Saturday, June 21, 2008

the same, yet oh so different

Having four girls , three of whom are all close in age, it continues to fascinate me as I watch their different personalites & temperments unfold.
& yes, they are all so uniquely different.

Meet Emily, or sweet emi as we often call her.
This almost 12 year old has a tender loyal heart & i mean loyal. I liken her to the character Lucy in the narnia series. never holds a grudge, never treats others as she's been treated-she outkinds everyone, thinks everyone is good, is kind to all people, gives you the benefit of the doubt, quick to forgive, can be stubborn, tells me often that she thinks I'm pretty, very naive, loves her baby sister, will hold my hand in public, wants to be a school teacher, & asks everyone she sees to pray for her grammy who is quite sick.

My little bit, my precious baby girl Caroline, born 5 years later but on the same day that my first hubby Gregg was diagnosed with cancer. I know I've shared that before but I think its just a special little gift from the Lord.

Its so sweet to watch each of her older sisters completely dote on her. She loves them so much & they love her big! She is very outgoing & has a super cute personality. Not a whiner, very gentle & affectionate, smiles & giggles constantly, loves Jesus, athletic & things seem to come quite easy to her. loves to read, independent, loves chocolate, currently has her toes painted sky blue, a leader & has the cutest button nose I've ever seen.

oldest sister & littlest sis...definitely think these two have the most in common & remind me of each other. It brings joy to my heart to watch these two have such a fun relationship as they grow up.
My valentines day girl, Savannah--15 years old...oh my!

talk about growing up in the blink of an eye.

sometimes when i see her smile, i can still see that little 3 year old face , that sweet girl that lost her daddy at such a young age. i see that precious girl that made me want to get out of bed each day & keep on keeping on when the world was too big for me.
here is that smile she had 12 years ago...

very smart-has had straight A's from kindergarten through 9th grade, top 10% in her class of over 700, has more friends than she can count, great sense of humor,a talented gymnast/cheerleader, completely obsessed with david cook, an ferocious reader, wants to go in the medical field, super independent & loved dearly by me. currently doesn't have a boyfriend ( not that they aren't constantly asking!) & has never acted like she really needed one --you go girl!

i love that she's the age where we can talk & dream about her future. she will be a great success at whatever she chooses...skies the limit baby girl!
thirteen going on thirty, Madison Grace my middle child.

very easy to please & oh what a blessing that is in a house full of girls!, loves to shop, has always loved to dress up, loves all things concerning fashion & fun hair too!
my ballerina, tenderhearted, probably the most introverted in our family, never liked to read until she discovered harry potter & now there's no stopping her, calls me mommy, has the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen, laid back & gentle. keeps the messiest room in the house, dependable, my helper, loves little children & thankfully not boy crazy!
growing up into a lovely young lady right before my eyes!

I try to not compare the girls or make them think that I value a certain quality higher than another. I love that they are all so different--definately makes for fun in our house & a little bickering here and there is ok too!

I love you girls!!
I am so tickled to share a special treasure that arrived today from Australia!!
an absolutely gorgeous charm created by my new dear kindred spirit blog friend, Cathy.
I have loved these silver photo charms for years & this one is perfectly made!
Drop by & say hello and see her beautiful pieces.
Thank you thank you dear Cathy!!!! this will be an heirloom treasure for each of us!

another ps~ the shades of inspiration photo button at the top of the page is a flickr group that Sara has started. I began a little late but am looking forward to seeing what everyone brings to the group! check that out too!

have a great day!


  1. OH what fun! I SO love coming to your page to see your writing and to see those beautiful girls of yours. What fun times. I remember when my 3 girls were all home and growing up...oh it was so much fun...and some bickering too! They are all grownn now and mommies. It's so fun to watch them love their own babies. Kudos to you. I love your passion for your girls. What lucky girls they are to have a wonderful mother like you! thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Oh Paige, this was simply beautiful. Talk about a cherished gift~ your daughters are fortunate to have a mother who takes the time to write down the things that make them so special.

    Not only your writing but your photos are also stunning~

    Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself and your girls~ it is an honor to get a peek into your world.

    Have an amazing weekend,

  3. Paige I forgot to tell you ~ your new photo on your blog is gorgeous!!!!

  4. I LOVE THIS !

    Jackie (Marion, IN)

  5. Paige, you really have done a beautiful job 'introducing' us to your sweetie girls! They are all unique and beautiful in their own ways...and yet, they build a bond of a family together. The photos are gorgeous and it makes we a little wishful that I had been at the beach that day and had had a chance to meet all of you in person! Your new photo on your profile is awesome! We are loving the new you! : )

  6. What gorgeous genes y'all have! I love how you cherish them all individually!

  7. Your word and images are so poetic and beautiful. What love you have for your children! I really hope that I will get to meet you someday - the beauty that I see in these post are that of an amazing woman!
    Ladybug hugs,

  8. Paige,

    I LOVED getting to learn a little more about all of your girls! They are all so gorgeous and I love it that they share such a special bond, that you can just see. I have a brother and always dreamed of having a sister (I wouldn't trade my brother for anything, but the thought of having that bond with a sister is something I would have loved to have).

    I love that all of your girls are who they are and all seem so confident in who they are! That is great! :)

  9. Your girls are just beautiful!!!!! I am glad you liked the charm you definitely deserved it..Love Cathy

  10. what a great post!

    funny, that I relate most to the sweet middle child. my room was ALWAYS the messiest in the house.

    i loved hair and fashion.

    i was the peace maker.

    thanks for sharing this!

  11. What a wonderful post about your beautiful girls. They all bring something unique to the world.

    Absolutely stunning photographs!


  12. I came across your blog tonight and not only is your family beautiful but you take the most incredible pictures. I have so enjoyed reading all about your girls. Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Thank you Paige for sharing such a special part of your family! I loved hearing about your girls...I love the idea of a big family. I hope to have some more soon:) I think the bond between siblings is just amazing! I love how much your love your girls, and value their individualities! Great photos:) XO, Clare

  14. Paige, You have such an amazing family. Your pride in them shows so much and I'm sure they feel the same for you. Your husband is one lucky man.

    Not only was your story the sweetest, the photos were absolutley beautiful. I wish I had your talent.

    Have a great day!!!

  15. Oh my -- your girls all sound so sweet and are so beautiful! What fun to have a houseful of girls to keep you busy! Have a great week!


  16. Just fun. Love watching your girlies grow. So strange as I have remembered holding each one within hours of birth. Just beautiful.

  17. What a beautiful family you have. Your pictures tell the story of how much each member of the family loves the other.

  18. I have been a lurker for many months, but wanted to let you know that i love your blog, and your family is so beautiful. I usually have tears when i read your blog, truly beautiful.
    Chris in Iowa

  19. This was wonderful! I discovered your blog through our fun Sadie Olive Shades of Inspiration group and enjoy it so much. Your girls are beautiful and learning more about each one was great fun. And the beautiful charm from Cathy will always be such a cherished treasure. You are truly blessed.

    Tell Madison I voted for David Cook too! Although, whenever I log onto your blog I play Brooke White. :)

    I can see from your favorite sites that you're a scrapbooker too. Your girls are going to have fabulous chronicles of their lives with a creative and loving mom like you.

  20. Your blog is delightful and your photos, so sweet! Here's to lovely girls and a beautiful life! Suzy

  21. What a beautiful thing to share all the wonderful qualities of your girls. They are all so special and have a very special mum I am sure. My little year old was reading with me and said your youngest girl is so pretty.
    Enjoy your children.

  22. Oh Paige! What a wonderful ode to your incrediable daughters! I am always inspired by you and your darling family. I truly am blessed to have found your blog along my blog travels. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your wonderful family's life! Know that I still hold 'grammie' in my thoughts and prayers dear friend! come by soon and say hi!
    Many warm hugs,

  23. Paige,

    When you have a moment I left you something for you on my blog!

    Krista @ Bits and Pieces


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