Thursday, August 21, 2008

something going on for everyone

August has been super busy around here as I'm sure its been for you.
Here is a little bit of what's been going on these last few weeks~~

first of all, i'm so proud of my sweet guy....he begins his promotion to Assistant Principal at Berkmar High...home of 3,200 kids! he worked so hard all year on his post-graduate & i am so excited for him!!

~ on our way to the Chicago / Doobie Brothers concert (which was actually in July ) Yes, Caroline's birthday is in March, but she really wanted a pool 5 months later, here we have it!

one of her absolutely adorable friends!
Did I mention that surely I have earned some 'cool mom' points lately?
For starters...& this is big....Caroline picked out all her birthday goodies by herself...funky flower invitations, butterfly balloons, hula girl plates & napkins, & store bought sponge bob cupcakes....oh gosh.....years ago, we would have had matching everything & certainly NO sponge bob ( of all creatures ) store bought cupcakes.....they say the youngest child has all the fun! I guess having a mom loosen up on details that no one would have even appreciated is a start :)
This precious child turns 12 tomorrow. She had her party a few weeks ago..... several of her girlfriends over for dinner, bowling, trip out for icecream & a sleep over...whew! She is getting this, these filled with goodies & one of these in raspberry fizz! She is the sweetest thing & now she has started middle school with 1800 other children. Oh I pray they don't eat her alive!

Took these two girlies to the midnight release party of Breaking Dawn.....midnight release party, midnight. & I had a Beth Moore conference the next morning.
Still trying to prove my cool mom case.
The cool mom situation that sealed the deal.....
~ordered American Idol tickets for Savannah & me
~sold my American Idol ticket to Savannah's bestie so they could enjoy a night together.
~checked girls out at 10am to attend alledged groupie signing extravaganza
~orchestrated the major carpool situation for my other girls & their after school activities
~ordered 8x10 glossies of the idols, packed our sharpies & my camera ready for autographs
~stood outside in the 90something degree heat for 3 hours before finding out the Idols were being interviewed by Larry King for Friday night's episode & would NOT be coming out
~lurked around the venue in true desperate groupie form for another hour as my 15 year old hoped & hoped they might change their mind.....thanks Larry
~did NOT get my picture made with Brooke as planned....& I was having a really cute hair day
~did not get David Cook's signature on Savannah's new verizon NV
~took the girls out for chinese
~found out that meanwhile...Caroline was home with Dan & she had a stomach virus
~waited as they changed into concert worthy clothes and then drove home in traffic....without seeing the concert ( sniff sniff) , without my picture of Brooke & me, feeling really bad for Savannah who had waited on & planned the whole meeting of David Cook for months
~found out when I arrived home that Savannah & bff entered a "who has the worst seats contest" & they WON!! they were upgraded from the nosebleed section to 4th row!!!!

(one very happy girl mere feet away from David--that's him in color)
She was certain he was singing specifically to her :)
We've also been gettting geared up for football season!
This year she will cheer varsity & varsity competition so we have loads of fun to look forward to.

Savannah 4th from left with her fellow sophmores

I was able to catch this last shot~ all the varsity sophmore girls throwing back tucks (savannah 4th from right) which is exactly what i might do after i get through the next couple of weeks!


  1. Wow, you are one busy lady and yes one very cool mom. It's great to see how your life has evolved since losing your first husband. You can truly be an inspiration to many women.


  2. Another wonderful posts with wonderful pictures! I would definetly vote for you are mother of the year! You are such a wonderful mom and it shows on everyone of the girls faces.
    How fun! I wish I was a kid again so you could be my mommy! :-)
    Thanks so much for the cute ideas and websites. I LOVE ADORE those cones! I am getting me some of them!

  3. I have been a lurker for the past few months however I wanted to let you know how very much of a blessing your site is to me.

    I LOVE your photography, scrapbooking and the way you share you family and your faith. Thanks :)

    Cheers from Down Under!


  4. You definitely get the cool mom award in my book! Don't you just love a happy ending - 4th row!!!

    Well - now I have something to look forward to :D I get drug the the big game this year - you know the one - us v. them - bees v. doggies :D I can look for your girl - LOL!

    Ladybug hugs,

  5. I think I need a rest after just reading about all the fun you've been having!!!

    Girls...darling...and oh so talented!

    Mom...certainly THE COOLEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!!

    SOunds like you all are in for a wonderful fall full of new possibilities.....keeping you in my prayers!!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMI!!!!!!!!! Much love and many hugs to you. Oh yes, laughter and giggles too and just a great year ahead in middle school. I am looking forward to watching this year unfold beautifully for you.

    Paige - Yes. You definitely get the cool Mom award this month. Funny, working almost 87 hours since Sunday afternoon, I wonder to myself what I would do if I had kids? Would they eat?...(Smile), You would probably find a way to make it work! Such a busy, but, very fun activity month for you.

    Can I please get a schedule so I can come watch Savannah cheer at a game this year?

    Have a great Friday my busy friend!

  7. are busy....and you truly deserve the "Cool Mom of the Year award"! I think you will need a day at a spa when all of this calms down! :)

  8. Paige~
    You are a cool mom..4th row - how lucky were they! OMG, I had no idea you were in Chicago...that's an hour from me, I would've loved to come and meet you in person! Hope everythings going well health wise, I have been thinking about you!

  9. you have been a busy mommy/woman lately!!! love the girls doing back tucks, impressive:)

    good luck with the first weeks of school, the pool party looked like a lot of fun!!

  10. Wow -- you have been incredibly busy and definitely a very cool mom!! Your girls are so lucky! Congrats to your hub -- sounds like a scary job to me! The pool party and all, even the spongebob cupcakes,sounded incredible. Hope you will get a little break when school starts!


  11. OK, Coolest Mom EVER award goes to.... YOU!!!!!! What an awesome post Paige. I love delving into your life via your blog. I love the spongebob cuppies (but totally relate to what you were saying!! makes me giggle...hee), and my Ella is the cheering mascot this year for her brothers pee-wee team...seeing your daughter makes me realize how quickly they will grow up! p.s. i tagged you paige with a little lovin' xo

  12. You have been very busy.
    Enjoyed the photos of the party, nice to have a pool party.

  13. One cool mom is right! As always, love all the photos of your gorgeous girls. Congtats to you husband too!

    UN: mcc
    PW: lulubelle

  14. Summer Fun! Thanks for the links, they are new to me and cute, cute, cute!

  15. Congrats to your hubby! You are the coolest Mom:)


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