Thursday, June 26, 2008

capturing the moments

I promise they didn't match everyday.
I promise I didn't talk them into wearing the same suits on the same day~~ because we all know, had it been my idea they would never have agreed.
I promise I did not wear a giraffe bikini that day.

A friend recently asked me how I manage to take so many pictures of the girls ( actually, she probably thinks I'm crazy). I told her that had I have known back then how much I would have grown to love photography, editing photos, journaling & eventually scrapbooking, or that I was to have 4 daughters, that I would have invested in a photography class years ago.

I also told her this....I love the smiles my girls have when they see me spending time working on a photo I took of them. They love it when I spend hours getting things just right in a layout that is all about them. I want them to know how much I value our times together, how much I value their little moments, their simple days & their big events and accomplishments. I want them to feel beautiful & comfortable in front of the camera. Its very important to me that in these days of so much pressure on them , that they know they are a gift to me & I treasure them so. Especially the moments spent at the beach. I love those days & capturing hundreds of pictures allows me to go back and relive those memories day after day.

I probably shouldn't share what my complete view of scrapbooking was years ago....definately not a good one! I thought of large groups of women spending hours together cutting up photos into goofy shapes & writing dorky sayings of what the picture is obviously get the picture. Then I stumbled upon Heidi Swapp--talk about blowing that image out of the water. She is cute & funky --that's all I need & off I went with that. Then along came Jenni Bowlin & Rita too. I love how they take a simple photo, embellish around that & make a little document of life. Now all the goodies out there to choose from & narry a tacky sticker in sight!!

There are so many amazing photographers whose blogs I am daily blown away by. They take these amazing photos in fun & funky settings with vivid colors. Gone are the days of olan mills photos, huh? Watching the way many weddings are now shot & those pregnancy photos too--oh my! Who knew how cute a pregnant belly with mommy's hands folded in the shape of a heart could be? A vintage settee out in a field of wildflowers....oh do I need a shot like that! Anyway, I keep saying I will learn how to use my photoshop elements, that i will take an online course from her, but I never seem to find, err...make the time. sigh

also.....thank you sweet Clare and Susie for sending me this sweet blog award!
Looks like my shout out award today goes to all the fabulous ladies who inspire me to capture & keepsake the simple moments in my day.


  1. your pictures are SO GREAT that I'm almost embarrased to send you my beach pictures! Enjoy your blog SO much!

  2. I look so forward to your blogs and love to read the stories about your girls. If we ever make it down to GA again (we're hoping to move back in time for football season), Im going to have to look you up. Your creativity, spirit, and love for family is an inspiration to me. God has blessed you with so much!

  3. I, too, so look forward to your posts. I love coming here. The way you word your entries is so evident that you have a genuine, sweet soul. I would love to know you as one my "girlfriends for life".

    I also was wondering how & where you are able to get matching clothing for your girls w/ the diffent sizes....thought maybe you made them ??

    Have a truly blessed day.
    Jackie (IN)

  4. Love, love, love your beach photos -- well actually, all your photos -- you are so talented! And your girls -- they are so beautiful! Your youngest looks like she is really getting tall. The giraffe bikinis are so cute -- are you sure you don't have one too? :)


  5. cute! reminds me of my girls! Your pictures are great!

  6. Paige, the bathing suits are too much! I love the one of the girls holding hands and walking towards the water. Thank you for sharing! I want to start digital scrapbooking this summer. Do you scrapbook on the computer or with pictures and paper? XO, Clare

  7. Paige, I have to tell you how much I love reading your blog, and how teary eyed I've gotten on ocassion. In fact, after reading today's post, it reminded me so much of the memories I look forward to making with my Mom and sister when we go to our favorite spot (Destin, FL) every Mother's Day. It's just 4 days of pure girl time, and it's the best! Your girls are certainly lucky to have such a fabulous mother like you. So please keep writing, and I'll keep reading. :)

  8. Your photos are beautiful! You have a great eye for amazing shots. Would you mind sharing what kind of camera you use? I'm looking to invest in a new camera and curious what kind you're using. And love love love the matching bathing suits on your girls - how cute!! :)

  9. Love your love for your Family...Gods Blessings!!!!

  10. My favorite blog written entry yet! Where were the cute girraffe swim suits when we were young? Love, just love the sweetness of your girls. Each year the memories just bloom into something new and beautiful.

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE the giraffe suits and that they matched. How SPECIAL and how SO very CUTE!! All your girls are so beautiful!

  12. Paige, I think your next post should be "Pointers From Paige" on how to take great photos. I know I would appreciate any pointers from you, as I'm sure others would also because your photos are absolutely amazing!!!!

  13. I love how they match, i am curious where you buy most of the matching dresses and swimsuits. I have boys and they are as into matching as girls, but i sure love their outfits and your blog.
    Chris in Iowa

  14. Sorry my boys are NOT into matching as girls are.
    Chris (IA)

  15. I LOVE that the girls (and you guys) match in most pictures...I think it makes for an amazing photo. What I want to know is...I have noticed the girls wearing jewelery in most pics - do they do that on their own? I have a hard time getting my girl to wear a bracelet - at all!! Thanks for shring your pics - I LOVE them!

  16. Your blog is great fun to read. I looove Seaside. It is fabulous. Your girls are amazing. I can totally see from the pictures how lucky you are and how big their hearts are. They are just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing such personal moments!

  17. Once again your entry is beautiful. I have to confess, I started scrapbooking during the early sticker days - although I never cut my pictures into any shape other than oval or round and I only scrapbooked with my mother and daughter. Still, three cheers for Heidi Swapp and all of the other fantastic current designers! I would love to see some of your pages. If they are as wonderful as your photos your girls have very special treasures!

  18. I absolutely love your blog - your pictures are darling!

  19. I love your photography and I don;t think you need any classes. You photographs have this sweet, light spun sugar quality that reminds me of Seaside ...and not just the beachy ones either---all of them. they are beautiful.

    Thank you for the clothes...I sent a check .

  20. I just stumbled across your site and I am in love with pictures you've managed to capture of your girls.

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