Monday, June 16, 2008

though we travel the world over to find the beautiful

we must carry it with us

or we find it not

ralph waldo emerson


  1. You live with the beautiful everyday! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Such beautiful photos of your beautiful girls. Hope you can post more from your vacation. Take care.


  3. I love quotes, and Emerson is a favorite! The photos are so, so nice... words that come to mind when I look at them are cool, splashy, sandy, sunny, fun, child-like, free, simple, peace and beauty. Thank you for the visit to the beach!! It's 110 degrees where I am right now, so I'll try to imagine an ocean breeze...
    P.S. I thought of you today, Paige, when I was at a scrapbook store. They had several sheets of the prettiest paper for beach/ocean scrapping... blues and greens... made me think of you!
    : )

  4. Your photos are poetry miss Paige,,,Jennifer

  5. These are so sweet! I love the quote - it is a very personal one for me.

    Hope that the summer is treating you kindly and the heat isn't killing you on your runs :D Li Li and I are trying to stay cool in midtown this week as Ian is at a camp and we don't feel like driving all the way home just to turn around and go get him :D Tomorrow it is the sculptures at the Botanical Garden - I've heard they are a sight to be seen!

    Ladybug hugs and you are still in my prayers,

  6. Priceless beach pictures Paige! Glad you enjoyed Seaside with your dear family. My husband and I leave next week for Seaside, and it can't come quick enough! :o)

    Yes, we will definitely have to meet sometime... maybe when you come to school in August for registration day?!


  7. such amazing photos, I just love them. I need to get all of my beach pictures organized! I just love see kids by the water, so beautiful! XO, Clare

  8. Paige, I just read your comment on my blog about your mother-in-law. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this tough time. I just hope your MIL is comfortable and isn't suffering with pain. My Grandmother has been slowly slipping away from us. Sometimes she is in such pain, it breaks my heart. You want to make the pain go away and feel so helpless when you can't. She loves it though if we just sit and talk to her. It doesn't really matter what we say, just hearing our voice is comforting to her.

  9. amazing work my dearest! thank you for sharing it with me. so precious. xo

  10. What a lovely series of photos and the quote matches it so perfect.

  11. One of my favourite quotes ~ I use it on my blog too. Pretty beach images .

  12. so beautiful Paige! These are timeless classics! Love it, live it!

  13. Stunning!!! I love coming here and seeing the beauties in your life.

    Have a blessed weekend


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