Friday, December 04, 2009

i apologize
this entry has no images of a decorated home
tips for shopping
or holiday recipes
its not even my post on Hope
{coming monday}

i leave in a few hours to head out
with dozens of leaders
& over 400 middleschoolers
(which incidentally is only a portion of the of those that show up every sunday morning & wednesday evenings at our church)
to go camp

thats right
i'm headed to camp
& i'll be honest
i've prayed all week that the Lord will get me fired up about this
or better yet,
send me a 24 hour stomach virus
that would not only drop 5lbs off me
but would render me helpless
as a camp chaperone

sorry...true confessions

i'm a former night owl turned
total morning girl
& i need my warm comfy cozy all white shabby chic downcomforter bed
not a sleeping bag
(we are in cabins...did you think i meant tent camping?)

besides the fact that high's tomorrow will only reach 41
that's minus the windchill &
the predicted snow
(insert, non camping southern girl here)
are you getting the picture?
each night the events are scheduled to midnight
good lord
that's only a few hours
before my internal alarm is going to go off
i'm feeling very ill prepared for this level of fun!

but i'm here to tell ya
i woke up today
& really feel like the lord has given me joy about this weekend
i'm excited

i'm driving myself,
savannah & her bff
( i drew the bus riding with said 400 middleschoolers)
spending time with them is one of the things i'm completely excited about

you see
the vision our youth pastor has
is on wednesday nights
over 1,000 kids show up for the most awesome night of the week
there's loud music
& crazy skits
our youth pastor teaches them each week how God uses folks in the bible
former prostitutes, murders , adulterers
the list goes on
& how He redeems them & uses them for GREAT things

we break into small groups
& the highschoolers teach the middle schoolers
they prepare all week for this time

i am priveledged to be the adult leader for the group savannah leads
i am blown away proud of her
& how she loves on these girls,
teaches the word &
lives an example they can follow

blown away proud

as i thought about what i might prefer to be doing this
first weekend in December
i felt a shift in my heart

is this weekend convenient for me?
not at all
but if i get the chance to love on even just one child
whose home life maybe isn't so great
who hasn't seen the love of God lived out in their world
then perhaps
what better time that the first weekend in December
to teach them about Jesus
& how he loves them

& that's always convenient!


  1. (irst time to be the first commenter!)
    i am so so proud of you. selfless act.

    those girls are so lucky to have you ... and Savannah. i bet you'll come back more blessed than they are.

    be safe.

  2. Oh Paige..I so hear you on church camp. I have declared to never go again...but the kids love it!
    We go to a small church...those Wednesday nights of y'alls sound fantastic!!!

  3. What a wonderful opportunity, and I am glad God has given you an excitement for them and the weekend.
    I know you will be both blessed and a blessing.

    And, I totally get the not riding the bus!!!

  4. you are going to have a wonderful life~changing weekend...i just know it!
    have fun~~

  5. Oh Paige -- bless your heart and Savannah's too -- what a wonderful thing you two are doing together! Hope you all have a great time -- I just know you will.


  6. bless your heart paige. i hope you have a wonderful, inspiring weekend. just think how good your bed will feel when you get home.

  7. My sweet friend,

    AMAZING!!!!!! Completely and totally excited about this for you. I pray it is so good with the Lord right and center and that you almost have to pinch yourself not because it is too cold and you want to make certain your toes still work, smile! I pray it is because it is filled with the presence of Christ and girls that make you smile big warmth in your heart. So proud of you for taking this camping journey. Humbled by your giving your time, your being real and letting God fill you with joy and love for all these girls. I pray God shines all over you and through you, I do!


  8. that photo!
    And, thank you for serving your church and the Lord. Kids need godly adults! Good luck @ camp.

  9. This is a beautiful post. What a wonderful thing to be doing, especially during this season. Jesus is the gift, and you are giving such a wonderful gift with your time and love.

    So inspired by you :) Have fun and keep warm!

  10. how wonderful! i hope you all have a fun and safe time! i pray that it will be life changing for the kids! we need more like yours! xo

  11. Oh so proud of you doing the camp thing. You will come back a different person. My camp experience was one I will never forget. He really changed me forever. Hope you have a ball and get a little sleep too:)

  12. Paige you made me tear up! I know you will have an amazing time and you are so blessed!
    Someday Ash & I would love to me you & your beautiful daughters...maybe some shopping would even be in order!
    Can't wait to see your "camping" pics and to hear all about it!

  13. Hope you are having a wonderful time camping!!
    Sounds fun!


  14. how wonderful to be in the presence of so many young worshipers. and to be there for them. and for your daughters to see you reaching out, sharing and caring. w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.
    have fun :O)

  15. Oh Paige, hope all goes well i'm sure it will. it sounds amazing and you and your daughter being a part of it is so special.
    from one non camper to another i'll be praying for you :)

  16. I hope you are having an amazing weekend Paige. I'm sure you are touching hearts. You do that every day.

  17. Seed planting - one seed at a time! What a wonderful mom you are -willing to plant seeds in others lives, not just your own. I'd call that being a Spiritual Mother that so many people need and so few step up the plate!

    Merry Christmas!

  18. I am 100% certain it will be life changing. I cannot wait to hear all about it.


  19. Just passing through and wanted to say that you have a lovely & inspirational blog.
    Peace :)

  20. Not only did you go Camping but you went camping on some of the coldest days we've had!!! Proud of you! You are a great mom! I know God blessed you this weekend!

  21. Oh Paige, you are such a fabulous mom!!
    I am SO not a camper, but I have braved the wildness (30 women in a bunk house actually with only 3 sinks and toliets!)many a weekend ... all for the love of the Lord and women's church retreats.
    I am sure you will have a wonderful, blessed experience :)


  22. I hope it is an incredible time!!!

  23. I've read your blog for awhile now and love your insight. Happened across this esty store and thought of you. They have a lot of darling "seaside" jewelry. Maybe you've seen it before?


  24. Oh I hope you did in fact have a wonderful time Paige...400 kids and all!!! Good for you for going, maybe Kasey can lend you her mom of the year award :)

    Happy Monday!

    :) T

  25. What a sweet heart you have! I know you are going to get such a blessing too!

  26. Hope you have a good time. Looking forward to hearing about it. :)


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