Monday, August 25, 2008

Sweet Emily

Sweet Emi
How very proud i am to be your mama
You bring such a precious tender spirit to our family.
You are loyal & kind.
You never say an unpleasant word about anyone
You always give others the benefit of the doubt
You still hold my hand
You are beautiful

I hope one day you realize just what a very very special gift you are to me. You see, I found out I was pregnant with you only days before daddy Gregg found the lump that proved to be cancer. He received his chemo & treatment the entire time I carried you. I was so worried something might go wrong....that my stress would harm you, that the chemo exposure would hurt, and most of all~ that you might not meet your daddy. He hung in there literally until the day you were born. I think that he was the more important patient that night at the hospital. But sweet Emi, he did get to hold you & what joy you brought. He passed away when you were only 10 weeks old. For the first few years, your outgoing silly personality was just like him. Your sweet hearted personality continues to unfold &
I love watching you mature
~~ I love you.
Happy Birthday Sweet Emi,
you are my angel!


  1. what a beautiful post! happy birthday sweet emily!

  2. What a JOY and what a BLESSING! Happy Birthday Sweet Emi!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.

    LeAnn :)

  4. Wow! As a pregnant mom right now, Paige, I can't even imagine what you went through! Happy Birthday to your sweet Emily who I know is such a blessing to you.

  5. Happy Birthday Emi! What a beautiful young lady you are growing into :D I understand why you momma is so proud!
    Ladybug hugs,

  6. Happy Birthday Emily...
    What a wonderful day to be born, I should know as it is my daughter's 20th birthday as well. Enjoy

  7. Awwww Happy Birthday to your sweetie! We too are celebrating a birthday today!!!!!!:)

  8. Happy Birthday! I love the way you make birthdays so special. The way you wrap presents shows me that you take great care in it. I want to be more like that.

    Do y'all go out to dinner or do you make a special dinner for her? I have so many questions for you. I think we need to go to Starbucks.

    From what I remember in my head of Greg ... she looks a lot like him. I cannot believe that she was only 10 weeks. You were still in the fog of 'newbornness' and dealing with your husband being so so sick.

    You are strong.
    You inspire.


  9. Happy Birthday! I love the way you make birthdays so special. The way you wrap presents shows me that you take great care in it. I want to be more like that.

    Do y'all go out to dinner or do you make a special dinner for her? I have so many questions for you. I think we need to go to Starbucks.

    From what I remember in my head of Greg ... she looks a lot like him. I cannot believe that she was only 10 weeks. You were still in the fog of 'newbornness' and dealing with your husband being so so sick.

    You are strong.
    You inspire.


  10. What a true gift your beautiful daughter is to you. Happy birthday to your sweet girl...and may she have many many more such happy days.


  11. Paige! What a beautiful post on a darling daughter! Wheew! I have caught up with all that is happening with your bunch! Congrats to hubby too!

    Come by and see the last installment of my mystery trip!

  12. Emily is a beautiful girl and I think you bless her by honoring her in such a special way.


  13. She is a sweetie !

    Happy Birthday, Emily !

    Jackie Carl
    Marion, IN

  14. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!! What a lovely post to her!

    Hope school is going well for everyone!


  15. Oh what a beautiful post and touching story. This post literally brought tears to my eyes.
    I hope she has a wonderful birthday. What a blessing she is!
    I would love to add you to my blogroll.

  16. What a beautiful, sweet lil one. Happy Birthday to her and celebration to you. Sweet words on your post.

  17. Hope it was a wonderful birthday, emily!
    your mom is are just beautiful. :)


  18. What a beautiful tribute to your darling little girl...who is not so 'little' anymore. They grow so fast... Congrats to being able to enjoy it all with your wonderful family. God bless all of you! : )

  19. Happy birthday (belated!). Just wanted to let you know I tagged you. :)

  20. thanks for stopping by!
    what geat pictures, such a sweetie.

  21. Hi dear friend
    Your blog is so gorgeous, I don't feel like I get enough time to drop past many blogs but yours always makes me smile...I thank you so very much for touching our lives in such a special way... Luv c xxxx

  22. thank you for visiting my site. I have loved reading your blog today. Your family is stunning and I love the honesty in which you write. Your love of your family and your faith stand out so beautifully.

  23. Lovely post:)
    I have really enjoyed your pictures on flickr too!


  24. just happened upon your blog.

    simply beautiful post.

    God bless you!!

  25. Oh what a precious birthday post about your sweet girl! I am sitting here in tears! Your family is so beautiful...and your heart, so sweet!
    Thank you for sharing this most special of days!
    Sweet Blessings,

  26. That is a lovely birthday post for your beautiful daughter. Happy Birthday.

  27. Happy birthday to Emily and to you too- (their birthdays are shared by mothers too!) Looking into the faces of each of your darling girls, there is so much joy and love- the best gift of all.

  28. Come by and take a peek at what I have a 'brewin' over at my place!

  29. oh my goodness--I just found your blog. What a strong, loving mama you are. And what a beautiful, beautiful family you are raising. Good on you Paige!


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