Friday, March 06, 2009

moments from a snow day

Monday, the girls were out of school due to the gorgeous snowfall we had on Sunday.
My sweet Emi has for some time not enjoyed being in front of the camera.
It was so gorgeous outside, the sun shining on the perfect white snow,
I begged her for a quick photo shoot.
I told her over & over again just how beautiful she was...
it was truly magical to watch how she glowed that day
....her sweet little 12 year old spirit just soared with confidence
( those middle school years are so hard )
....& mamma captured 250 shots!
atta girl!

My usual muse was not quite in the mood however,
especially when i requested she throw on her new cute dress found here.
she loves her funky red dress but it was a little chilly
a jacket would have killed the look i was going for
duh a starbucks white mocha bribe was involved & she was back in her warm jammies in less than 5 min-thanks anyway little bit

even mr cardinal look regal in his red

the little nest outside my kitchen window sitting in the bradford pear that had already begun to blossom...hang in there little robins, its almost time.
please leave me some remnents from your blue eggs
i so love to collect those

i'm certain she's thinking....
"yes i love the snow
but i'm even more excited that this weekend
it'll be up in the 70's
and soon i'll be sportin' my lilly dress that my mamma loves so dearly"


  1. Oh my! Love these of my little Sarah Evans (I mean Emi, smile!). Long day here at work and had to take a visual break. Please tell Emi I said she just looks BEAUTIFUL in these images.

    Have a great weekend friend.

  2. Gorgeous images my friend and WOW you tell Emi for me She is simply gorgeous, I especially love the black and white ones and the fun ones with your dog...Finally here the mornings are getting crisp and a little autumn like - YAH!!! Love ya C xx

  3. love the pics in the snow!

  4. I hope that Emi can look at these pictures and see how beautiful she is.

    Gorgeous pics... I didn't take my camera out, but my parents did. I need to steal some of theirs!

  5. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! That close up of Emi's face in black and white is breathtaking!!! My daughter has that white coat or one like it. Too bad we don't have the pink leopard scarf!! Too cute! :)

  6. What a treat the snow must have been for the girls. I went to college in Montgomery (I grew up in Illinois) and thought it was hilarious how everything was canceled with one flake of snow:-) Your girls are really photogenic...and who doesn't need and want to be told that they are lovely and beautiful????

  7. going back to hospital
    3/03 Mama has taken her radiation and is having her antibiotics.We are hoping the surgery will be Friday to remove the kidney.
    They will cut her from her back to the front then down to her groin,remove her bottom rib then the kidney.
    The Doctor says she will be down for 6 weeks and will have to take 7-10 meds for a while.
    When we left tonight she was on pain meds and said if they keep taking stuff out of her there wasn't going to be enough left when she does pass and asked the doctor to save her rib for her and trying to eat a Krispy cream doughnut and drink Mountain Dew. Her spirits are good and said to tell her darlings hello.Were taking her art and some items y'all had sent some while ago to decorate the room so she has her favorite items around her while recouping. we will keep you updated.Thanks for prayers and thoughts and the treasure and trinkets that have arrived,She is waiting till after the surgery to open goodies sent to give her spirits a lift.
    Now I wonted to say a few words about Mama,she has been a great lady who always took in other children off the street to help them ,always sacrificed her life to put us through collage and always wore hand-me-downs so we had the best clothes.Worked had in the garden to can food for us and aways had a smile on her face no matter how bad things got.SHE GAVE UP AND NEVER DATED AFTER HER DIVORCE, WITH NO CHILD SUPPORT TO GIVE ALL HER TIME AND DEVOTED TO US CHILDREN AND ALWAYS GAVE UNCONDITIONED LOVE TO US.
    I hope her friends here will keep her in their thoughts till she returns home.

    This is Dusty,one of Mama's daughters.She has had a really bad night with the pain,If any of her friends here would like to see a donation in a small creation of art , cards or money it would be greatly appreciated. Her hospital bills and meds are running high.Thank you for any thoughts.
    It can be sent to
    Jessie LaVon 854
    Demopolia ,Alabama 36732

  8. What sweeties. Love the pictures. Your girls are so beautiful. Nothing like a last winter's snow for a little fun. It reached 70 degrees here yesterday and my spirits soared. Spring will come again. God is so good.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Beautiful pictures...of nature and your beautiful girls!

  11. Paige,
    I just love all your pics. YOu really have a talent for getting the perfect shot. The snow pics are priceless.


  12. Paige,
    Such sweet images you captured. Your daughters are precious. You have such a talent in photography. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Paige -
    Darking photos of your beautiful girls!
    Love the cardinal too :)


  14. Great photos!! Your Emi is so beautiful!! How fun that you were able to get so many gorgeous photos of her! And little bit -- in her cute dress and then her snow gear! You are an awesome photographer!!
    Have a great week.


  15. Gorgeous pictures Paige! What kind of camera do you have by the way? I love your little ones dress. That looks like something Emma would adore. I was so sad to see that her dresses only go to 5t! How old is your baby? Jen

  16. Head on over to my have an award waiting for you!

  17. I just love these images! I can believe that it snowed last weekend and today it is what 78! Crazy GA weather!

    Ladybug hugs,

  18. As always, your girls are TOO cute! They are always so gorgeous in your photos!

    We too enjoyed the warm weather this weekend in VA. Let's hope spring is here to stay!

  19. Fabulous photos of your girls

  20. Lovely always! (love that red damask dress!)

  21. Your girls are beautiful!! I love the one with Emi and the puppy dog!

  22. oh, i am loving the snow pictures!! precious!

  23. What great pictures. You really captured the beauty of a snow day. I'm so ready for Spring. I want a sweet little Robin in my tree:)


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