Tuesday, January 06, 2009


so our computer starts acting funny wednesday of last week--yes new year's eve. by friday it was obvious something was amiss. unfortunatly our computer fixer guys were closed until yesterday to celebrate the holidays--the nerve.
so between having four girls home all enjoying their own computer time
me working extra hours last week to make up for taking off almost all of december
& then the virus or spyware or highjacking blah blah blah of my computer....
i feel like i'm totally out of the loop & way behind in catching up with everyone.

i missed you!

yes, christmas is all packed up. except for my terribly late blog entry, where the christmas music was apparantly still playing...everything was packed up by the saturday after christmas.

as much as i truly love december,
the anticipation
the excitement
the license to have the color red everywhere with glittered goodies all about
the time to spend with my family doing extra fun things that usually only happen in december
the celebration of the birth of christ...

i do love the calm of january
the unhurried, uncluttered, unscheduled month of january
things settle down & time to just snuggle up and enjoy everything all clean & crisp ( give or take maybe a few too many dreary days)

i will say we enjoyed one of our best christmas seasons ever.
everything just went smoothly. i never felt frazzled or overwhelmed. shopping & wrapping was all finished early. no one was sick. even all the multitude of nutcracker performances went well. so proud of madison...she truly loves every little detail about ballet & performing!

i pray your holidays were wonderful too.


  1. Your pictures look like something from a Degas painting. Just dreamy and magical. So thankful that you had a sweet and special Christmas...we have missed you!

  2. These images are lovely - I wish that we would have come and seen her dance. The ABC was such a disappointment - didn't even realize that we were at the Nutcracker for the second act. She is just beautiful and what grace - you should be so proud :D

    Driving out to Mall of GA tomorrow - got plans?

    Ladybug hugs,

  3. welcome back my friend!
    wonderful pictures....

  4. Happy New Year my friend!! Sounds like your holidays were wonderful....and Miss Madison looks beautiful.....I am sure you are one proud Mama!!

    I am glad to hear you have a nice relaxing January ahead....ours is a little chaotic....looking forward to February when things finally slow down for us!!

  5. I am so glad that ll went well and you felt peaceful. I love these photos.


  6. Oh no! Your computer too? It is hitting everyone!

    Beautiful photos!!!

  7. so glad to see a new post. i've been running crazy too. jan will be just as busy. hopefully i can find more time to blog. i need to email you and kristen.

  8. You must be a very proud mother! Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous girl!


  9. january's my favorite month to pull out old magazines and a quilt and snuggle...and not give a hoot about the dirty dishes, laundry, floors etc. quietly whispering my name...i pretend they're whispering someone else's name! happy january. the pictures are precious! i hope my daughter enjoys ballet for many years to come! glad you had such an enjoyable christmas too! i await every post of yours...with much anticipation! blessings!

  10. Oh Paige I missed you too my friend...Madi looked so, so lovely...and I know how proud you must be...Will talk more soon...Luv ya Cath xxxx

  11. glad you christmas was peaceful and relaxing! love your ballerina photos!

  12. Such lovely photos of your beautiful girl!! Sorry to hear of your computer troubles. Ours was acting up too -- think it was due to excessive drywall dust!

    Enjoy the quiet of January. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family.


  13. I always love your photos. Just lovely!

  14. I always look forward to reading your newest post! So thankful that God has blessed you so richly.

  15. Oh my gloss. Those photos are amazing. They give me goosebumps. Thanks for inspiring me with your daughter's photos...they are magical!!

    Teresa McFayden

  16. The photos of Madison are just stunning Paige. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.

  17. What beautiful images!! Christmas is my favorite time of year but yes, it is exhausting. I agree, the calm of January is welcomed.

  18. Pretty Images of Madison! I love the one of just their feet. Looks like something someone would purchase for their wall. Little bird looks happy in the other images all the way into her heart. Glad your holidays were just peaceful and good to catch up quickly with you yesterday.

  19. oh the ballet photos are amazing! she is beautiful, and they bring back so many memeories!

  20. What gorgeous photos of your ballerina! She is mesmerizing!

    So glad your are back up and posting! Glad to hear of your great Christmas!
    Happy New Year, my friend! Wishing you many blessings in 2009!

    With much love,

    Sharon RN

  21. Hi Paige,

    It's so good to hear from you.
    Glad your Christmas was a blessed one.

    I love the pictures of Madison & the ballet. I love it that she has such passion for what she loves to do. What an inspiration !


  22. The photos are breathtakingly beautiful... glad your back in the swing of things. I actually love January- no holidays, birhtdays, it's a nice break.
    Happy New Year Paige!

  23. Happy New Year Paige! I love seeing the photos of Madison dancing and of all of your beautiful girls!

    Wishing you a wonderful 2009!


  24. Paige,
    I came here, finally, to get caught up with your blog and, reading through the entries that I've missed, I felt such a range of emotions. I sighed at the beauty of your pretty ballerina, gorgeous photos of the girls with Santa, and pretty, little Christmas trees and decorations; marvelled at the beautiful way you wrap your gifts (and that you actually do it for each one!), chuckled at Caroline crying on Santa's knee, the red boots and my recognition of "the boots" that you wanted so badly and finally got (now I want them...) and felt such sadness for your daughter's little friend.

    You write so beautifully, and I shy away from calling anyone "sweet", but I can't help myself - when I think of you, I always refer to you as Sweet Paige. I will be sending up prayers for that little girl and her mother. Some people just have too much to bear...

    Take care, and I will definitely be back sooner, than later ;)

  25. WOW, breath taking pictures!
    I love them!
    So glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday. I did as well.
    Glad you are back!

  26. She looks absolutely beautiful and the unique pics you took amaze me. I know you are very proud of her. Happy January!!


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