Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a day at the pink pig

Caroline & I had a great treat yesterday....we were able to hook up with Debbie & LiLi to ride the famous Atlanta Pink Pig!!

Debbie & I have become great friends thanks to the wonderful world of blogging.

& that she the most precious thing or what!

precious friends....

ps~~yes those are the boots! the red arrived here all safe & sound, just as my friendly Anthropology sales person promised.....god gless her!

& this is one happygirl :)

on a much more serious note...thank you for praying for Daniella. Sometimes we tend to underestimate the power of prayer. We feel so helpless in these situations. Yet, storming the gates of Heaven & interceding for those in need truly is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer.

She has begun a six week course of radiation. We've visited her a few times this week & her spirits are up. She & Madi are so sweet together.

thank you again


  1. such beautiful pictures my friend!
    and love the boots....

  2. What a fun day....those two girls are as cute as can be...and so fashionable!!

    You my friend, are rockin those look FANTASTIC!!!


  3. I am behind in my blog reading, I am just finding out about your daughter's friend. I have said a prayer for her...and your daughter, too. Beautiful pictures and girlfiend........LOVE THEM BOOTS!! : )

  4. Did I saw how much I loved the boots yesterday :D Can't wait to see the red ones. Okay - LOL - as dreary and damp as it was today - little miss thang wanted to go ride the PP again today and she wanted it to be just her and Caroline! How cute is that! I love the pictures that you sent me too. I can't get on the desk top tonight so it will be tomorrow before I can post more to Flickr.

    BTW - You know that Daniella is in our hearts and prayers.

    Ladybug hugs,

  5. it looks like a great trip! the pink pig looks so fun. i am glad your boots came, post a picture of your rockin' those:)

  6. You are too cute (and stylish) in your red boots! Love them!

  7. Awesome boots!! :) So glad that you were able to get them!...What fun to meet Debbie and LiLi at the Pink Pig!! :)

  8. Precious! She is just too cute for words!
    Sandra Evertson

  9. What a fun time!! Love that Pink Pig!! And those two girls are beyond adorable! You look fab in your boots!


  10. That place looks like heaven on Earth! And two little angels to boot (ha! get it? boot!)

  11. Looks like you had a really sweet time. Glad for you.

  12. Praying in Faith for Madison's friend Daniella and her family too.

  13. Girl, those boots are fabulous!! Beautiful photos as always.

  14. just love the sweet photos of all you girls! and how precious are those little smiles...oh, and how could I not mention those boots! You go girl, You look FANTASISTIC! and ...those boots are
    talking! : )

    Sharon RN

  15. I'm not sure what the Pink Pig is.. but it sure looks like lots of fun... cute, cute little girlfriends!

  16. I grew up riding the Pink Pig (the I'm dating myself) and having Breakfast with Santa at Rich's. If I think real hard I can still smell the bakery.
    Such wonderful memories.
    I've since moved all over but have come back to the south to live in NC but I haven't been back to see the PP in a long time. Loved your pictures!!
    Thanks for the walk (or ride) down memory lane!


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