Friday, February 27, 2009

I know we're still weeks away....but its close...I can feel it.
Spring in Atlanta is always spectacular.
But more exciting than unpacking all our Lilly!

One of my girlfriends called the other day from Costco telling me they had Lilly for $25
--shut up & bring me home a few.
(gonna need a membership there for sure)
& I must tell you, I found these ridiculously cute sandals~
I sound like a snob, but lets face it~ we all love Target
but you'll need to head on into walmart to get these little numbers.
So Caroline is set!
Lilly shift $25
great sandals $7.50
dressing like a palm beach cutie for less than 40 bucks

For Valentines, my sweet guy bought me several charms for my silver james avery bracelet. Kristin actually gave this to me the night before dan & i married , with a dogwood blossom ( we married on easter weekend).
10 years have passed
& now my bracelet is completely full & doubling up on some of the links
--i love that jingle.
So to get my charms added, I needed to trek over to the mall

Our newest mall in Georgia is ginormous
I really don't like the mall
but this one has front row special 1 hour parking--i can whip in one "corner" of the mall
cruise through Nordstroms & pick up some of this

they were having a special
so i snagged this yummy bath gel for free

& splurged on the most wonderful candle ever.
Nordstroms customer service is above & beyond fabulous
I love going there
on that same "corner" i also have JCrew
speaking of stellar customer service
I love those people there
they make me happy
tried on some of these
they make me happy too
but truth be told...i totally scored a pair of jcrew white boyfriend chinos flare leg for
at good will!!
don't hate me
it was a total fluke
i have gone maybe twice in the last year to buy some jeans
(& yes, i've scored on some great Gap ones there)
but low & behold
these were on the front rack beside the jeans.
i never look through the other things because it takes entirely too much time

So after a surgical strike through my favorite corner of the mall ,
that i don't enjoy going to ,
I left a happy customer after being treated so wonderful by the folks at
Nordstrom, J Crew, James Avery, & Pottery Barn.
Is there really any other necessary stores there anyway?
( fyi--this mall sadly doesn't have anthro )
So back to thoughts of spring
I picked up this , what was once a tiny, hydrangea
from Kroger just after Christmas
I have kept in on my kitchen table & have thoroughly enjoyed its company

& yes, my shells all returned within moments of packing up Christmas
they help all the Lilly clothes feel welcome


  1. oh Paige! I've sooo been missing your posts and this is a GOOD one!!!! I bought my girls lilly dresses at Costco last year. Now I might go again today! Wouldn't they make cute Easter dresses? Would you mind if I copy your idea for displaying your shells? I LOVE IT!! I also love the hydrangea!! I've been getting excited about peony season! They're my fave!! Oh how I wish I could sit with you in your beautiful home with our girls playing in their lilly dresses and have a tall glass of iced tea! ;)

  2. Okay. Such a fresh, spring post. I am praying for Spring! Side note. At times one can find great bargains at J Crew. You just have to be on the lookout. I love how you post these days with all your fun finds. Have a happy weekend my friend.

  3. this post has me wishing my girls were still little! They still love Lilly but you don't find $25 Lilly in their size! Those sandals are too cute, I want those in my size!

  4. Really cute sandals!

    Oooh, I've been a James Avery fan for years. Some of my favorite jewelry are James Avery pieces.

  5. I did on a post on those sandals too! I have bought Lilly at Costco before. I wonder if ours has them yet (I am in CT)--I better go call them!

  6. looks like you might have to just meet me in Palm beach now wont' you!
    I will have to check out Costco, and drag my tush into Walmart.

  7. i love this post!

    i have reaked havoc on my Costco for the little gal in the house .. my older sister is also a huge Lilly fan - so, AC is set for almost everyday of spring and summer.

    i want to smell that smell!!!!!!

  8. Those sandals are so cute....and I love the dress too!! Looks like you are ready for spring.....I am too, but the weather just doesn't seem to be breaking up here:( We are still bundled up in sweaters.

    Hope all is well....enjoy your weekend!


  9. Everything's better in Lilly...

    And you sweet Caroline is especially darling!!!

    Are you not THE best bargain shopper in the universe??? Rock on with your bad self in your cool jeans!!! (wait...does that totally date me as a middle aged mom...because I would NOT like that!)

    Fun post...and I'm with you...BRING ON SPRING!!!!


  10. Oh what cute clothes.
    Tomorrow is the first day of Autumn/Fall here in Australia.

  11. Gotta love Costco's for Lilly P and the sandals...too cute. Come on spring!!

  12. This morning while driving downtown, I am disgusted to report that snow landed on my window. Yep. Spring is now a couple of weeks away here in Indianapolis. I'm totally envious right now but I know I won't be come summer. Love your cute bargains and happy for you that you will soon be feeling warm sunshine on your cheeks. You are totally making me want to shop, by the way. But I'm holding off for 5 more pounds then I'm headed to Gap for some new jeans.

  13. Wow!! You scored some great finds! Love that you are having spring there -- I want spring too -- but we got 5 inches of snow! But melting next week, I'm sure!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Hi Paige!
    Nothing like bringing out the LILLY every spring! Living in FL, I get to do it a little early.
    I bought a few Lilly dress for gifts (no girls myself :() at Costco last year. Sure do wish they would get some big girl things too :).
    Those sandlas are just darling - can't believe they are from walmart!
    And ...Philosophy Amazing Grace is my very favorite - I've been using it for years now - love it!
    Oh, and don't talk to me about JCrew - I have the hugest love affair with that store. Just can't stop!!
    Such pretty flowers & shells :)


  15. Such a fun post. I have a charm bracelet that is mostly filled with James Avery too. Love it.

    I will be sure to find a walmart to get some of those sandals too cute. I just joined Costco and did not see at Lily dresses but I am heading back to look again!

  16. Love those cute sandals for your little Caroline. She is just precious!

  17. Paige!
    How I have missed you and your blog! I just popped in to say hello! *waving*
    Sending lots of hugs friend!

  18. Paige~
    I just LOVE your blog :) we are in the car on the way back from Florida and in my suitcase are 2 pairs of those sassy and white! Just wanted to pop by and say hi!


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