Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Dan's sweet mom passed on to be with Jesus yesterday.
She & her precious hubby had been married for 53 years.
Lil had battled four completely different cancers over the last 50 years.
we miss you dearly, grammy....

I also wanted to thank you. Many of you have continued to email me to let me know that Lil was in your thoughts & prayers over these last several weeks & for that, I am forever grateful to you.

I have spent much time over the last several days going through her photos. I know many of you are scrapbookers, journalers, photographers, & self appointed family historians.....what priceless treasures we are leaving for our next generation. I have been tickled just reading some of her notes & memories beside what are now fabulous vintage photos. I am inspired to spend more time journaling for my own children.

Here are two of my most favorite of her & Dan.

Proverbs 31: 30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
love you grammy...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Paige,
    I am praying for you & your sweet family. I hold you all in my heart. I pray for God's presence to be with you & to give you comfort and peace, as only He can do.
    Love & Hugs,
    Jackie (Marion, IN)

  3. Paige,
    I remember not that long ago when you told us that she was, once again, battling that horrible disease. I am so sorry....and I know how sad and terribly difficult this is for Dan. Our mothers are like no other...and I don't care how old you are...when you lose your mother, you feel like a little child all over again. I am saying a prayer for Dan, you and the girls, her husband and all of your family that through these difficult days and weeks and months ahead, that God blesses you, holds you close, and brings peace to all of your hurting hearts. We are thinking of you...
    God bless...

  4. Paige,

    You and your family are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. I could not help but feel overwhelmed while looking at the pictures of her and Dan...how special. Just as you mentioned, her photos and journaling are now more precious than ever..what an amazing gift.

    It's hard to know words that comfort during your time of loss, but know that my deepest sympathy and my prayers are with all of you.


  5. Adam and i have been thinking of you and your family since yesterday. we love you guys and we keep you in our prayers.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this news. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers this week. Take care.


  7. These pictures are priceless. I didnt know Grammy, but I do know that as a mother I pray that I can live long enough to watch my kids grow up and get happily married. I am glad that she got to see the loving relationship that you and Dan share. And she got plenty of time with four beautiul, fun-loving grandgirls. What a blessing that is! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. What priceless memories those pictures hold for your family.
    I bet she was so grateful that her son married such a wonderful woman that gave her four precious granddaughters. That must have been a true treasure for her feeling the love of a woman her son married with those darling girls.
    I am so sorry for your loss for your family. My heart goes out to you and your family at this time and I will certainly prayer for peace and comfort for you all.
    Thanks for letting us in our your personal life so that we may help to bear your burdens with you.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote such a loving post to your beloved mother in law. May you feel peace in knowing she is no longer suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time of loss. Lil sure must have been a force of nature...it's so wonderful to have people like her in our lives...even if the time is too short...

  10. Paige,

    Praying for you sweet friend and your family. Know I am praying, know I am here, know I am with you , Dan and your girls as you walk through the next couple of days. Praying you strength, praying you smiles even still, praying for a soft spot to rest at night. Please send Dan my sympathy. If you need anything friend...I AM HERE. Love to you all.

    What a lovely tribute. What a precious couple! It is so great to see the above picture where she is hugging him for the photo with both hands. I love that. We could only hope to be married for that long and still find comfort and friendship like that in our relationships.

    Love to you,

  11. Paige,

    Praying for you sweet friend and your family. Know I am praying, know I am here, know I am with you , Dan and your girls as you walk through the next couple of days. Praying you strength, praying you smiles even still, praying for a soft spot to rest at night. Please send Dan my sympathy. If you need anything friend...I AM HERE. Love to you all.

    What a lovely tribute. What a precious couple! It is so great to see the above picture where she is hugging him for the photo with both hands. I love that. We could only hope to be married for that long and still find comfort and friendship like that in our relationships.

    Love to you,

  12. Love and prayers to you all!
    That wedding photo is amazing!

  13. Dear Paige and family,

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Lil. I will be thinking of you....


  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Such sweet photos thanks for sharing.

  15. Paige, I am so sorry. Lil seems like she touched many hearts in her tie here on earth, Blessings,

  16. Paige and family,
    Lifting you in prayer. May God grant you comfort and love during this time. Thanks for sharing such special photos of Lil.

  17. Paige~ (and Dan)
    I am so sorry for your living loss, but Lil will remain in your thoughts and on your hearts forever. We will pray for your family.
    p.s. The old photos are very sweet.

  18. Oh, what a beautiful lady and tribute. My deepest sympathy for your entire family.


  19. Oh my friend, I am praying for you, Dan and the rest of your family. She is with Jesus and for that I am thankful, now I ask for God's peace to come and cover you all.

    Hugs and prayers,


  20. My heart is with you. I am so sorry for your loss and for your pain. I pray God's peace and comfort surround you and your precious family. May you feel His presence as he holds you close. Bless you.

  21. Wow, paige. I'm so sorry for your loss and know how much she was loved. What an amazing verse to leave with us today. Thinking of you and your family!

  22. Sorry for your loss, Paige (and family). You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you & your family. You have a beautiful blog. Your words are always heartfelt & your pictures are always amazing! So full of love & life! I look forward to visiting again soon. God Bless. Hugs, Gina (from Illinois..you helped me with my blog awhile back :-)

  24. Paige, I am so sorry to hear this this news! We will certainly be keeping you and your family in our prayers!


  25. Oh Paige! I am so sorry for your family's lose. I loved the pictures, and it is so wonderful to go through all of the great memories. It seems like she was very loved by all of you. Thinking of you, hugs, Clare

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dan, Paige and Girls,
    I don't know if my post went through (if this is the second time I am sorry) We are out of town and so we didn't hear the news. Please know we love you guys and we are praying for you during this difficult time. Paige, I have so enjoyed reading your blogs - we are new to the whole blog world but your words/thoughts/pictures are always refreshing and encouraging. We are so sorry and will continue to pray. Love, Mandy and Sean Chapman

  28. I'm so very sorry. She sounded like a wonderful woman. May God's peace be with you all.


  29. And the blur of the funeral is now past and the moments begin where you capture in your mind forever the Lil you loved....and that she isn't there to call.... I am sorry for your loss. Losing my own mom has made it so very much more real to know he has lost his own as well. Prayers continue for you all and your hearts to heal.

  30. Paige,
    I can only imagine the loss you, Dan, the family and the girls are feeling. Take comfort knowing she loved the Lord and will spend Eternity with Him. I will be praying for strength and peace at this time of sorrow. Hugs,
    Sharon RN

  31. Paige,
    I can only imagine the loss you, Dan, the family and the girls are feeling. Take comfort knowing she loved the Lord and will spend Eternity with Him. I will be praying for strength and peace at this time of sorrow. Hugs,
    Sharon RN

  32. You are in my thoughts my dear new friend...My thoughts and love are with you at this time and always...
    Love Cathy

  33. Paige, I have been thinking of your family all week. I am so sorry. I know that Lil was an amazing woman. I have the evidence in knowing that Coach K is such a gentle, honorable man.

    Prayers for you as you start the 'firsts' without Grammy. Those always seem to bite me the hardest.

    Love to all.

  34. love all that you are about and hugely sorry for your loss...God Bless you dear Paige..Jennifer

  35. So sorry to hear about your loss. Peace and love to you and your family.

  36. Oh Paige! I am so very sorry honey! Oh...how very sad for the girls! I am sitting with tears in my eyes for your darling loss.

    Paige, the next couple weeks are going to be a hugh range of emotions...know that I am holding your lovely family up in prayer through this.

    I am so very sorry dear friend!
    Many hugs,

  37. So sorry....I love the "vintage" photos!!

  38. I am new to your blog, but I can share your sorrow. My dad passed away last april. Your pics are so wonderful and that will make a world of difference. Remember those times, THEY ARE GOLD`

  39. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  40. Just stopping by, to say 'hi'...sending a hug or two across the miles and a prayer that your hearts are being comforted. Hope today brings an unexpected blessing...

  41. Oh Paige, I am so so sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  42. Just sending more love and blessings your way.

  43. Girlfriend, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.



  44. I am so very sorry for your loss. The photos are just beautiful and a wonderful memory. Please know your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.



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