Sunday, June 13, 2010

i've come a long way baby

we come from a long line of women
who have slow growing hair
i think i looked like a little boy until i was in middle school
which conjures up very ugly unpleasant memories
in & of itself

i never understood why my mom
always kept me in a short cut
not until my own girls were trying to grow out their own hair style
did i understand

caroline often talks about wanting long hair
long hair like sissies
i try to explain to her that right now
her cute little hair just won't grow that long
it will one day
just not yet

so we maximize what we've got
& once she actually needed a hair cut
which i think was around 5 years old
stacked bob was the plan

the other day
she told me
"mama, i want to get a new hair cut"
i tried to explain that there wasn't a plethora of options
so she did what any self respecting woman would do
she went to google
& came up with her own idea

she wanted a spikey look in the back
"you know, like kate gosselin's other hair"
&"with bangs"
let me tell ya
we have 5 round faced girls in this home
& bangs are not the way to go

i explained how rockin her stacked bob was

and reminded her we were only weeks away from our

dream trip to the beach

where i've been known to take thousands

yes you heard that right

thousands of photos

she said she'd be disappointed if we did the stacked bob

but that she knew that her stylist & mom knew best

with that sweet attitude going on

i had to do it

we walked in & her stlyist asked what the plan was for today

i let caroline & kylie come up with her new cut

i sat down & let them pick out what would look sweet on a little girl

but maximize her short little hair

i didn't say a word

i even had my own good attitude

the older girls were like let her pick out her hair cut?

i know

crossover moment for mom

& miss kylie
at $40 a pop
explained that we could have bangs
OR sweep 'em over to the side
she could spike her hair in the back
OR i could still turn it under for that bob look

its not a huge difference
but different enough
& different enough
because little bit was the one calling the shots

i left with one very happy little girl
when we got in the car she told me
"mama, it looks better than i even imagined"

& she gained a little independence
& i was happy for my baby girl
& proud that i really could let it go


  1. She is so beautiful it would not have mattered what her haircut was. BTW it's hard to let go even a little, right?
    Have a great time at the beach and I LOVE your photos of her.

  2. I remember as a little girl when my mom finally let me make my hair decisions. It was freedom indeed. Before that she cut it herself and one bad cut and a tantrum from me the liberation I deserved. Your little Caroline looks so happy and adorable with her fresh cut:)

  3. Oh my -- it so so cute! Great haircut!

    My hair never looks right, so I can sympathize with hair issues. She's a sweetie that's for sure!

    Hope you all have a great week!


  4. I just think you have a stunner on your hands! She just has that look unique, exotic, gorgeous, and memorable. Mark my words people will take notice of her and be drawn to her, your job mom is to keep filling her with knowledge that she can use behind her magnetism to better this world. People will look to this girl.

    Hugs from a mom who has a little girl with that "it" factor you just can't explain but, have to let blossom herself.

    Love your Blog
    Amy Coon

  5. ahhh, the letting go...tough to do for sure~ my mom was a beautician..the only one in town! I had some horrible hair cuts...between the cat eyes glasses and the old lady do, I looked like a little old lady when I was 8~
    Caroline...such a cutie!

  6. Paige, Caroline has a face that could handle any hair style... a face that just makes you smile! I have to say though, not a big fan of the 'Kate spiky style'. Glad she went with the style she did! And I have always loved her 'bob'. You take beautiful pictures!

  7. she is beautiful Paige, !!and i too am one of the slow hair growing girls (my hair has never and will never grow past my shoulders) so i can sooo relate ! getting the wrong cut is never a good thing but haircuts have come amazingly far for us short hair girls and there are soo many cute cuts these days ! she is adorable !! can't wait to see the photos when you go to the beach !! xo,

  8. I rarely comment, but I just had to. You are a beautiful person inside and out, I just read your whole blog page and you are so sweet, lovable, friendly and nurturing.. I wish you were my friend! Your words are so eloquently written..

  9. What a sweetie! My kids didn't have hair until they were 4, so I know about the slow growing thing! She looks happy!!!

  10. What a sweetie! My kids didn't have hair until they were 4, so I know about the slow growing thing! She looks happy!!!

  11. Miss C is so beautiful....and she is looking mighty sassy sportin that new "do".....I LOVE IT!!!

    Sometimes just the slightest change is enough to make a difference in your spirit....and confidence!!

    I can't wait for your "thousands" of beach pictures:)

    Enjoy your Sunday~


  12. brilliant move it. and even if the haircut weren't the cutest ever (which it is) how cool that mom believed in her and let her do her own thing. i'm impressed. i hope i can do this when thetimecomes...

  13. it looks precious! SHE is the cutest thing....that last picture gave me chills....made me think of a girl who has found freedom in CHRIST!

    All of them are framers but that last one...boy, it's beyond amazing!

  14. that's so cute. I have to laugh because just last night Natalie said she wanted to grow out her bangs and I said not right now. Maybe after Disneyland when we're done taking all of the vacation pictures. Can you imagine?? The bang grow out stage... here we go... but after our pictures! :)

    Caroline looks adorable and I love her dress!

  15. Oh she is such a sweet cute little girl. I love her hair. The pictures are the sunflowers. I got some yesterday at our Farmers' Market.

  16. Caroline's new haircut is just darling! It just perfect! My hair took forever to grow too. I was 12when it was finally past my shoulders, & then summer came along & I cut it because I didn't want to wear a swim cap! What was I thinking? lol! Took forever to grow back! Where did you find that CUTE sundress? Love it!

  17. Not to undermine Miss Cs newly found independance, but one of the very first things I noticed about her besides her beautiful smile and amazing eyes was her hair. It is unique. And I don't mean unique as in the odd and unusual. I mean adorable and a cute style all her own. There aren't many people that can pull off such a cut, but Miss C is one of them.
    All of my children were bald until about 4. My little Paige can grow beautiful long hair now, but she wants it short. Go figure. I think it's a thing with us girls. HAIR

  18. Oh, isn't it wonderful when we learn how to give them a little bit of the right kind of independence?? I try not to push with hair or clothing choices because I can see how happy she is to have her own choices honored. :) YOu did good, mama!!

    She looks just beautiful!!!

  19. She looks BEAUTIFUL! I love the hair (and her outfit) and the pictures are wonderful!
    I am your newest follower :)

  20. I love the new do! It's just adorable and perfect for beach pictures!

  21. Beautiful haircut, and amazing photos. Confidence is a glorious thing and you were able to give that to her.

  22. She is stunning and the hair cut fits her perfectly! Letting them do their thing, WOW, not always easy I am learning this as I go. I am just so thankful to have "blog friends" that remind me I am not alone.

  23. How precious is she?! I love it!! She is rockin' her new do and she looks so proud! Love that she has a mind of her own ~ so adorable. xo

  24. Okay girl that is so cute on her. Good for you for letting her do her thing! I'm so sad you aren't going to Seaside by the way. (I'm behind on your posts and just read that!)

    Okay as for the homemade laundry soap. I really like it. It's not the same smell that Tide gives you, but it's a nice clean scent. Plus I threw a bounce sheet into the dryer and couldn't really tell much difference. Everything came out nice and clean. Hope you like it! :)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Precious! And up until 10 all my sisters had long flowing hair and I had the pixie cut! Just saying.
    One day long hair does happen and it will. Loving the images, loving your attitude, loving that precious face of Caroline, loving that she is all big girl now and her hair cut well, adorable!

  27. You are such a good mama! And the hair is precious! I feel your pain though....sweet annie hardly has any hair but I still pull a few strands together and stick that bow right in!

  28. A big moment for both of you girls! She looks gorgeous. Love the new do and love that everyone came out happy. P.S. I call my little bit Little Bit too!

  29. Oh Paige her little haircut turned out soooooooooooooo cute!!! What a doll! And your photos are so fabulous!!!

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  30. I loved this! A moment that will be remembered by both of you. Beautiful family!!

  31. adorable. both of you :) great job letting go mom, 'cause that is part of our god-given task - dontchyathink?!

    you could not have a cuter model. and you really are a talented photographer. :)

    hugs :)

  32. I love her response when she got in the sweet. She's adorable.

  33. Her hair is lovely. My daughter Ky, now 23, had long hair all her life, always pulled into a pony or bun for dance. A few year ago, she did a Halle Berry but and it looks amazing. She plays around with the color, (she is a hairdresser), but leaves it short short. Customers always ask for the same look.

    Your daughter has a cute, fresh and gorgeous style. What I like about her "look" in these pictures is she looks cool and funky, but age appropriate. Believe me, I am no prude, but I hate seeing young girls dressed ahead of themselves. Your girl has flair and charm.

  34. What a glorious mom you are!!! She looks fantastic!! I love how she picked it out!!! I love the that she can do all that to her hair!!! SOOOO cute!!!!
    You are raising strong girls who rock great hair cuts :)

  35. so sweet....
    love the cut.
    love the outfit.

    you go girl!

  36. its looks darling! she is such a cute girl. all of yours are. hope all is well.

  37. ok, that little haircut is perfect on her. so precious. she looks so happy!! spreading her wings. love it.

  38. Paige: Fabulous! That SHE got to choose, and that YOU let her do it! And, it looks great! My daughter {Elizabeth Caroline} was hair-challenged in the length department, too, until the later elementary years, but NOW, holy-moly, that girls got THE hair ~ long and thick. I actually envy my own girl's hair! Beautiful pics, as always.
    xx Suzanne

  39. Bravo to you for giving her a gift of independance that she will remember always. What a great Mom you are!
    She looks cute with her haircut and sassy boots that give her a unique look that making her feel as special as she is.
    My daughter and I both had wispy never gonna grow hair and oh the dreams to have a thick luxurious mane cascade across your back! Life keeps changing and sometimes we do get what we wished for. Mine is finally thick and long. Who knew? And I love it.

  40. Your photos are always so stunning!

    My mom always made me keep my hair long, I did not have a choice. As soon as I could I cut it all off! I regret it now and wish it were easy to grow out, I am over 30 and still trying to get it long again.

    I have, however, taken the lesson with me. When it comes to Jake and his hair - we do whatever he wants. No matter how much it pains me to have those beautiful blonde locks cut off : (

  41. What a lovely post... and your pictures are beautiful

  42. She is adorable! I love her to pieces...such a sweet face. :o) I even teared up reading this whole was that beautiful. ;o)

  43. With a face that beautiful, the hair doesn't really matter. I have memories of haircuts that went horribly wrong,so it is wonderful to hear that her's is better than she imagined.

  44. good for you friend! i know that must of been hard! letting go alittle! but you did it and she is glowing! i am happy to hear that you are still planning your beach trip! xo

  45. You're an AWESOME mom! Truly. Rocking it for the Lord in the mom department!

    Love that last photo in a big way! (And love the girls have it, too!)


  46. She is such a doll. I'm pretty sure that child could rock any haircut!

    What a sweet post! Maybe one day the Lord will give me a baby girl. I get excited when I think about talking hair and style with a daughter. =)

    You've got a new follower!

  47. Ahh she is just darling and I love that she googled hair styles, so cute!! good for you for letting her make her own decisions, I try to do that with my 3 year old, sometimes it works and other times he just makes me laugh, like when he came down in grey shorts, green rain boots, a brown shirt and his backpack to go to the store! we let it roll baby...your girl has some style and rockin' the short hair!

  48. O I could eat her up---so CUTE! And so good of yu let her have control;)

  49. Sweet.Sweet.Sweet!!! Just loved reading this, Paige. What a doll Caroline is ... fabulous new 'do' and she is rockin' that cute dress and boots!
    Um, just have to add here ... my last 3 or so blog posts have all been about lacrosse! Quite the different lives we live .. but I can always get my girl fix through you and your precious daughters!! xo

  50. What a sweet post. I remember my now 21 year old's haircuts some my choice others not so much.

    But their beaming faces when they are happy makes it all-right!

    I love your daughter's quote "Better than she imagined" says it all!

    I enjoy reading all your posts and have been following for quite awhile.


  51. Paige,

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I was just thinking about you and realized I had not visited lately. Around lunch time I popped in and caught up. Work got busy so I couldn't comment.

    I was so glad to hear from you first! Your little girls haircut is precious and your pictures are getting mighty beautiful!

    We too are headed to the beach in a few weeks and I agree. It's paradise! At least a little slice of it I know! I am praying for the beaches to stay beautiful as well.

    Hope your summer is going well and your staying cool. It's a hot one in the need for makeup! I love it!


  52. Hi Paige,
    This is my first visit to your blog home and I am so smitten. I've already decided i need to soften my blog page because it was just so dreamy to be here.

    I have read back a bit, and have so many questions. Are you a professional photographer?
    I am a northern Canadian who has actually had the opportunity to go to the Gulf Shores. My sister lived near by for awhile in Alabama. So I know what you are looking forward to. I am sending her your link right now.

    I am looking forward to many more visits.

  53. I forgot to mention I have three girls, 7,10, 14 and I loved your little one's haircut. My two youngest just had cuts and I was sad to see the long locks go.

  54. she is so adorable! her haircut is so cute...yay for her! oh, and your pictures are fab, of course!


  55. It's perfect and she looks adorable. And, good for you Mom!

    The Princess wanted to cut her hair short. I had let it grow and grow and grow because as a young mom kept my hair short. She just cut mine for some reason...while she let my younger sister's hair grow long. And I always envied that. So I didn't cut the Princess' hair except a trim now and then. It was down mid-back and I LOVED it, but she wanted it cut.

    So we went in to the hairdresser, and I sat quietly with a knot in my stomach, while they cut off about 8" of hair. The hairdresser asked me a few times if I was going to need a kleenex, but I held it together. And you know what? She looks absolutely adorable...just like "Lil Bit". I guess our little girls know what they want...and turns out, they're right!

    Love to you, sweet Paige!

  56. It's perfect and she looks adorable. And, good for you Mom!

    The Princess wanted to cut her hair short. I had let it grow and grow and grow because as a young mom kept my hair short. She just cut mine for some reason...while she let my younger sister's hair grow long. And I always envied that. So I didn't cut the Princess' hair except a trim now and then. It was down mid-back and I LOVED it, but she wanted it cut.

    So we went in to the hairdresser, and I sat quietly with a knot in my stomach, while they cut off about 8" of hair. The hairdresser asked me a few times if I was going to need a kleenex, but I held it together. And you know what? She looks absolutely adorable...just like "Lil Bit". I guess our little girls know what they want...and turns out, they're right!

    Love to you, sweet Paige!

  57. love the hair cut and the photos!! she is looking so grown up;)

  58. Absolutely wonderful post! God bless your sweet girl.

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  59. Oh my goodness Paige! As a Mama of 3 girls, your posts always make me cry - lol! Your 'little bit' is one gorgeous blossom! I love her new haircut, just perfect, could she be any cuter!!! Hope you are all having an amazing time at the beach! So sorry for the lateness of my comment. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  60. Oh how beautiful she looks, happy, and those pictures paige!!!! She is one girl that is rockin' that haircut and what a great momma you are...i bet that would be hard to let go of that...


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