)


  10. She will have a ball. I understand though. I'm a sentimental mess when it comes to stuff like that. Brings back MY childhood all over again. How can I be this old?? Big hugs to you Paige:)

  11. This will be so good for the both of you! She is a doll, I love her excitement! I wish I could jump up like that!

    Thanks for the info on the bracelets!

  12. I bet she is super excited about her camping trip....... it is so hard for us Mommas to watch them go and enjoy their independence!! She will be fine and it sounds like she is in for a wonderful experience!! I am sure the time will pass very quickly and she will be back home before you know it!! Hang in there......

    Try to enjoy your Sunday~



  13. Oh there is soo nothing like my church camp memories!! She will come back with so many stories and heart will be full! :)
    ~hugs~ as you know you miss your little bit...I can't believe my little one is moving all the way to Vermont with her HUSBAND! Time goes by so quickly!

  14. There are now words for that last pic!! Priceless!!

  15. What a cutie! Do you call her Little Bit? That was my nickname as a kid! She will have a blast! My daughter is heading to Washington with the eighth grade tomorrow and I think I might even have a tough time w/ that ~ the house will be quiet. xo

  16. good gravy - how do you get those girls to jump so high? it is funny how few photos I have of all of my boys "jumping"... ;)
    time will fly by and quite honestly I am envious that she has someplace so fun to go to!

  17. I know how you feel Paige. I get the same way when my kids go to friend's houses for sleepovers (which is not often at all). You can imagine how I get on longer stints away from home. I'm a neurotics jackpot......I'm sure I can get some professional help for it. I think it's called separation anxiety. Hang i there girl. I hate that we live so far from eachother, I'd come over and keep you company or take you to lunch to keep you busy. Someday.

  18. Awww, mom, it'll be ok and she'll be home before you know it. Think of the wonderful experience this is... ( I say this, because I don't have to send our little one off to camp this year :)

    She is beautiful and sure can get some "air". Jumping shots are my fav. I took a ton on the beach this week and will be posting soon.
    Have a great week!

  19. I don't know if you saw my fb status a couple of weeks ago that said the same thing. It was so weird to see my first child head off to camp! She only called us once. but when she got home she talked and talked and talked about all of the fun she had! She even learned a lot about God and I love that for her! She was a little more nervous to leave than your daughter but she had the "best time ever" (her words)

  20. Ahh, cute photos!

    Where is that swim suit from? Adorable!

    Have a good week.

    xoxo Michele

  21. I understand! She is going to have the BEST time! Take some time to do some things you can't do when everyone is home:)

  22. So sweet! Where is her little bathing suit from? It is SO adorable!!

  23. What dear pictures. The last one really grabbed my heart. I'm sure SHE's off, having a blast. I'd suggest a big glass of wine and a snuggle with her dad, for YOU : ) I'm feeling those same mixed emotions, with my baby graduating from elementary school. Love to see them fly....hate to see them go. Sweet sweet post, Paige! xx Suzanne

  24. Aww. I haven't let my girls go just yet, but oh how I loved camp! My girls will go one day soon...when mama is ready! Gulp!

    Proud of you...Linsey

  25. Hard to let them grow up, isn't it? Darling photos!

  26. I love your blog! Great pictures, too. I found you through A Big Story

    One question: Does that girl have springs in her feet? :-) She's a cutie.

  27. what a great jumper you have :) i hope she loves every minute of camp... and when she shares it all with you i hope that you are the one jumping for joy! hang in there!

  28. Still catching up on your life and started blogging on facebook to see if this is something I and others would even want to read. Grace camp at Look up!!! Jess my daughter worked with camp last summer and the summer before that. She was in the treehouse for about a year and around and about. I can honestly say that you inspire me. I thank you for that and I have been spilling my beans on facebook to get that off my chest and to say what I am honestly thinking. Can't wait to meet you one day this side of Heaven.


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