Monday, December 15, 2008

wrapping things up~

For the first time in many years, I actually feel ahead of the ballgame~most everything on the list is checked off.
My desire is to enjoy these days leading up to Christmas.
Have my heart focused on why we celebrate & have a home that while things are bustling and busy as they should be , the atmosphere is peaceful & joyful.....hmm.....that's what i'm going for anyway!
While I can only dream of whipping up wrapped goodies as lovely as are a few shots of some of the packages this year.
For a few years I wrapped everything in white paper & used only gold and silver large ribbon wrap-think the girls thought that was a bit of a a few colors made the cut--who says i can't be flexible!
I also enjoy using old photos that are glittered up as name tags.
Madison's nickname since she was a tiny 6 pound baby has always been little bird, so a few birdie touches are seen too.

I loved all the silvery gold mixed with the tiffany blue, so i added a few items to a plain green wreath...tada!

Third Day is my all time fave group ( along with James Taylor of course). They released a Christmas album , I think it was 2 years ago--it came out in October....true confessions...i started playing it then. All the talk about keeping Christ in Christmas & keeping the thanks in Thanksgiving translates into no christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. Well, I certainly i don't want to offend anyone, but to me the entire Thanksgiving & Christmas season are as one. While I truly have so much to be thankful for, all good gifts are indeed from above. The reason I have much to be thankful for is because a tiny baby came born in a manger to give me hope, to give me peace, to give grace & eternal life. I want to celebrate his birth all year long. So yes, I start my music early--helps keep my heart wrapped around his love for each of us & the grace he gives us each day.
This year Casting Crowns released their Christmas project & of course, I started listening late october.
If you want to listen to the links, make sure you pause my playlist first.
Enjoy your week


  1. AMAZING as always! You do so many wonderful adorable things! I just LOVE it all! LOVE IT!

  2. Oh my Paige...just beautiful...truly the stuff of Christmas dreams. So inspiring. I am still a little behind the 8 ball...but you have given me something to aim for....lovely!!

    Enjoy these special days...


  3. Hi Paige...I came across your blog a couple of months ago and have been following ever since...I recently posted about how I am having a hard time finding my Christmas spirit .... after reading this post and seeing the lovely pictures...I feel as if it has just been sparked inside of me! Thank you for sharing...I look forward to reading on...

  4. WOW!! Your packages are so beautiful!! ALmost too pretty to open-- but I'm sure the girls would not agree with that idea! Have a wonderful holiday season!


  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous my friend!!!!Your gifts looks stunning....Some shopping still to do here...You are constantly in my thoughts...Luv c xxxx

  6. Paige!!! You are putting my presents to SHAME! That is the prettiest gift wrapping I've ever seen!! Do your girls think all moms have it together like you? Waiting on baby any day! you are sweet to keep checking - will definitely be induced this Friday morning at 7:30 if baby doesn't come before then! Keep you posted!

  7. You are absolutley amazing!! Those gifts are so pretty, I don't know if I could open them!

    I am glad you are feeling ahead of the game....I am behind and feeling frenzied!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week...Happy Holidays my friend:)


  8. Paige, I had to stop back by and tell you that I stopped by a few times today to look at all your wonderfully wrapped presents to get a little inspiration. My brain is fried and I just couldn't think so thank you for sharing.

    I adore the one with the white bird - simply beautiful. It reminded me of my Grandmother who passed away this summer. She would have loved this one.

    Happy Holidays!!!

  9. your gift wrapping is amazing!! i might have to give it a try next year! you are so inspiring, I am glad things are finishing up for you to enjoy the holiday:)

  10. All the wrapping looks lovely...very Heather worthy:-) I LOVE the Third Day Christmas album. It is really my very favorite. Have a wonderful Christmas. If I got a present wrapped as lovely as yours it would be hard to open it.

  11. Gosh, even your presents are beautiful! You have such a unique "flair" about you!!

  12. so very pretty! merry christmas, paige. love, rebecca

  13. What a gorgeous blog! Your photos are beautiful - so glad I found you!

  14. I love it all, the packages are darling!

  15. Absolutely beautiful. I can't wrap a gift to save my life!! Your girls are darling

  16. I LOVE your wrapping!!! So beautiful:)


  17. Everything is wrapped so beautifully.


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