Monday, January 12, 2009

these were in one of the devotional emails i receive...
thought you'd enjoy
smk summer 08

– Never outgrow your love of sunsets.

– Love God more than you fear hell.

– Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.

– Make major decisions in a cemetery.

– When no one is watching, live as if someone is.

– Succeed at home first

– Don’t spend tomorrow’s money today.

– Pray twice as much as you fret.

– Listen twice as much as you speak.

– Only harbor a grudge when God does.

– Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.

– ‘Tis wiser to err on the side of generosity than on the side of scrutiny.

– God has forgiven you; you’d be wise to do the same.

– When you can’t trace God’s hand, trust his heart.

– Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.

– Don’t feel guilty for God’s goodness.

– The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.

– Never let the important be the victim of the trivial.

– Live your liturgy


  1. If I could only live by a few of these my life would be greatly blessed. These are great. Thanks sweet Paige!

  2. Wow Paige that is gorgeous...!!!! and a sweet as always photo of Savannah!!!! Love ya C xx

  3. wonderful words to live by my dear!

  4. Those were great...if only all of us could live by them, the world would be a better place!

  5. Definitely words to live by....

    Beautiful picture too!!


  6. And that is a perfect way to live and face your maker at the end of each lovely sunset at the end of every day.

  7. Those are great -- thanks for posting!

    Sweet photo of your daughter!


  8. i could spend days on just ONE of those ...

    thank you!

  9. Oohhh Paige, I love those!! I need to print those out as a contant reminder! Thanks for thinking of us!

  10. Beautiful... I've visited you before but not in a few weeks, I love this, it's been on my heart that: like it or not, we're living our legacy...I posted about it on Tuesday of this week. This fits into that, live your (intentional) legacy...thank you~

  11. I like hat a lot and needed to hear a few of those. Thank you for sharing it.


  12. WOW, what a beautiful picture of your daughter!
    And I loved these powerful messages! Thanks for sharing!


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