is simply
the day before Thanksgiving
a relaxing day just making sure i have all the fixin's for the feast
the day after Thanksgiving arrives
i wake up & realize
that despite my best intentions
i feel a little bit of panic start to creep in
all the things that must be done
in the next 20ish days or so
start flooding my mind
usually the weekend of Thanksgiving
i'm finishing up all the decorating
several packages are already wrapped
& hanging out beneath the tree
but this year
i've only bought 2 gifts
which are not wrapped by the way
i worked a double shift this past weekend
we were out of town for the funeral of a precious relative
whose military funeral was nothing short of breathtaking
& we celebrated my sweet Dan's birthday
this morning when i awoke
{early--the new me, thankyouverymuch}
& walked downstairs
the wonderful fragrance of a live frasier fir filled the air
& gently reminded me
its all good
it'll all get done
& my focus isn't on "all of it" anyway
this week marks the first week of advent
& my desire is to truly focus on just that & be reminded of
how much the Lord has blessed me & my sweet girls
i'm hoping to get an entry about hope up before the week is out...
but if not...( get the entry done that is)
the tree is up
the lights are on
just waiting for the girls to arrive home
& decorate it
all is well
my decorating is intentionally simplified this year
goodness...if i had to chose my word for 2009
it would certainly be simplify
so in keeping with that theme
i left multiple boxes unpacked
i pulled out simply what i wanted to use this season
& without any guilt
put the rest
all away
even the dozens of dept 56 Christmas Village homes
much to caroline's dismay
i'm using creamy whites
mercury glass
some burlap
& vintage paper shred here & there
this antique silver platter is filled with a few vintage sheet music pieces
an old key & crystal from an old chandilier
vanilla candles
they're there...just realized you don't see them in the pic
& in the evening looks simply lovely
when the light flickers
each year i really change things up
& each year i like the final effect
but this year
might just be
my most favorite
& just in case you were wondering
everyone loved the ginormous bowl of vintage ornaments
in fact
its probably my favorite decoration in our home!
hope to share some pictures soon
these last couple pictures are not of christmas decorating...
but just a few things i added that will blend well with the neutral wintry look i'm going for
some silvery white spray painted branches from the back yard
that i thought i'd just use during the fall , but love 'em so much
they're staying for Christmas!