Monday, November 23, 2009


{these images are not from 1996 ...but made the post nonetheless}

thanksgiving 1996
one of the most memorable thanksgiving holidays ever
let me explain~

my husband gregg had passed away just two weeks prior
the girls were all tiny
& honestly
might have not even realized it was a holiday

but the Lord had blessed us with a precious family
the Lewis's

Joyce had stood beside me the night he passed away from me
& basically was beside me
anytime i needed her

she had lost her best friend to cancer a few years prior
she was a kindred spirit to me
a friend who had walked this road with another loved one
she was strong for me
& she was joy for me

that holiday
they invited me & the girls
plus my parents
to join them as they celebrated

i don't remember if their home was spotless
or if the leaves were blown off the driveway
i don't remember what dishes were used
( you know...the things we all worry about)
i don't remember alot from that day

but what i do remember
is the amazing feeling of love
of being protected & cared for
by a precious family
who made me & mine feel like one of theirs

i have much to be grateful for
an endless list of things i don't deserve
many things i know i take for granted

but i pray i am cultivating a grateful heart
in me
in my girls

i want them to know that even during the darkest days
the Lord provided for us
that thursday in november

the Lord loved on us through the generosity of others

i pray i can do the same

i plan to write a note to my friend this week
& remind her how much i treasure her
how grateful i am for her
a handwritten note
not an email
or a facebook message
not even a phone call
but a note
a stamp
a walk to the mail box

i encourage you to do the same
think of someone
maybe someone you don't touch base with on a regular basis
that has blessed you

take a moment
write them a note

& thank them

i wish each of you a very very Happy Thanksgiving


  1. What a lovely post and tribute to your friend.

    Like you, I have someone who needs to know how much their support means to me - I think a handwritten, stamped, walked to the mailbox note is in order.

  2. This was beautiful Paige, I love the way you can feel the emotion and the sentiment in every word you write.

    Thank you for being so very inspiring,

    Simone :)

  3. Such a lovely idea Paige. I love to receive a hand written note. It's just special. I'm wishing you and your beautiful family the happiest of Thanksgivings this year. Without the bad, how would we ever really appreciate the good? You clearly do!

  4. Paige...this was so beautiful.
    You are such an inspiration~
    I hope that you have a lovely Thanksgiving and God bless you and your family~

  5. We all love to see something that comes in the mail that is not a bill, don't we? And if it is an expression of thanks and gratitude, can you even imagine? Yes, stop and take a moment.I will. Thanks for bringing it to lif for me and for reminding me that everything doesn't have to be perfect on Thursday. Just being together. Yes!Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Nancy

  6. sweet post paige. i am sure your friend always thinks of you and your family this time of year too. bless her for being there for you. have a wonderful thanksgiving!!

  7. Oh wonderful your note will be...but your strength just amazes me and what a terrific friend to have! Have a blessed are a sweetheart for sure and you can see that in your children's eyes...I LOVE it!

  8. Oh Paige -- what a sweet friend you have and you are to her too! I will definitely be following your example!

    Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and your family and friends!


  9. Oh sweet Paige that was beautiful. I can't imagine how hard that first Thanksgiving was and to have a true friend who was there for you...priceless. Thanks for sharing that. It blessed my heart today. Hoping that this Thanksgiving will be one of many joys and much to smile about. Love ya girlie.

  10. Thank you for a beautiful post. It is a wonderful tribute to your friend. What a blessing that God placed her in your life. Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. So very nice~ A happy holiday wish to you and yours

  12. This post just touched my heart. I have been thinking of my grandparents who live far away and will be alone on Thanksgiving. You have inspired me to take the time and write them a letter to let them know I am thinking of them. Thank you Paige. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


  13. I love the idea of a handwritten note too, it's a lost art these days. I used to have tons of pen pals and loved writing my family. I think it's what drew me to blogging.
    You are blessed to have had such a special friend be there for you! My grandmother had a heart attack, in our home, an hour after Thanksgiving dinner, when I was a senior in high school. She went into a coma and never recovered, passing away a few days later. So Thanksgiving is a hard time for my family, yet I am thankful we were all together that day and that she wasn't alone. And I am thankful that she inspired me to be a writer, I am finally working on that again! :)

  14. What a precious story Paige. It is amazing who comes through for us when we have a need or a struggle, I am glad you had that perfect someone. I am sure she will treasure your note as much as she does your friendship. happy thanksgiving to you and your family!

  15. What a wonderful post. Hope you and your family have a nice Thanksgiving.

  16. Thank you for reminding us what is important about the holidays. Blessings to your family this Thanksgiving.

  17. Oh, sweet Paige, this is such a beautiful post. Blessings to you and your family during the holidays.

  18. Paige ~

    I'm glad you had such a warm and loving friend to lean on when things were so very hard for you, that is such a blessing!

    I'm sending out a big hug to you and a big Happy Thanksgiving too!!!

    :) T

  19. Paige, what a beautiful post and a treasure for your friend... when one door always opens..Happy Thanksgiving....

    ps...I will not tell you what I ended up spending last

  20. wonderful post. you paint a prefect picture of your thoughts, of your feelings. how gifted you are. i can't imagine how that must have been for you. but i can imagine having a friend like that. how great it is to have someone like that in your life. and how great it is to remind them how much you appreciate them.
    have a wonderful thanksgiving.

  21. Paige, I'm wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving... your post was beautiful, your friend sounds wonderful. I know she will treasure your note. Great idea for me to do as the rain fall and the kiddos play I should sit and write a note!!!
    thank you,

  22. wow, i love what i learn about absolute strangers but still . . . women of faith, children of God, all of us, who have a story to tell. God is good!

  23. What a lovely post Paige. May your Thanksgiving be blessed.

  24. Thanks Paige for all you do here on the blog. You write such inspiring words to all of us it is such a blessing. I love your idea of a handwritten thank you. Something we all need to do more often. I hope you and your beautiful family will have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

  25. really have a gift. An amazing way to pierce right to the heart of it all. Thank you for this lovely post. I think I'll go write a note...

  26. oh paige! what a wonderful post! i could feel the moment! you are such a strong and awesome person and i love it! your girls are so blessed to have you as a mom! and your friend will love your sweet note! i hope you had a great thanksgiving! xo

  27. just brought tears to my eye's and that doesn't happen often.
    I love you paige!!!
    I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your beautiful family.

  28. What a beautiful post. Hope you had a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

  29. Paige you have such the gift of word it can only come from God! You are so loved by all who are lucky enough to find you!

  30. hey paige
    you know i am a new reader and did not know your story until reading this post...what a testiment to God's faithfulness you are...everyone has a story because he stretches all of us...i love reading!! thank you!

  31. What a nice post. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I actually did send a note to some good friends of my parents whom I mostly correspond with a Christmas time. It was a spur of the moment thing - not sure why I thought of doing it this year when I never have before. I am sure they enjoyed it and it warmed their hearts. thanks!

  32. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart.


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