Monday, January 12, 2009


This past week I spent a great deal of time cleaning out drawers, closets & cabinets.
This former packrat, now proudly, shall I dare say borderline minimalist, loves a good decluttering! Filled up the suburban more than once & headed over to goodwill & the local co-op. When I arrived out our little community co-op I went inside to see if anyone could help unload & sure enough, there was a table , just beside the door labeled "free items".
At least 14 dozen vintage pink ornaments in their little vintage boxes were there
...are you kidding me?
I asked the lady if all of them were really free...I mean where have these people been...a tiny fortune in vintage goodness laid there before me! She said yes & please take them... please. So I picked up a couple of the boxes & then again she tells me to please take them, that they really needed the space.
Couldn't bring myself to take every last box but I did leave with about 10 dozen---I honestly think she was more relieved that I 'took' all the ornaments than that I had a huge car full of donations!
So coming holiday '10 we'll have a super cute vintage pink shiny brite wreath
....or maybe I should whip it up for valentines.....

As I drove home that day, I thought about the little lady who these ornaments must have belonged to. How 50 years ago, surely she had the cutest tree on the block all filled with pink shiny brites. I wondered , am I driving by her cute little home now? Does she still live there? Or did her family just donate them opting for the newer fancier or maybe even some nonbreakable style ornaments. Well, either way, thank you sweet lady~I'll take good care of them.


  1. What a "SCORE" for you!!! Your one lucky girl. I can't wait to see the "oh so fabulous" wreath you create with all those lovely ornaments.

  2. Are you kidding? I can't believe your find, and 10 dozen wow. If you want to get rid of any, please let me know, I would love to buy some.


  3. Oh my gosh...I have such ornament envy...I LOVE those!!! I have been on a kick picking up vintage Christmas "stuff" lately here and there as I antique (yes...a verb in my book!...but you hit the mother lode...and THEY WERE much fun was that!!!

    And good for you and the de-cluttering...also working on that here...and it feels great!!

  4. Oh goodness! Score! I guess so! What a lucky find!!

  5. I can't believe what a find you have! They would make the most darling wreath with pink, red and white balls of yarn attached with them for Valentines...maybe I will just have to make that myself. Don't you love that right when you thought you were cleaning up you brought more home. At least it wasn't a lot, they were free and such a sweet vintage find.

  6. YOWZER!!!!!!!!!!
    Vintage Lily

  7. that was a real score!

  8. What a find! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  9. wow!! i'm in the decluttering mode myself. simplify! i want to know what you do w/all the cute clothes from your daughters? do you re-sell them?? i still LOVE your blog!!!! many blessings! happy decluttering!

  10. Shut up. I am totally pea green with envy. That's it. I'm headed to goodwill tomorrow.

    Thanks for the sweet words on my blog today. I just know that you and I would be the best of friends if we lived in the same time. Except that I'd hate you because you're wearing my boots and using my vintage ornaments. But other than that.

  11. That is an amazing find my friend....You can't find anything like that in dear little Aus....Hope you have a beautiful week...You are definitely in my thoughts...Love ya heaps Cath xx

  12. That is the find of the year!
    Check out designer Eddie Ross's blog...he did an adorable wreath of pink ornaments. I've been searching clearance sales so I can make my jealous of your find!

  13. What a find!!! They are so cute...I can just see them on your white tree.....I think you should do one up for a couple pink hearts and it will be perfect!!

    I am working on the decluttering is amazing how much junk you can accumulate in such a short period of time!!

    Hope you have a great week my friend!!


  14. Wow! That is crazy! I wish I could be so lucky! I want them!

  15. Okay I am so happy for YOU! and a little bit green with envy. Although I cannot think of anyone who deserves a sweet surprise like that more than you.


  16. For free? For real? What a fantastic find! I adore vintage ornaments, and pink ... just awesome. You could actually make a pink heart shaped wreath for V-day. That would be gorgeous.

    If you have a minute, Paige, stop by my blog for a great Cath Kidston giveaway.

  17. That's amazing!! How precious! You were meant to have those, dear girl! You are now the keeper of pink wishes!

  18. what a fabulous find Paige..can't beat that price :)

    Hope all is well with you and yours

  19. On my goodness- such pink delights!! Fabulous find :)


  20. Wow...what a STEAL! Can't wait to see what you use them for!!

  21. Score on the pink ornaments, Good comes to those who clean out and donate.

  22. Wow -- what a lot of pink goodness you found! Bonus -- you got rid of a lot of stuff too. Sounds like a perfect trade! Enjoy!


  23. Ooohhh, score was right!! Very nice Paige...I'd be lying if I didn't say I am a smidge jealous!! They'd be cute out for Valentine's day!!(you know, if you just aren't ready to put them away just yet).

  24. I'm speechless! Never in my life would this happen to me! You win best find of the year and it's only January!

    And I'm sure that little lady is smiling at the thought that those ornaments have got a loving home.


  25. Wow what a find!
    I am with you on the de-cluttering ,..such a good feeling!

  26. Are you kidding me?!! What a lucky girl!

  27. those ornaments are beautiful!!! good find, and what a sweet lady!

  28. What a sweet blessing. They weren't there for you by mistake. I love them. They remind me of my grandma's ornaments that the movers lost when I moved here to Tampa. I keep looking at them on ebay but I never buy them. I think you should save them for next Christmas.

  29. Wow, you really did score. Please tell me you are going to show us what you do with them! I can't wait to see!
    And I just about cried as I read your sweet thought to the little lady who had all of these ornaments. What a heart you have! God knows it too! ♥

  30. OMG Paige! What a lucky gal you were to score these gorgeous pink FREE shiny brites! I know you will do something wonderful with them.

  31. i can't believe you got those ornaments for free!!! i'm a sucker for anything vintage!

    now you can tell the "free ornament" story each year at christmas when you pull those babies out! :)


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