Monday, November 30, 2009

we're gettin' there

why is that the day before thanksgiving
is simply
the day before Thanksgiving
a relaxing day just making sure i have all the fixin's for the feast

the day after Thanksgiving arrives
i wake up & realize
that despite my best intentions
i feel a little bit of panic start to creep in
all the things that must be done
in the next 20ish days or so
start flooding my mind

usually the weekend of Thanksgiving
i'm finishing up all the decorating
several packages are already wrapped
& hanging out beneath the tree

but this year
i've only bought 2 gifts
which are not wrapped by the way
i worked a double shift this past weekend
we were out of town for the funeral of a precious relative
whose military funeral was nothing short of breathtaking
& we celebrated my sweet Dan's birthday

this morning when i awoke
{early--the new me, thankyouverymuch}
& walked downstairs
the wonderful fragrance of a live frasier fir filled the air
& gently reminded me
its all good
it'll all get done
& my focus isn't on "all of it" anyway

this week marks the first week of advent
& my desire is to truly focus on just that & be reminded of
how much the Lord has blessed me & my sweet girls
i'm hoping to get an entry about hope up before the week is out...

but if not...( get the entry done that is)
the tree is up
the lights are on
just waiting for the girls to arrive home
& decorate it
all is well

my decorating is intentionally simplified this year
goodness...if i had to chose my word for 2009
it would certainly be simplify
so in keeping with that theme
i left multiple boxes unpacked
i pulled out simply what i wanted to use this season
& without any guilt
put the rest
all away
even the dozens of dept 56 Christmas Village homes
much to caroline's dismay

i'm using creamy whites
mercury glass
some burlap
& vintage paper shred here & there

this antique silver platter is filled with a few vintage sheet music pieces
an old key & crystal from an old chandilier
vanilla candles
they're there...just realized you don't see them in the pic
& in the evening looks simply lovely
when the light flickers

each year i really change things up
& each year i like the final effect
but this year
might just be
my most favorite

& just in case you were wondering
everyone loved the ginormous bowl of vintage ornaments
in fact
its probably my favorite decoration in our home!
hope to share some pictures soon

these last couple pictures are not of christmas decorating...

but just a few things i added that will blend well with the neutral wintry look i'm going for

some silvery white spray painted branches from the back yard

that i thought i'd just use during the fall , but love 'em so much

they're staying for Christmas!


  1. Gorgeous and peaceful.

    I just can't believe tomorrow is the first day of advent. I have to fill our calender. Tonight. Ack!

  2. love your writings, of course i do :O)
    love your pictures and that you changed it up a bit this year. inspired by you i have my old antique bowl filled with new (bought last year) christmas ornaments. thanks :O)
    can't wait for your hope post.

  3. Oh, I can't wait to see your Christmas decor. It will be beautiful. Loved this post.

  4. You always have such pretty arrangements. I love how you can transform the ordinary into the extra ordinary

  5. Love your pictures...and your writing...every last bit of it! I'm sure your hope post will be just beautiful and your pics too:)

  6. Gorgeous pictures Paige. I think you should give us a photo tour of your home. I'm dying to see it. It looks beautiful :)

  7. I would love to see your home...from top to bottom. Love this post Paige, with the Christmas music playing in the background it was all dreamy like:)

  8. Oh Paige -- I love your dreamy white touches -- so beautiful and soft and creamy! Have a wonderful week!


  9. Oh, I love what I see so far....and cannot wait to see the rest:)

    I am feeling a bit of panic myself....we are decorating this weekend. We are usually done by now, but we are really behind this year. I think I might adopt your "simplify" this year..... I just don't have it in me.

    Hope you have a wondreful and stress free week:)



  10. You're so RIGHT... we do love the same things!!!! EEEk... I could just crawl up on your floor and look at everything right now! Lovely girl!

  11. Oh my! The silver branches in the urn are so simple and elegant. So whimsical. I need a cup of hot cocoa and sit in that chair next to it and gaze!

  12. I love the idea of simplifying!! Your branches are beautiful, I have some from fall, now I'm thinking of spray painting them silver or white for the holidays!

  13. What gorgeous decorations! I'm not even close to being ready for Christmas yet. Oh well. I'm having too much fun with my toddler!

  14. Paige, I think your idea of Christmas decorations is perfection!!! I LOVE what you have done! I wish I could pop on over for a visit and see what you've done in person...

    :) T

  15. I love your theme "simplify" it feels calming and cozy. I was having the same thoughts...feeling behind and i just gave myself a good talking too... told myself to calm down and enjoy the season, have fun doing it and it'll all fall into place!
    I always find your blog soothing to my soul,

  16. who can pull a stick from the backyard and make it glorious?!?

    Paige can!

    I love what you do.


  17. Beautiful house. Beautiful post. Yes, isn't advent, the whole season, all about hope? The hope we have in Jesus. The hard part for me is to remember that... to focus on the hope that is in Him, and not get so distracted by everythign else.

  18. I love what you've done and I can't think of a better word than simplify right now.

  19. Such a beautiful post, Paige. I am in such a panic here with decorating (not much at all done yet, but stuff everywhere!). My tree is up, but completly bare (I do ALL the decorating myself, no help from boy).
    You decorating is just gorgeous. LOVE all the white and silver - I really want to stwitch things up with my Christmas decorating, but this is just not the year! ;)
    Blessings, Paige!!

  20. You are cracking me up right now! I'm always on your blog!!! I just haven't been good about commenting! Loved the thanksgiving post and was so ready to write my sweet thank you note to someone and STILL haven't done it!!! Excited about your hope post and all of your Christmas decor - it's always so pretty!

  21. lovely post! I came by way of Erin Leigh. I see you live in GA - me too!

  22.'s all so beautiful, Paige. Love the rolled music paper tied with seam binding under the cloche. Just saw something very similar in a magazine.

  23. We have a lot of burlap, vintage papers, mercury glass and greenery too. We also have branches but on our kitchen table with cut out doves hanging from them. Everything looks beautiful!!!

  24. Yours is always one of my favorites! I can't wait to see the rest!

  25. I too am decorating simply this year...I want to focus more on playing board games and making cookies with my kids. By the your white painted cute.

  26. Simply beautiful Paige! Love it, love it, love it!!

  27. Love the writings and just such inspirational pics..thanks!!

  28. After seeing your testimony and lovely home I can see that the beautiful heart you have just poured itself all throughout your decor, what a wonderful way to live! Your girls are lovely=D


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