Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I heart your blog, too

I want to thank Rita & Sara for sending me the " I heart your blog" award.... I'm totally flattered as these 2 women I check out on a daily basis and I admire them so much!

I'm going to break the chain and do something just a little different.

First off, I have to share with you this story. Ever since running across Stephanie's story a few days ago, I just can't get her off my mind. She is a gorgeous young mommy with more passion for life and for her precious family than anyone I've ever known. Her blog, apparently loved by many, has been rolling for some time. I spent much of the weekend just reading all her fun entries. She's amazing. She just spills out love all over each entry. Her horrific story has touched many & there is already quite the support being built out there for her & her husband. Her sister has a blog full of links and information tracking her extensive healing. I would love to post her family's amazing recent photo, with permission from Wendy of Blue Lily Photography.....you must go here..... to see the rest.

Oh how I pray for her healing.

On another note, I would love to share two blogs that are just special to my heart.

These ladies are by no means new to blogland , but just a couple of my favorite women who have much wisdom & much creativity too. I wish they lived on my street because I'd love to hang with them and just learn about life from them....
Becky & Rebecca. Yes, don't hate me, but the journal shown on her current entry...well, its mine, all mine. ( as soon as I paypal her anyway~ wink!)

If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, I'd love to introduce you to my new special friend Cathy. She is my kindred spirit & has quickly become one of my favorite people. I am honored to call her friend! Our daughters have become fast friends too. So what they live in Australia....maybe one day I can actually squeeze her neck. Cathy creates the most gorgeous soldered charms ~~ I wear one almost every day!! Cathy is a beautiful person who happens to have a beautiful blog.

Two ladies who I am just thrilled to see they have a blog....
Ki Nassauer....thanks Lynda!
& Rachel Ashwell...if you sit still, I'm sure you too can hear the hallelujah chorus

I also love to swing by Erin Vey's blog.
She has a great dane- I had a great dane & all owners of great danes, well, they're just good people.
She has incredible photography skills.
She is cute as a button
& since I love doggies, its a fun place to visit & think happy thoughts.

By the way, I mean no disrespect including such a serious story along side the fun blogs that I like. I just wanted to share people that touch me, whether by their character and lives they live or their courage and passion for those they love, or just a creative soul who a "visit with" does my heart good. This blogland is incredible....serves a creative outlet & brings us together. I love it.

Thank you Wendy for allowing me to showcase your incredible photography. You have an amazing gift. Another great reason to move to Cali!

Blessings to you~

On yet another note, I will have my surgery Monday. I will be so glad to get this behind me & get the final pathology report back . Surely a shopping spree to Anthro is just what the doctor will order for my recovery.....don't ya think?

ps~just found another great blog tonight... the inspiredroom & she's doing a great give away too! i must get off this computer!


  1. Love the image of Sweet Caroline! That outfit is to die for :D Okay girlie - when your ready to do that recovery shopping - call me and we can meet a L. in B! LOL - you know where I mean :D

    I cannot tell you how long I have read NeiNei and I was SO saddened when I heard the news. They are in mine and many's prayers.

    Well - getting late
    Ladybug hugs,

  2. Your sweet little Caroline is such an adorable model! She is such a cutie!

    Sending prayers and healing wishes for your surgery. Take care.


  3. Paige, you are so sweet. I have been very behind in catching up with my friend's blogs this summer, and I feel guilty hearing of your health issues so late. I will send up a prayer for you for your surgery, a great path result, and feelings of ease restored.

    You are such a sweet mum...you can tell that you are so adored!!

    Take care,

  4. Thank you so much for linking to my blog... you may feel free to use any of my photos of their family as you'd like, with photo credit as you are now doing. I'd love for the pictures to grace your brilliant blog!

    Blue Lily Photography

  5. More adorable photos of Caroline to enjoy! Such a treat!

    Shouts of joy went up from here as well when I got the email announcing Rachel Ashwell's new blog!

    Many thanks for introducing Nei Nei. I had never read her blog and her story is so touching. I just spent the evening catching up on her blog and she has such a beautiful family. We were just in Provo for my niece's graduation from BYU and I wish I would have known before hand about the balloon launch. What a tribute that must have been to see.

    I will be sending prayers your way on Monday for a successful surgery, great report and peace and comfort restored to you and your family.

  6. My prayers are with you Paige!

  7. You have such lovely photos of your girls. I'm glad you posted about NieNie. I too can't stop thinking about her. I wish you the best with your surgery.

  8. Fun blog entry and my favorite yet. I love all of those blog places too and read about Stephanie from "A room of her own a while ago". Many prayers to that family as they go through long healing! Fun that you have become kindred friends with many even abroad. Makes the world seem sweeter knowing people all over.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You know I just "heart" your blog too! You are so sweet!
    Your little Caroline is as precious as ever.
    My daughter, Krissy and my niece Anica first told me about the plane crash. Krissy is doing an auction on her blog page over at http://thenahsonsens.blogspot.com.
    I love it when you make a new post! I know there will always be something lifting and inspiring to read and such beautiful pictures to see.
    My hearts love to you!

  11. Thinking of you and your healing. I am praying for peace and health for you. I definitely think shopping at Anthropologie is a good way to recover. Love you choices---all of them:)


  12. Oops. Not sure what I was thinking. I actually stated incorrectly. The blog I read and found Nie's info on a while ago.Should be, A Room Somwhere...http://roomsomewhere.blogspot.com

  13. Dear friend across the miles...just wanted to tell you that I am keeping you in prayer. I know in my spirit that you will be fine and all will be well.

  14. Paige! I am sitting here in tears! Thanks for sharing this story! And your lovely friends blogs as well!
    I have some news myself...come by and take a peek! You are in my prayers and thoughts through your surgery and recovery!
    Bless you friend!

  15. Praying today for good results and even better shopping!


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