Would you think less of me if I confessed that yes, I do indeed judge a book by its cover. I am always drawn to the graphics & the image on the front. I love a thick page with the edges all ruffed--I don't know what that's called but I love it.
Looking at these covers , wouldn't you guess they would be great books too?
Well, they were.

Chosen by a Horse....tearjerker. What was I thinking? I cant handle sad animal stories. Strange thing I can handle sad people stories, bad sad animal stories, no way.
Reedeming Love~probably the best story I've ever read.
Swimming Lessons~sequel to the Beach House. Loved 'em both, love Mary Alice Monroe. & yes, they both have great covers.

Swan House~ historical fiction based in Atlanta. loved it! loved it!
Dwelling Place ~ the sequel to Swan House, personally didn't find it to be quite as fantastic.
Grayson~precious true story about a girl swimming with a baby whale. Has those ruffly page ends that I love.
Harry Potter 4 & 5~fabulous, amazing, what more can be said. i've never read anything remotely as creative as what J.K. has done in this series. Huge books, have taken breaks and read other "lighter" books inbetween. The girls have given me a Nov 26 deadline ( release date of the movie-duh.)

The Shack~ I was a little hesitant to read this one. Usually books that are "all the rage" I stear clear of.
Oh my.....amazing!! A must read. Will change you!
This little fella was in the yard today. Apparantly enjoying the stiffling 100 degree weather. Fall , where art thou?

I have received a few questions ~~ sorry so late in my response!
The matching brown & white giraffe bikinis --from Gap kids this season.
The bright blue & white matching dresses from a few posts ago---Lilly Pulitzer summer 2006 line. Truth be told, last summer all the girls had a piece in this print, even big Dan sported the matching tie while we were on vacation. Gotta love a man that will wear a Lilly tie, in public no less.
The dresses below are also Lilly. Believe this is an older print that came out in 2002.

A precious reader asked me weeks ago, maybe months ago to recommend some great christian music. Obviously music is a personal preference but a few of my fave's are Third Day, Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, Chris Tomlin & David Crowder. Christie Nockels has the voice of an angel-she has sung with her hubby in the Christian group Watermark, and supposedly is going to release a solo project soon.
Since I am a little all over the board, I wanted to thank you~ Jackie Carl. You don't have a blog for me to swing by but you always leave a sweet encouraging comment on every post....thank you! thank you! :)