Tuesday, March 03, 2009

little bird

Little bird

that's been my nickname for her since she was born.
my smallest daughter at birth, weighing 6 lbs,
with petite delicate features & the brightest blue eyes.
she was an easy pregnancy, delivery, baby & basically is still an easy child.
are all middle ones so?

This is a big week for her
this coming weekend will be her final performance
having come to dan & i weeks ago, sharing that she wanted to stop dancing

for 11 years this has been her world
the last two years , it has completely consumed her
dancing 5 days a week and during production- 7 days a week.

while i want my girls to find a passion, i want them to be balanced and feel that they can enjoy many facets of their life. ballet has been an all consuming , year round love of hers. i have thoroughly enjoyed watching her in her element up on the stage

but she feels its time to spread her wings

so little bird

i am so proud of you
i stand behind you completely supporting your decision
(which ever way you went sweet girl, we were going to be right here for you)
i pray these years in dance have engraved self confidence & joy in your soul
i pray the future years will do just the same
no matter where the path may lead

may you spread your wings
sweet child
& fly

Happy 14th Birthday my Madison Grace

You are loved more than you'll ever know

You will always be my tiny dancer



    Paige I love this sweet tribute to her and love how you adore your girls.

  2. What a sweet birthday tribute. All of your pictures are so great...your subjects are beautiful! my middle one has been the easiest too!

  3. What a beautiful tribute to Madison. I adore the pictures of your girls!

    Happy Birthday, Madison!

  4. Paige-
    Beautifully written! Happy b-day to Madison! Enjoyed our lunch date today. :o)


  5. Happy Birthday Madison!!

    What a beautiful post and gorgeous pics of your precious girl.

    I hope her last performance is a memorable one......good luck!


  6. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! I just love dance. I know that her experience with ballet will offer her a confidence and grace that will last a lifetime. It is wonderful that she has the strength to move away from something that has played such a big role in her life...I wish her luck in her next big endeavor!

  7. I adore how you call her little bird and now its time for her to spread her wings! I've always loved her cowgirl pose! Beautiful family!!!

  8. what a lovely post Paige, and i just love your girls, love em!!
    p.s. i am now a paige follower as well.

  9. Happy Birthday to an absolutely beautiful girl!

  10. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl! What a lovely post to her. Her sweetness shines through your words and photos! Hope you are all having a wonderful week!


  11. Happy Birthday to your little bird. I love how you make each one of your daughters feel so special, and how you understand and appreciate what makes them unique.

  12. You take the most amazing photos of your gorgeous girls! Your girls must feel so loved by your attention and sweet words.

  13. hi honey
    This is a gorgeous post...Bought tears to my eyes...She is one gorgeous girl....and you are one gorgeous mum...Love ya C xx

  14. What a sweet tribute to your girl! Happy birthday to her!

  15. Happy Birthday Madison! I can't believe that you are 14- wasn't it just yesterday you were in my kindergarten class? I loved every minute of being your teacher- and have loved catching up with your life on this blog. You are still the sweet, caring, compassionate, beautiful girl that I got to teach so many years ago. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  16. Awww so beautiful! I think ti is great she knows she wants to stop and that you respect her decision.


  17. Just a beautiful post Paige - so heartfelt & loving. It's great that Madison can come to you confidently with such a decision, knowing that you'll support her unconditionally. As a parent that's a skill that is not easy to master - great job.
    Millie ^_^

  18. I imagine that was a hard decision to make but how wonderful that she is so loved and supported. Happy birthday to your beautiful bird!

  19. the best word to describe your blog is magical...

  20. Paige, You have such a sweet way with words. This was a great post to read.

    Happy Birthday to Madison!!!

  21. You made me cry; just found your blog today after clicking around a few blogs that I love. My lil one just started ballet last monday and I just posted about it with tiny dancer, your tiny dancer, Madison, is bigger now, and lil bird is so so darling. I had to share my appreciation for this post. it touched me. jana


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