Friday, January 16, 2009


made little one a snack today

she told me she left me a love note.....

how stinkin' cute is she?

a couple of things out there in blogland that i must share with you...

I'm so thrilled I just can't stand it!
I have carried her picture around in my bible for months
Her family's picture is on my photoboard
& the little painting ( as shown above) i purchased for duhbuduh is hanging on my art table
not a day has passed where I haven't thought of her & prayed she would heal

today she made her first blog post since the crash
i had to email her, as i'm sure tens of thousands did also
i just had to tell her how much this girl in atlanta,
whom she'll probably never meet
just loves her so~

#2~ cutie pie Kasey is doing a totally fab give away.
in my next life, i think i should come back as Kasey
for crying out loud...
she has the cutest little home
& an anthrolpologie wardrobe that i sinfully covet..

#3~ precious Cathy

Cathy is one of the sweetest warmest people i've ever known. Cathy is amazingly talented & makes the most wonderful charms , beautiful handmade priceless treasures. I can tell you , she puts a her heart in each one she creates from her wonderful cottage home.
Her daughter & my middle two girls have become best of friends. They instant message & email each day & have done so for months. They speak of Kirstie as if she's just right here & truly a part of their day.
I love talking to Cathy, sharing secrets, asking mom advice
( she's an incredible "mum"~ wink) & just truly treasuring our friendship.
Only bummer....precious Cathy lives in Australia. Well, that in & of its self is not truly a bummer just makes it hard to hang out & have tea together.
Sweet friend wrote an entry today that just warmed my soul.
I am so glad I found you sweet friend
You are a kindred spirit indeed
& one day, yes i truly believe one day,
i'll hug your neck in person instead across the sea


  1. What a sweet little one! You seem to be having a wonderful new year. May the LOVE keep coming!!!

  2. Tears for me as well. (lol) Right back at you friend, Kirstie and I are already saving for our trip your way. Love ya heaps C xxxx

  3. A LOVE note? How precious! Your little one thinks your a pretty special momma :)

  4. i LOVE the love note. so precious - you are so loved.

  5. what a sweet note from your little girl!! what a cutie pie!

  6. Okay...that little love note is truly the cutest thing I have ever seen:)

    I meant to order a charm from Cathy a long time ago and with our move and chaos it slipped my mind but I love her stuff. Thanks for reminding me about her.

    Oh and so thrilled about Nie Nie. praise God.

  7. Oh, Paige, This is the BEST news. I read the last post on NieNie's blog, which said to "Stay Tuned." I am so happy she's at home. Her children (& Christian) must be thrilled to have her back. Thanks for filling me in.


  8. How precious your little love note is! Sticking cute!
    And I love that NieNie is back! I just so elated for her and her family! What a powerful story she has to tell and what an example to the rest of the world about love, faith, and miracles.
    I love that you see this! It's one reason why you're so awesome!
    When I grown up, I want to be just like you! ♥

  9. Sweetness all the way around. So excited for NieNie. Now that is a huge praise. I have been out of the loop much with her since I have been so busy, so thank you. It is dear to see that you have a heart for NieNie and have just continually prayed for her healing.

  10. You make the kindest and sweetest post of just about anyone - they are always so precious to read ;D I loved it that she left you a love note :D

    Ladybug hugs,

  11. How sweet...I heart the love note. And thanks for the updates on these other sweet bloggers. So happy Nie Nie is back

  12. I have a little suprise for you on my blog......


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